So some of you may know I'm working on a manga right now. And right now I'm trying to decide which I should use. My options are these:
Pencil: Cheap, easy to shade with and takes half the time. But also doesn't look too great when scanned because it is VERY hard to pencil in just one tone.
Pen: Not as cheap, but I only have pens from places like Wal - Mart. Meaning mostly ball point, ect.
But this takes more time then pencil, and still has a problem, because I still have to edit quiet a lot on the PC. (Ink scraped across the paper)
CG: Takes A LOT of time, but looks the best. And can be scanned and edited after being drawn in pencil.
So what I'm trying to decide is which one I should be using. The reason I haven't bought some new professional inking pens is because I'm afraid it's my scanner and drawing that makes the picture not look any good when scanned.
So I'm afraid they won't change much if I buy some real pens.
So, for any of you out there who are artists, please, help me ought on what I should be drawing with.
Thank you all so much!