SC In Christain works?

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Postby creed4 » Sun Apr 16, 2006 7:35 pm

"The Heart is deceitfull above all things."
One should let the Holy Spirit Guide. I agree that there are times one must use SC in writing, as a writer myself I've written a sceen where the charter did so, and I showed a clear consiquence to it. I didn't discribe any thing in the story. One story just a refrence was made to it. I also realise that differnt things effect people differently. One person can handle things at one time and it not be a temptation. Anthor person it could cause them to stumble. Even the first person can come at a later time and that same situation and it cause then to stumble. One must let the Holy Spririt guide them in what they see, and what they write.
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Postby rocklobster » Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:18 am

I don't mind as long as it's not just shock value. Kikaider proved to me that sexuality can be displayed tastefully.
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Postby Neko Niisan » Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:08 am

Hear hear!

I seriously hate it when people do that. Abusing a gift from God to rail people just to get interest from them for their work (and in case you haven't guessed I can can get really sensative on this one so I'll hold my peace for know and save you all the rant) without any real need for it other than to show sex.

I've probably said this somewhere back in the thread but this is all about a balance. Nothing in this world is evil as such as God created everything and everything God creates is good. Yet because we are given free will we have the ability to abuse things (lust tempts us 'cause of the applle... yadda yadda... you know how the story goes). We have to find a balance within our own souls and find our piece with God for ourselves.
I don't believe there is a black and white answer to this issue and as creed4 siad, ou have to le the Holy Spirit guide you through this and find you own opinions.
Will insert something intelligent here later... maybe

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