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Postby desperado » Mon May 08, 2006 7:04 pm

Dont forget the controller has motion detection similar to the wii's (probably not on the same scale but we dont know yet) Supposedly it had a tech demo where kutaragi moved the controller irl and it moved it exactly the same way onscreen.

wasnt kutaragi it was harison doing the demos

Also just saw the warhawk thing!!! man im totally hyped about this, controlling the plane by tilting the controller so frickin awesome!

edit again

man im going to have to start saving again....
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Postby Nate » Mon May 08, 2006 7:18 pm

Sony wins so hard.

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Postby Omega Amen » Mon May 08, 2006 7:19 pm

I am going to say something a little out of character for me.... It is a first after seeing the Conference live.

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Postby Cognitive Gear » Mon May 08, 2006 7:20 pm

I watched the conference live. The controller appears to have tilt sensors, not nearly on the level of Nintendo's remote. Also, it seemed a bit laggy, although that is likely due to time restraints on getting it presentable before E3.

I just am curious to see nintendo's reaction to this half-baked copy of the remote.... They DID say that every time they do something innovative it gets "stolen". Something tells me there will be a great deal of Sony bashing, weather it be directly or indirectly.

Also, the graphics were like... the same as xbox 360. I personally saw nothing to impress me in this conference.
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Postby Rogie » Mon May 08, 2006 7:22 pm

Well, I was personally disappointed in Sony's press conference. Nothing got me excited. Nothing. I was impressed by Insomniac's FPS (Fall of Man or something), and the SingStar and SingStore seemed nice (although they also seem like Karaoke Revolution and iTunes ripoffs, respectively).

The motion sensors in the controller do not seem impressive at this point, simply because none of the other games in their conference showed this feature. If they want to tout it as a great feature, then they should have incorporated into all games. So I'm thinking it's just going to be an "extra" thing that some developers will use, some won't.

What will get me excited about PS3 is the games to be shown later this week. The price, however, will keep me away for about a year. Just out of principle. That's too much moolah right out of the gate.

And now I am very excited about Nintendo's press conference tomorrow.
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Postby desperado » Mon May 08, 2006 7:25 pm

Ikimasu you cant be serious, warhawk and that naughty dog game where way above anything on the 360 so far.


hmm half baked idea? seems to me like a new industry standard. Bet you anything the reason it was laggy is its probably a beta product or an alpha version of the controller. not released for quite a bit plenty of time to improve it.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon May 08, 2006 7:29 pm

desperado wrote:hmm half baked idea? seems to me like a new industry standard.

Yeah, and most likely Nintendo had the idea first... they even anounced their idea first.

To be honest, playing an FPS with a remote makes more sense to me than playing an FPS with a motion-sensor controller
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Mon May 08, 2006 7:41 pm

desperado wrote:Ikimasu you cant be serious, warhawk and that naughty dog game where way above anything on the 360 so far.


hmm half baked idea? seems to me like a new industry standard. Bet you anything the reason it was laggy is its probably a beta product or an alpha version of the controller. not released for quite a bit plenty of time to improve it.

Not half-baked idea, half-baked copy. Also, I did say that the lag was likely due to time constrainsts, ie, it's not finished.

3rd, I want to know how in the world you though that Warhawk looks better than Gears of War. Also, Gears Of war has been shown While played, the naughty Dawg game has not. There is an extreme amount of data involved in allowing someone to PLAY the game, as opposed to shiny cut scenes with controlled camerra angles and non-dynamic lighting.
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Postby desperado » Mon May 08, 2006 7:45 pm

Gears of war does look nice but i never saw the large amounts of ships as shown in the demos of it warhawk. My oppinion is this cycle is not about insane pretty graphics (though it is a large side note) its about shear amounts of characters onscreen. And if you want something that is acctually running on the system look at mgs4 thats better then anything i have seen yet from the 360.

Agreed the wii's controller will be better for shooters (if it is accurate, something im still wary of) but for flight games and racing games it will be better and for normal menu options it will be about the same as the wii.
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Mon May 08, 2006 7:58 pm

I fail to see how it would be better for flight games. The remote has full 3-D movment detection. The DS3 does not. As far as racing games are concerned, I pray that no one tries to use it as a replacement for a steering wheel. Anyone who enjoys steering wheels enough to use them on a regular basis knows that a good steering wheel controller rotates more than 360 degrees and has force feedback, somthing that would never be able to be emulated on that controller.

And MGS4 is exactly this:

shiny cut scenes with controlled camerra angles and non-dynamic lighting.

Besides, MGS4 does not look any better than Gears of War. If you think anyting else, I would wander to guess that you have not sen them both with your own eyes both running in real time. The ONLY thing that MGS4 has on GoW right now is frame rate. Which should be fixed now. We will see if it has been or not at the MS confrence.
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Postby desperado » Mon May 08, 2006 8:08 pm

I have seen both with my own eyes so no need to wonder there. Talking of actual gameplay we have seen almost nothing the ps3's way so why compare that when it hasnt been fully revealed on some of the bigger games. Secondly GoW comes close to mgs4 in terms it is much further along then mgs4.

Now ill tell you why I think the controller will be better then the remote at flight and racing games. Yes the controller (and the remote for that matter) are not going to give force feedback that a wheel gives. But with current next gen prices and henceforth the controller is the cheap mans wheel. Why I state it will be better then the remote in this aspect when it isnt (as far as we know) going to have as much directional sensing, its shape, no one drives a car with a stick one drives a car with a wheel, or in the case of select supercars and f1 cars a setup similar to a plain controller (i dont know what its called > <). The stick might be decent at flight games if it is held directly up and is used as a flight stick but its going to be heck to hit the buttons while doing rather difficult aerial manuvers or turning it quickly around for that hairpin curve. If the controller acts almost like a extra dpad in moving it in the 6 ways controlls the steering and speed of the plane or car that is all the better.

Ease of controll is why I say it will be better in those two aspects.

Also I will clarify a reason I am still sketchy on the full controllability of the remote, I havent seen it being used (in real time not some crappy demo shot, I want to see people acctually playing it irl at e3) to see that it can acctually do what they say it can do.
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Mon May 08, 2006 8:17 pm

desparado wrote:Why I state it will be better then the remote in this aspect when it isnt (as far as we know) going to have as much directional sensing

I hope that wasn't directed to the remote. The remote has FULL 3-D movement detection. Meaning any way you move the controller, it will know. The DS3 did not appear to have this functionality. I don't see how it would be easier to controll with the DS3, but to each his own. I'm fairly certain that both of our views will change a bit once we give them a chance for ourselves. I will be attending E3, so I will be giving the new function of the DS3 a fair chance. I will be abusively testing the remote, as in I will be TRYING to throw it off it'smotion detection. If it is really as good as nintendo claims, I want to know.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon May 08, 2006 11:33 pm

So far, Sony wins, but by a lower margin than i had hopes... This is only because we haven't seen many people take advantage of the system yet. That will come in time. And MGS4 will own anything and everything, plain and simple...

non-dynamic lighting
how do you figure that? I saw shadows from a lot, as well as shine through and reflective light. So... how is that not dynamic? What am I missing here?

I am no longer of the belief that PS3 is the superior system by technical merits (except of course for the Blu-Ray, which we likely won't see taken advantage of for at least a year into it's lifecycle) but that MGS4 trailer gave me no confusion about which game in the next generation I cared most about.

Next game to look out for: Silent Hill 5... Come on, Konami, you should know that though SH3 brought wider audiences, SH2 has more intense fans, and we're getting impatient... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby desperado » Tue May 09, 2006 3:31 am

Ikimasu I am very interested to hear what you say after exstensively testing it. I just find it hard to beleive the remote will have the pure capablities that they say it has, if it does though then I would be wrong about the whole thing but I still just dont see it being that accurate.
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Postby desperado » Tue May 09, 2006 4:55 am

Ok now I am angry, I did not see that the ps3's 499 pack will not have wifi nor will all of the packs have the media center plugin!
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Postby Nate » Tue May 09, 2006 9:42 am

Okay, here's my thoughts.

First. Did Sony steal this from Nintendo? NO. Did Sony do this as a response to counter Nintendo's controller. PROBABLY. Is this wrong? NO.

Copying ideas is how you survive in business. There's nothing wrong with it. For example. Atari used buttons on their controllers. Nintendo did too. Did Nintendo copy Atari by using buttons on their controllers? No. They just used the same idea Atari had. I mean, if you want to say Sony copied Nintendo by making a motion sensing controller, then Microsoft copied Sony by making a CD based gaming console.

There is nothing unethical or wrong about using ideas in this industry. Now, if Sony had unveiled a controller that worked EXACTLY like Nintendo's, down to the chip, then yes, it would be thievery. There is no doubt on that. But you can only patent the implementation of an idea. Not an idea itself.

Again, I am NOT denying Sony did this in response to what Nintendo announced regarding their controller, because I'm sure they did. But they are not copying Nintendo's idea.

Is it unethical? No. Is it illegal? No. Is it kinda uncool? Yeah, a bit. But you do what you have to do to survive in the business industry. It's BUSINESS. This is how things work in the real world, sorry to burst your bubbles.

At any rate, I fail to see why everyone keeps going on about the Revolution controller. I play video games to relax. To sit on the couch and chill. Not to jump around and swing a controller like a madman. Tennis on the Revolution? If you want to swing around something, how about AN ACTUAL TENNIS RACQUET? I'm not saying Nintendo has a bad idea. I just don't think everyone's as hyped up about it as we're believing. Most (not all, but I'd wager over half) of gamers are slothful, and aren't gonna want to swing this thing around like a sword for very long.

Indeed, pointing this remote at the TV like envisioned? I can't hold my arms straight out for very long. I can't imagine playing hours upon hours like that.

Finally, Nintendo fanboys, why are you mad? You should laugh at Sony. Laugh how they only half-copied an idea and it's inferior to Nintendo's idea. Laugh at how they're not going to be as innovative as Nintendo and are rushing to copy.'re not laughing. You're mad. Why? If this is really as big a failure as you say, it's funny...not something to get mad over.

Anyway, sorry if I set anyone off, but I wanted my opinion to be heard (even though it'll be on the podcast too :P).

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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Tue May 09, 2006 11:08 am

bob the duck wrote:That will come in time. And MGS4 will own anything and everything, plain and simple...

yes it will specially after the trailer they released and i watched 3 times in a row
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Postby Zilch » Tue May 09, 2006 11:15 am

Nate wrote:Finally, Nintendo fanboys, why are you mad? You should laugh at Sony. Laugh how they only half-copied an idea and it's inferior to Nintendo's idea. Laugh at how they're not going to be as innovative as Nintendo and are rushing to copy.'re not laughing. You're mad. Why? If this is really as big a failure as you say, it's funny...not something to get mad over.

Nah, I just laugh at all fanboys. It's like a playground push war when E3 rolls around.

On topic, I watched a low-res version of MGS4, and I was ready to dump my trunks. I don't know what's going to happen when I actually watch's hi-res. All I can say about the PS3 at this point is...

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Postby desperado » Tue May 09, 2006 12:02 pm

Its going to be a gorgeous but poor holiday pretty but pretty peniless....
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Postby Nate » Tue May 09, 2006 12:07 pm

Zilch wrote:Nah, I just laugh at all fanboys. It's like a playground push war when E3 rolls around.

Same's funny, watching the fanboys of one system going to all the press announcements by other companies and mercilessly tearing it to shreds.

Heh. It's sad. I'd probably be branded a Sony fanboy because I thought their press conference was very good. All the competitors seem to be ripping it apart.

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Postby glitch1501 » Tue May 09, 2006 1:54 pm

i havent watched microsofts conference yet...but i wasnt too impressed with sony's or nintendos...

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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue May 09, 2006 11:06 pm

I wasn't impressed with Sony's overall show, but... MGS4 made up for all of it... Also, I like that card game thing... The eyetoy innovations are really giving the N innovations (the stylus, mic, wii remote) a run for its money, and yet the EYEtoy isn't that popular yet... For how much N fanboys drool over the crazy novelties, the Eyetoy is the crazy novelty to beat all crazy novelties, and in conjunction with popular TCG and dance pads and voice recognition, I personally care more about where Sony's going with this than I do about N... Um, still, shouldn't be Fanboy bickering in this thread, though, this is to discuss Sony not to do console wars (and for what it's worth, I'm STILL waiting for news on the Wii's download service which will make or break the system for me... I'd buy a Wii just for the download service if they don't screw it up... And so far, there is no proof they haven't... ) Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu May 11, 2006 12:39 pm

kaemmerite wrote:At any rate, I fail to see why everyone keeps going on about the Revolution controller. I play video games to relax. To sit on the couch and chill. Not to jump around and swing a controller like a madman. Tennis on the Revolution? If you want to swing around something, how about AN ACTUAL TENNIS RACQUET?

I go to sleep or lay down to relax. I play video games to have fun.
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Postby glitch1501 » Thu May 11, 2006 1:28 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:I go to sleep or lay down to relax. I play video games to have fun.

i agree :)

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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu May 11, 2006 1:51 pm

glitch1501 wrote:i agree :)

*whistles* This is the PS3 thread... PS3... Not wii... Thanks Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Thu May 11, 2006 8:21 pm

I bet this is going to make me sound like a sony-hating fanboy... but...

I just got back from E3. PS3 dissapoints. Games looked just as bad as the xbox 360 did a year ago. The tilt sensing is awkward at best (for warhawks sake, I pray that they include the option to use the thumbsticks). The DS3's thumbsticks and R2/L2 triggers don't have enough resistance to them for my taste. The thumbsticks also seemed just as insensitive as the PS2's. I WISH I could talk about loading times, but every demo I found was set up to be in a continuing cycle of the same level, meaning you'd never see a main menu, boot up, or loading screen. PS3 hardware is HUGE. and I don't mean xbox huge. Bigger. and according to a Sony representive, they STILL can't fit it in that size of the display box. The one saving grace IMO was Final Fantasy XIII. I would meantion MGS4, but the framerate of the realtime demonstration they hjad running was atrociaous, even for something that looks so pretty when in still shots.

All I can say is, I'm glad that FF XIII won't be out in the US until 2008. Maybe by that time I'll be able to save myself some money when purchasing the hardware.
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Postby glitch1501 » Thu May 11, 2006 8:35 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:*whistles* This is the PS3 thread... PS3... Not wii... Thanks

your right, sorry

i think assassins creed is probably my fav trailer for the ps3 so far

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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu May 11, 2006 11:26 pm

My enthusiasm for the PS3 definately dropped after this, but my enthusiasm for MGS4 went through the roof... And... What framerate drop? What realtime demo? The cutscenes they ran were all run in real time... Just like MGS3, MGS2, and MGS1 before it (and just like Silent Hill 3 and 4, both of which had nothing prerendered in them)

I've NEVER seen a framerate drop in a PS2 game that I can think of... the only time I've seen framerate drops have been:

On the demos for 360 games last year.
On a couple PS1 games
On numerous PC games...

though, despte not noticing any frame drop, there were similar problems in GTA Vice City... Pop-in, for instance...

I see it on most PC FPS games... I don't think this will be a problem on the PS3, really... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Fri May 12, 2006 10:18 am

The framerate drop was present through most of the realtime render of the trailer. It really doesn't show up as much in the trailers viewed online, due to them being lower quality than that which you view at E3 by default. All games other than the following had bad framrate issues:

Mobile Suit Gundam
Resistance: Fall of Man
Sonic the Hedgehog

Of note, two of these games did not look impressive visually:
Resistance: Fall of Man

Resistance had no colors that where not some shade of brown or red. It kind of felt like they where using the old FFXI trick to get more FPS. Warhawk simply had flat feeling textures and hardly any objects on screen at once. (This is due to Warhawk only being 30% complete, which means that not all art is done yet)
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Postby Nate » Fri May 12, 2006 10:23 am

ikimasu wrote:The framerate drop was present through most of the realtime render of the trailer. It really doesn't show up as much in the trailers viewed online, due to them being lower quality than that which you view at E3 by default

If the trailers viewed online are smoother than the ones there, then Gears of War must be a total piece of garbage, because the framerate drop in the online trailer was atrocious.

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