Ummm... yeaaaaah... where to start? Dx
I... like anime and manga. 8D Which... is probably incredibly obvious. xD; I also like videogames. 8D jRPGs the best, but I do enjoy other genres! [Nothing like shootin' up ye friends in Halo 2 multiplayer. 8D]
Umm.. I also lav teh MMORPGs. I'm currently playing iRO. [international Ragnarok Online for those of you that don't know what it stands for. ;O] I play on the test server Sakray. :3 I have a Battle Priest called Bappy, a Hunter called AzuI, and I'm currently making a Monk-to-be called Blithe. :3
I'm also playing Guild Wars, although that's technically not an MMO. D; You can ring me up on Falnir Flowind.
Umm... I'm Christian. I've basically... been Christian my whole life, but I haven't really seriously delved into Christianity until recently. [Like, reading my bible daily and etc.] And I'm trying to become a better Christian, and I have a lot of questions... so, yeah. xD;
Let's see... I... really like anime and manga. xD; I have probably 100+ volumes of manga... and it's definitely growing. xD
I also like to draw! 8D [Anime styled, of course. xD]
I'm hoping to get better and draw my own manga... still a ways off, but I'm practicing. x3
I look forward to hawtsome discussions, and perhaps even making friends with you all. :3