Fushigi Yuugi

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Fushigi Yuugi

Postby express » Mon Jun 30, 2003 3:24 am

I just got done watching the seasons 1 & 2 of the series (pretty much beginning to end, excluding the OAV's) and I'm really not sure whether I like it or not.

I do own the 1st season though. (it's really expensive!!!:brow: )


On one hand, you have a very emotional plotline/love story, character development, good character design, humor, and irony.

On the other hand, you have Chinese mythology shone in a realistic light, bad animation (especially in the fighting scenes), and predictability (especially in the second season)...oh yeah, and the really cheaply made music and theme songs.

I really don't know how to weigh out the good and the bad of this series. As a Christian, the mythology was a real turn-off for me. It was presented in a more convincing way than most anime, (for example, Yu Yu Hakusho). However, the message and the story telling was good.

What do you guys think about this series?
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Postby Technomancer » Mon Jun 30, 2003 6:02 am

I saw a few episodes once, and it seemed alright. To tell you the truth, I have no real problem with mythological elements. After all, most of us have probably had to study at least some classical mythology in school, and have done so without any problems. We're quite capable of dealing with those myths on a solely literary basis, so I see no reason why we should not be able to do so here.
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Postby express » Mon Jun 30, 2003 12:28 pm

I guess you're right. I was able to watch it without too much of a problem. But I really had to guard my mind on what I saw, especially in the second season when they dove deeper in explaining the mythology.

I guess it's just a problem of mine because it reminds me of my mother who isn't saved. She does tarot cards and reads a lot about Chinese astrology and stuff like that, pretty much pagan worship. It really greives me. I still pray for her, though, and believe the Lord will do His Will in her still.


Sorry, if I shined a serious light on this thread, but it's the truth.


Anyway if anyone would like to comment and stay on the topic, please continue.
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Postby Gypsy » Mon Jun 30, 2003 12:35 pm

Well, the art I've seen for the series alway interested me. And I'm all for a good fantasy. However, I read somewhere that the series get a little ... intense later on. And I've also seen an official poster for the anime (it wasn't a fan thing) and there was something lacking ... what was that again .. oh yeah. Clothes.
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Postby express » Mon Jun 30, 2003 3:30 pm

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Postby express » Mon Jun 30, 2003 10:55 pm

Oh, my! An FY addict...:o

All I have to say is I would recommend this anime to any girl like Miaka-chan. I know many people (all who are women) who love the series.

I mean, I thought about it, and I think I like the series...maybe... I'm a sucker for a good love story, as well. I especially like the subtle situations in shows like Ranma 1/2 and Inuyasha, where the love builds up. The expression of it in FY was proabably too excessive for me, but I know it satisfies many others' tastes.


My brother brought this up as I was writing this reply, and I must say that I agree with him when he says to watch out for the gay situations, especially when Nakago kisses Tamahome twice to make fun of him...ewww!!!:lickbash: He might not be gay, but ewww!
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Postby Gypsy » Tue Jul 01, 2003 1:27 pm

The poster I saw reminded me of two characters doing a cosplay of Adam and Eve - complete with garden in the background.
So how many episodes are there, and is there a movie as well (like so many series have)?
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Postby express » Tue Jul 01, 2003 1:56 pm

Do you got this one Miaka-chan? Cuz I've only seen seasons 1 and 2, which altogether are 52 episodes. Then there are the OVA's (the Oni and Eikoden boxes; I haven't seen those yet. I'm not sure how many episodes are in each). But I don't think there are any movies.

That's all I know.:(
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Postby Ellana » Wed Jul 02, 2003 11:11 am

I really like Fushigi Yugi, however, it does seem to get pretty intense/depressing later on. I also wish Nuriko wasn't how he/she is. It bugs me, especially since Nuriko's a cool character otherwise. x.x;

I've read 1-5, 7, and 8. And I've seen the first VHS.
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Postby Mithrandir » Fri Jul 04, 2003 2:26 pm

Hmm. I guess I didn't think too much about the nuriko thing. Then again, I live in the SF Bay area (aka Gay Bay) so I guess my opinion on that doesn't count). I sorta disconnect the characters I see from reality. I mean, I don't have any problem watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail, yet there is the Castle Anthrax. I really like Star Wars, but the Emperor, well, I won't go into what some of the books imply. I really like Blade Runner, but there is that one 'agressive' scene. I like the writing style of Neal Stephenson and William Gibson, but they have characters who have promiscuious sex.

Long story short, I don't view any of the character's in most of these books/movies/anime as real people, but I wouldn't recommend them to some people either. I mean, when I saw FY at Frys, there was a "16 Years Old" warning on it. I have to ask, do most people here really think that by the time a person gets to high schools they haven't seen/heard worst than this? I'm not saying that everyone should go out and see this (to be honest, I don't even like going to the movies anymore), but I don't know that I would discourage people over a certain age from seeing it.

As for the mythology, I liked it. *hopes not to get flamed for this* As a student of multiple theologies/philosophies/mythologies, it's always interesting for me to see where other cultures are coming from. In my opinion, Christianity is different from every other religion in that (unless you are colonialist expansionists) you don't have to transplant any particular culture to take the good news of Christ elsewhere. Seeing other cultures that don't have Christianity isn't really something that bothers me. I have worked for multiple companies around here (Apple Comp, Cisco etc) and have not found it annoying that they were not 'Christian Cultures.' LIkewise, I have participated in Work and Witness style programs that go to other cultures and express Gods love by helping others, not by raming theology down their throats.

So anyway, I liked FY and liked the culture it portrayed. At the same time, it is not the culture I am in currently, and I don't agree with some of the actions some of the people take.

Boy, talk about tangents...
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