Hey everyone, I'm Machinehead and I live in the sunny beaches of the Florida Coast, well of course it's not sunny now, it's actually quite cold. I like hanging out with my friends, getting online, playing some Starcraft and Halo, and just layin around the house. I'm a web-designer and you can check out my website at http://www.ywavstudentministry.com.
I am currently a member of 2 other forums. One being ChristianRock.net Forums and Dragonball Unlimited. I was saved about 6 months ago, and have had my thrist for Scripture and the word of God ever since. He has truley turned around everything in my life, and I can finally experience all what you experience every single day.
Erm, what's next? I'm a drummer in two different bands, and a third one is on the way. I'm only in Jr. High, so I'm amazed I got the parts. I'm glad to see a forum with Jesus Christ AND Anime. Wow.
My favorite animes are Naruto, Dragonball, Evangelion, and Gatekeepers 21.
My favorite bands are Thousand Foot Krutch, Relient K, Pillar, Payable On Death, Blinside, and Blink 182.
My favorite games are Halo, Starcraft, Final Fantasy X-2, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy IX, SOCOM, Viewtiful Joe, and Super Monkey Ball 2.
I have one sister, and no other siblings. I've always hoped for a little brother, but hey, my sister is a handful in herself.
Well I hope to share the love of Christ on this forum, and thanks to the creator of this forum!
Peace Ho!