Great DaVinci Code response, please try

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Great DaVinci Code response, please try

Postby Jaltus-bot » Fri May 12, 2006 12:39 am

When you debate with Satan, there is no opportunity for anything but people digging their heels into the sludge of chaos and confusion.

I also hate the idea that some of the sheep would be scandalized away from Jesus by this idiotic story. And they will...

An alternative "boycott"
So, what can we as Christians do in response to the release of this movie?

Some are suggesting a protest. But the problem with this option is that it doesn't work. Any publicity is good publicity. Protests not only fuel the box office, they make all Christians look like idiots. And protests and boycotts do nothing to help shape the decisions being made right now about what movies Hollywood will make in the next few years. (Or they convince Hollywood to make *more* movies that will provoke Christians to protest, which will drive the box office up.)

Some suggest that we simply ignore the movie. But the problem with this option is that the box office is a ballot box. The only people whose votes are counted are those who buy tickets; if you stay home, you have thrown your vote away, and you do nothing to shape the Hollywood decision-making process regarding what movies will make it to the big screen.

Some suggest that we go see the movie so we can be better prepared to discuss it, to "engage the culture," so to speak. But if you've read this far, you already know how I feel about this. The problem with this option: No one's listening. They think they know what we're going to say already.

But I'd like to offer another option.

On DVC's opening weekend—May 19-21—you should go to the movies. Just go to another movie. That's your way of casting your vote, the only vote Hollywood recognizes: The power of cold hard cash laid down on a box office window on opening weekend.

Use your vote. Don't throw it away. Vote for a movie other than DVC. If enough people do it, the powers that be will notice.

The major studio movie scheduled for release against DVC is the DreamWorks animated feature Over the Hedge. The trailers look fun, and you can take your kids. And your friends. And their friends. In fact, let's all go see it.

Let's rock the box office in a way no one expects—without protests, without boycotts, without arguments, without rancor. Let's show up at the box office ballot box and cast our votes. And buy some popcorn, too.

As for The Da Vinci Code, don't go see this stupid movie. Don't pay money to have the insidious lies of the enemy introduced into your heart and mind.

Let's "othercott" DVC on May 19 by going to see Over the Hedge instead.

Taken from Christianity Today at

That could be a good way to get our Christian voice heard on the matter. We won't pay to have blasphemy in theaters, only decent stuff.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri May 12, 2006 1:18 am

Over the hedge? I want to see Poseiden, so I think I'll go for that one on DaVinci's opening day or that weekend. Unless my parents decide to see over the hedge and bring me with them, which could very well happen. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Fri May 12, 2006 7:28 am

Going to see another movie sounds like a good idea to me. Although I was curious about The DaVinci Code...but I guess I could always check out the book from the library or something.
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Postby inkjet1987 » Fri May 12, 2006 7:40 am

I have never understood the controversy of this work of fiction. I'm definately seeing the movie.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Fri May 12, 2006 7:47 am

The DaVinci Code is 100% fiction,despite what the auther says. so my fellow christians remember that if you decide to see the movie or read the book. i'm not saying the book is bad fiction,because it's good fiction. its just decitful if you regard it as a factual and historical tale.

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Postby Tommy » Fri May 12, 2006 8:26 am

Check out this thread:

There may be some language but I think that would be in other threads.

And yes, I am part of this thread and am the only one arguing for Christianity.
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Postby Steeltemplar » Fri May 12, 2006 8:55 am

inkjet1987 wrote:I have never understood the controversy of this work of fiction. I'm definately seeing the movie.

The controversy stems in large part from Brown's claim in the book itself that what he wrote is based upon facts. Of course, much of what he claims as fact is horribly erroneous.

The other aspect is that, fact or fiction, it is still quite certainly a blasphemy. Even if Dan Brown had never claimed any factual aspect to the book, it is still a virulent insult to God and to our faith. Do we as Christians wish to pay money for blasphemy? Does being fiction justify it?

As for myself, I will not see this movie and I shall go as step further to say that I shall never again watch a movie with Tom Hanks in it. If he ever recants what he is doing by starring in this, then sure. But until that highly unlikely event, none of my money will be paying his vastly overblown salary.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Fri May 12, 2006 9:04 am

As I quickly looked at that topic I found this:

"no one can deny that Jesus was a totally deifferent person as we are told to believe, remember:

if your a true christian, believe in jesus, not in the bible"

...the heck?! Contraditions :/

With the movie... as a work of fiction and how the commercial looks appealing it looks as though it can be a good work of fiction, but IS sad that people like my dad believes it :/ Told him it wasn't true and he debated me on it :/ *sigh*... But although it looks as though it can be good, KNOWING you know it'll be fiction, I just can't support it :/ If someone I know rents it when it comes out or whatever, yeah I might take a look. But as far as I'm concerned, this isn't only more controversial, but I saw more dangerous than another specific book turned into movie^^ Actually one of my Christian friends said that the commercials looked sweet and then I was like "...did you know it totally says that stuff in the Bible isn't true basically?" and he was like "Oh... didn't even know what it was about!" Sad when another friend of mine read the book a couple years ago and I had no clue on it and he started talking Illuminalti stuff that went way over my head and then started putting down mainstream religions :/ *sigh*...

And that's all I'll say before I get mad and start ranting^^
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Postby PigtailsJazz » Fri May 12, 2006 9:15 am

That's actually a really really good idea! I'm definitely going to do that!
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Postby PigtailsJazz » Fri May 12, 2006 9:20 am

and one more thing....

I think the controversy with the movie and book and whatnot, aside from blasphemy, is how easily people are brainwashed to believe it. We learned in Psychology that you can be brainwashed by being forced to argue for the other side, so think about it....if someone is really involved in a book or a movie which is arguing that Jesus was married and blah blah EVEN if it's fiction, isn't it possible that they could be brainwashed by the message? Honestly, very soon before I was a believer and hadn't read that book, I heard from someone who read the book that Jesus might have been married, and slightly bought into it.... That is, until I relayed the idea by a believer, who fortunately laid down the smackdown of how that's not possible.
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Postby Puritan » Fri May 12, 2006 9:31 am

Steeltemplar wrote:As for myself, I will not see this movie and I shall go as step further to say that I shall never again watch a movie with Tom Hanks in it. If he ever recants what he is doing by starring in this, then sure. But until that highly unlikely event, none of my money will be paying his vastly overblown salary.

While you are free to do what you wish, perhaps you should take a step back before never seeing another film with Tom Hanks in it. This article indicates that Tom Hanks considers the movie to be fluff entertainment, nothing more or less, and that he thinks it stupid for anyone to believe this film. I personally see no reason to censure him for acting in a film where his intention was just to provide a fun story rather than dissemate heresy. It's a shame that people believe this type of thing because of the film and the novel, but if they are willing to believe a conspiracy-theory based novel they probably didn't have a good grasp of the concepts involved anyway. Reacting to the film will simply cement their feelings that the Church is hiding something, so why not just dismiss the whole thing as boorish and stupid.

I think Jaltus-bot's idea is a good one, let's just vote with our wallets and watch something else. If the ideas are heretical just avoid it and avoid giving any attention to it so Hollywood realizes we aren't interested. If you have to deal with someone who thinks the book is true then it's great to discuss the topic and explain what's wrong with it, and I think it's great to have a discussion about the inaccuracies in the book, but if we go on a crusade against the book, the movie, and the actors in the movie we will simply bring more attention to them.
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Postby Steeltemplar » Fri May 12, 2006 10:45 am

While you are free to do what you wish, perhaps you should take a step back before never seeing another film with Tom Hanks in it. This article indicates that Tom Hanks considers the movie to be fluff entertainment, nothing more or less, and that he thinks it stupid for anyone to believe this film. I personally see no reason to censure him for acting in a film where his intention was just to provide a fun story rather than dissemate heresy. It's a shame that people believe this type of thing because of the film and the novel, but if they are willing to believe a conspiracy-theory based novel they probably didn't have a good grasp of the concepts involved anyway. Reacting to the film will simply cement their feelings that the Church is hiding something, so why not just dismiss the whole thing as boorish and stupid.

I never considered it likely that Hanks was doing this because of any personal belief on his part. His reasoning is more likely money or because he found it interesting or some such. That does not excuse him from taking part in blasphemy, in my opinion. Whatever he might say, he should realize how offensive TDC is to Christianity. I am not going to absolve him of being a part of this simply because he himself blows it off as no big deal.

I am not making some call here for all Christians to boycott Hanks. It is simply a matter of personal taste myself. I have no desire to patronize his films after this.
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Postby beau99 » Fri May 12, 2006 10:46 am

The DaVinci Code isn't offensive to Christianity. There's nothing blasphemous in it whatsoever. It's mere entertainment and a well-written book.

Anyone who actually thinks it's offensive is misguided and only wants to be offended.
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Postby Nate » Fri May 12, 2006 10:52 am

Maybe you should try READING the book before you say stuff like that. Calling the Catholic Church a bunch of liars, and saying the Bible is a coverup for the true story of Jesus, I don't know about you, but I classify that as blasphemy. Maybe your definition of the word is different. In that case, if calling the Church liars and the Bible untrue isn't blasphemy to you, what is?

Yes, I realize it is fiction. Even so, it being fictional does not excuse blasphemy.

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Postby Arnobius » Fri May 12, 2006 11:42 am

beau99 wrote:The DaVinci Code isn't offensive to Christianity. There's nothing blasphemous in it whatsoever. It's mere entertainment and a well-written book.

Anyone who actually thinks it's offensive is misguided and only wants to be offended.

I suggest you actually study Christian history then. Dan Brown has said his work was based on real history, but absolutely none of it was true. His book was based on "scholarship" of a book called "Holy Blood Holy Grail" by a man named Baigent who wrote it as an attack on Christianity, saying the real beliefs of Christianity were lies made up by the apostles to hide the real truth, and making use of pagan beliefs and old heresies saying it was the real truth. His claims of what early Christians believed and what was "altered" by Constantine show that far from doing extensive research, he did no research at all with credible sources and only borrowed from sources of people who published virulently anti-Christian works.

Or maybe you could research the real Opus Dei... far from being a secretive cult, it is a group of Catholic laity who are seeking to become closer to the faith. Msgr Josemaria Escriva has written his own books of Christian meditation (such as "The Way"), which I recommend for their insights. What Dan Brown did here was repackage the old 19th century lies about the Jesuits (assassins, murderers and conspirators) and repackaged them with Opus Dei.

Or perhaps a study of Leonardo Da Vinci might reveal that the so called facts about his life and art are completely untrue, that no serious art scholar believes what Dan Brown claims.

The fact is, the message of the book is "Christianity is a lie." People who take offense are not someone who only "wants to be offended" but is someone who takes their faith seriously and is offended by the fact that the claims made in the story are claimed to be true, when they are not, offended when someone tries to claim that true Christianity is nothing but a fraud to hide what Christ really was. Remember Dan Brown is claiming that his fiction is grounded in "facts." It is that claim that makes this novel more successful than any of the other typical "anti-Christian" novels out there.
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Postby Slater » Fri May 12, 2006 11:47 am

"Some suggest that we go see the movie so we can be better prepared to discuss it, to "engage the culture," so to speak. But if you've read this far, you already know how I feel about this. The problem with this option: No one's listening. They think they know what we're going to say already."
Eh, I couldn't disgree with this comment more. In the Bible, we are commanded to be able to defend our views on things like this... Even if they don't listen, we need to be able to give an answer as to why we think TDC is bunk.
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Postby Arnobius » Fri May 12, 2006 12:15 pm

Slater wrote:"Some suggest that we go see the movie so we can be better prepared to discuss it, to "engage the culture," so to speak. But if you've read this far, you already know how I feel about this. The problem with this option: No one's listening. They think they know what we're going to say already."
Eh, I couldn't disgree with this comment more. In the Bible, we are commanded to be able to defend our views on things like this... Even if they don't listen, we need to be able to give an answer as to why we think TDC is bunk.

Yes, I think the problem with the idea that we have to see it to be able to judge it is to deny the value of the human witness.

I think better than to know the claims of the movie is to know the history of Christianity. I myself had studied this for years, so when someone asked me to evaluate the book, I was not fooled into thinking "this might be true" but rather I saw Dan Brown misrepresented the actual historical events. With study of the truth, it makes it easier to refute lies. This book/movie is a pretty insiduous attack on the Bible as well, letting people claim in ignorance "Oh, well they kept some books out of the Bible." if someone tries to appeal to it in explaining the errors of TDC.
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Postby DrNic » Fri May 12, 2006 12:16 pm

Check out this thread:

There may be some language but I think that would be in other threads.

And yes, I am part of this thread and am the only one arguing for Christianity.

I'm sorry, I got half way down the page and couldn't read any more. I think it's ridiculous how people would choose to believe someone who plagiarise, makes historical information up to further 'mystify' the contents of the story and then turn round and say in an interview "I'm a christian too, I never ment it to be true" rather than a book that was written by 40 different individuals over a period that is too vast for them to compare notes and still not contradict itself and that also stands for right living, justice and truth. It just completely loses me.

Plus Dan Brown even swore in court that he made it all up when asked if all the religious references are true.

As for going to see it, I'm going to. I'd rather fund it and be able to tell people that it isn't true with the evidence that I actually know the plot and so I can't be beaten by the line "You haven't seen it so how do you know?" (I've faced that one when we were discussing Ouji Boards at college :S And don't worry, I'm not going to try a ouji board. Some times its good to not know the details ;P). If you feel convicted to NOT see it then I'd say don't see it, but personally I'm going to at some point.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings.
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Postby Rogie » Fri May 12, 2006 12:33 pm

I'm not locking this yet, but I want to discourage any debating. If things start getting worse in here, the thread will be locked.

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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri May 12, 2006 1:03 pm

I don't go to the movies so don't really care either way.As far as the book itself is concerned,it's not really that good a book if you scan through it.Just your basic thriller with some pseduo-theology thrown in to make it sound more interesting than it was.
btw:One of the plaintiffs in the law suit against Brown,Baigent,came out with a book called The Jesus Papers that's the same sort of humbug.
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Postby Mangafanatic » Fri May 12, 2006 1:20 pm

Don't go see Over the Hedge instead of The DaVinci Code.

. . . Go see Akeelah and the Bee instead. :grin:

I'm having a hard time deciding what to do with this film-- I want to see it in order that I might have an educated opinion concerning the film and have sufficent information to counter the claims made in the film. On the other hand, there is no way to communicate "Yes, I gave you my dollars for this film, but I'm just doing it to be an educated citizen."

Yeah, I'm torn.
Every year in Uganda, innumerable children simply. . . disappear. These children all stolen under the cover of darkness from their homes and impressed into the guerilla armies of the LRA [Lord's Resistance Army]. In the deserts of Uganda, they are forced to witness the mindless slaughter of other children until they themselves can do nothing but kill. Kill. These children, generally ranging from ages 5-12, are brainwashed into murdering in the name of the resistance and into stealing other children from their beds to suffer the same fate.

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri May 12, 2006 1:24 pm

I will TRY to go to a different movie..but I graduate next weekend...otherwise I would go see something else...

that and X3 comes out the following week.. (I AM SO GOING TO THAT!!!!)

ANYWAY back on track...

I think this book/movie sounds stupid... AND I AM NOT GONNA WASTE M FEW DOLLARS on HERESY!

I will waste it on pointless sci-fi/action

simple answer ne?
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Postby Arnobius » Fri May 12, 2006 1:28 pm

Mangafanatic wrote:I'm having a hard time deciding what to do with this film-- I want to see it in order that I might have an educated opinion concerning the film and have sufficent information to counter the claims made in the film. On the other hand, there is no way to communicate "Yes, I gave you my dollars for this film, but I'm just doing it to be an educated citizen."

Yeah, I'm torn.

Well I think there is a difference between seeing it for a valid reason (like preparation for apologetics) and seeing it for entertainment. I think in that case it could be considered aceptable. In my case I read the book for that reason (luckily someone lent me their copy so I didn't have to pay for it).

Of course I suppose you could always pick up one of those bootlegs to make sure the money doesn't go to the studio ;)

<Just kidding, don't really do that>
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Postby Tommy » Fri May 12, 2006 1:36 pm

beau99 wrote:The DaVinci Code isn't offensive to Christianity. There's nothing blasphemous in it whatsoever. It's mere entertainment and a well-written book.

Anyone who actually thinks it's offensive is misguided and only wants to be offended.


That's a good one.

I assume you have not read this novel as other have said. I saw a teaching about this book a couple nights ago proving every theory that puts Christianity down wrong. This movely is highly blasphemous and I believe it is being used as a tool for the enemy. When people read this book, they are doing for one of two reasons:

1) To read a good mystery.
2) To try to convince yourself there is no God so you can live your life the way YOU want to.

You honestly don`t ocnsider this line blasphemous:

Every religion is based on a lie .

If that isn`t blasphemous, then I don't know what is. The whole point of the movie is to prove Jesus never was God in human flesh.

Before I go, here is just is two one more thing I will share:

In the book, the Priory of Zion is a company established in the 1000s lead by numerous people such Leonardo DaVinci that decided things such as:

How many Gospels will qualify for the Bible. In the book, there are 80 and they narrowed it down to 4. They also had a debate whether they should say that Jesus was God in the Bible or someone else. In the book, Jesus JUST made it. Whoo hoo!

And the movement made sure to protect Jesus' bloodline.

To conclude, to prove all that wrong, the Priory of Zion was indeed a real company. However, it was lead by a French Politician in 1956 and was soon quickly eliminated.

They also try to prove Mary Magdalen and Jesus were married and had children which I won't get into But I can prove it wrong easily.
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Postby beau99 » Fri May 12, 2006 2:03 pm

None of that's offensive to me.

Then again, I'm actually open-minded, which is something most Christians aren't.
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Postby Nate » Fri May 12, 2006 2:09 pm

So we're "closed minded" for thinking that Christianity is true? Hmm. Reminds me of what Paul said in Revelation.

15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

If "open-minded" means that I have to forfeit believing Christianity's truth, then I will wear the label "closed-minded" with pride. Better to forsake the world and have Christ's acceptance than to give in to the world and have Him reject me.

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Postby Kaligraphic » Fri May 12, 2006 2:10 pm

It's a book and a movie. Wake me when it's a plush reptilian like David Icke is usually on about.
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Postby Sakaki Onsei » Fri May 12, 2006 2:30 pm

I don't plan to see the movie, but not for the reasons that others have stated.

I just don't go to movies unless one piques my interest, and DVC hasn't.

Last movie I actually went to in the theatres was Spider-Man 2. And that was a couple of years ago...
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Postby Steeltemplar » Fri May 12, 2006 2:49 pm

beau99 wrote:None of that's offensive to me.

Then again, I'm actually open-minded, which is something most Christians aren't.

I do believe that you are mistaking what "open-minded" means. Being open-minded simply means being of the habit of seeking comprehension and fair analysis of ideas which are outside of your own. To see what the Da Vinci Cide has to offer, give it a thorough consideration, and then decide that it is blasphemous is not a closed-minded act. It is the act of an open mind seeing the truth of something.

I recently saw a wonderful G.K. Chesterton quote (thanks to FadedOne, who was the one quoting it):

“The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid.â€
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Postby Mave » Fri May 12, 2006 2:55 pm

If I wait for the DVD to be out, the opportunity to talk about it would have been long gone. Don't even bother with bootlegs. :P

Having read the book before, I definitely don't support the message this fiction is trying to suggest intentionally/unintentional. I find it pretty disturbing if anyone takes the whole plot seriously. This church conspiracy hype is starting to annoy me, alright. :shady: I guess the world delights in seeing Christians being portrayed as wrong since it's sick of hearing Christians telling everyone how to do the right thing. Like it or not, I will watch the movie. As of today, I already have friends talking about it.

my friend through email wrote: Oh yeah, btw, I am officially done with reading the Da Vinci Code, hahahaha. It's so fascinating. But hor, I wonder if Christians/Catholics have any comments about the stuff written in the just curious how they would react to those contents since the book is such a controversy.....

[SNIPPED for the good and blessings of CAAland XD]

Looks like I'd have to study up on my Christian knowledge/apologetics, have a good solid discussion, and tell my buddy my side of the story. Hopefully, my explanation does not give the impression of having some holy crusade against the movie to my buddies. :sweat:

I guess I'm not too worried as God is always in control. It wasn't uncommon to have heresies and false religions after Jesus's time. The Christian faith has persevered throughout the ages and I don't see how a single movie can topple over a faith that has archaeological and historical facts to back it up. But of course, that doesn't mean we should sit back and ignore it. We still have a job of sharing the Truth and defending our faith.

Without sounding too optimistic, this movie sounds like an excellent opportunity to share the Christian faith to others. So, save the freaking out for Judgement Day. ]PS: I'm also curious to know how the book translates itself into a movie format (I never fully visualized the architexture/locations described in the book). [/I]
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