I agree with much of what true_noir_chloe said. An abriged commentary:
true_noir_chloe wrote:If we want a mind like Christ, we need to care about this wretched world that we're part of. Whether we like it or not, we're here and we're a light in this dark world.
Hear hear. Too often we seem to forget where Jesus spent His time on this earth.
true_noir_chloe wrote:...but I really want everyone to know something that's really bothering me. There's so much anger from so many young people. Why? Why so much anger for this lost world? I've heard so much anger from these young Christians, and I wonder why is everyone so ready to strap on the battle gear and fight the world?
I understand what you are saying, and indeed, I identify with said anger (recently I noticed that much of my fanfiction all has the common theme of man being evil. I'm going to chaulk that up to a concept of this fallen world, not imbalance).
However, I'd like to make a distinction that applies to me, though I cannot speak for others: there's a difference between being angry with the world and being angry with the people in this world. Sure, we love the people... but we should hate the system they are trapped within [Matrix-esque...]. In the world, not of the world.
true_noir_chloe wrote:I keep reading these demon and angel war stories and I read how there's a constant battle. Yes, that's a given, since the beginning of sin entering our world, this has been going on. What has changed so recently that everyone is so angry at the world? Christ came not to judge the world, the law did that, Christ came to save the world.
Amen to the part about this constant battle (thinking of anyone?) but I'd like to raise a possible objection to the second part.
One emphasis I see very strongly in the Bible is that Christ is
returning to judge the world. Actually, it's more personal than that- he came to judge people. At this point, I really don't feel I need to continue. There's too much possibility for a misunderstanding (blast semantics).