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What is this guy's problem?

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Postby Technomancer » Thu Dec 18, 2003 3:34 pm

You know, regarding that Pokemon opening thing. I'm afraid that I really have to wonder about people who scrutinze a show frame by frame searching for possible salacious content.
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Postby mechana2015 » Thu Dec 18, 2003 3:36 pm

this is the saddest, most misinformed set of people I have ever read anything by...shame that they can be so judgemental.

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Postby MillyFan » Thu Dec 18, 2003 3:37 pm

Technomancer wrote:You know, regarding that Pokemon opening thing. I'm afraid that I really have to wonder about people who scrutinze a show frame by frame searching for possible salacious content.

:lol: Indeed.

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Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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Postby Michael » Thu Dec 18, 2003 4:53 pm

<I found myself watching these succubi again and again,>

I'll bet you were. :grin:
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Postby EliasEmmanuel » Thu Dec 18, 2003 5:24 pm

Rome Kiyazami wrote:I must say that the man has a point. The majority of them are immoral. No one here can ever say that it's not secular. And if it's secular, then what are christians doing watching them. Look up the word secular.

Question........ because this is a subject dear to my heart..... what is "secular"? Something that isn't explicitly Christian?

Is a Christian actor (like, say, the woman who plays Raymond's wife on Everybody Loves Raymond, or Mel Gibson) "secular" if they're in non-evangelical movies? Is a Christian band "secular" if they're on a non-Christian record label? When does something cross the line into Secular?

See, here's the thing.... and I very firmly believe this........ There IS NO "secular". It's a false construct, created by people, not God. IMO the differentiation exists only to set unnecessary boundaries as a substitute for real Godliness. Honestly, I think it's an easy "in and out" method that keeps people from expressing their own Christian liberty. It's a barrier from actually, effectively being "in the world".

Am I saying "watch or listen to or read anything you want"? No. I'm saying what you are "allowed" to watch or read or listen to, and what can carry some thread of what God has to say and reflect our Creator (who is Lord of EVERYTHING) isn't limited to what has a Christian label on it.

Okay.... rant off *click* :sweat:

As far as Kjos.... I agree with Susan. I've looked over the site in the past and she basically judges everything by the most conspiritorial and superficial standards imaginable, with a healthy dose of xenophobia.....


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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Dec 20, 2003 2:29 am

shooraijin wrote:> (if you don't know, the activation code (or something like that) for web counters is 666)

I don't understand this. Explain.

It's something about the making of a counter public... I don't do web design, so this is not first hand knowledge. I got that off of Tech TV when they were telling how to make a working counter on Call for Help. It wasn't a sarcastic remark or anything, but just giving a tutorial thing on making simple web pages.

BBClone requires a web server with PHP support and read access to all
directories and files using the CHMOD feature of a ftp client such as SmartFTP
or WS-FTP (both examples for Win32). The directory var/ and its contents have
to be writable (777 for directories, 666 for files) for the server to enable
recording of all visits

That's not exactly what I was looking for, but it's the same sort of issue. It is what setting the counter file must have to be publically accessible. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Dec 20, 2003 2:45 am

Rome Kiyazami wrote:I must say that the man has a point. The majority of them are immoral. No one here can ever say that it's not secular. And if it's secular, then what are christians doing watching them. Look up the word secular. I mean... the movies can't make us lose our souls, but they sure can prevent a lost soul from given it all up for Christ.

Hmm... Let's go by this one step by step

"I must say this man has a point"

This person was telling out and out LIES. I think that sorta negates any point they may have if they are acting as an authority.

"The majority of them are immoral."

That's pretty funny. I'm sure you've seen "the majority" to be the judge of that, too. (that was sarcasm, by the way)

"No one here can say it's not secular"

Ok... The "Be a safe driver" videos are secular too... What does this have to do with ANYTHING?

"And if it's secular, then what are christians doing watching them. Look up the word secular."

Ok... This crosses the line... I don't know if anyone else pointed this out, but TROLL ALERT! This is the other kind of troll I was worried about. The anti-anime trolls who were christian. :?: That's prime troll material, coming on a site like this and telling us that we're sinning for watching anime. I'd DARE you to prove it biblically... Seriously. I'd give you all the money i have and would earn for the next 2 years if you actually proved that matter biblically.

"I mean... the movies can't make us lose our souls, but they sure can prevent a lost soul from given it all up for Christ"

I don't believe that in the slightest... I think about the only thing external that can have any sway in that (other than the Holy Spirit) is Christians. There is no way that an anime will keep someone from becoming a christian. It all comes down to God dealing with their heart and a personal decission in the end, watching anime won't make them not turn to God if they would have otherwise. Besides that, there is no difference between this and an old educational film-reel or something by your requirements, because those are all almost primarily "secular" (not made by Christians, and having no christian purposes) films. Your logic is severly flawed and your grasp of scripture very lacking. I suggest you read what Jesus actually said and don't act out of fear. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby MillyFan » Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:08 am

Bobtheduck wrote:Hmm... Let's go by this one step by step

"I must say this man has a point"

This person was telling out and out LIES. I think that sorta negates any point they may have if they are acting as an authority.

"The majority of them are immoral."

That's pretty funny. I'm sure you've seen "the majority" to be the judge of that, too. (that was sarcasm, by the way)

"No one here can say it's not secular"

Ok... The "Be a safe driver" videos are secular too... What does this have to do with ANYTHING?

"And if it's secular, then what are christians doing watching them. Look up the word secular."

Ok... This crosses the line... I don't know if anyone else pointed this out, but TROLL ALERT! This is the other kind of troll I was worried about. The anti-anime trolls who were christian. :?: That's prime troll material, coming on a site like this and telling us that we're sinning for watching anime. I'd DARE you to prove it biblically... Seriously. I'd give you all the money i have and would earn for the next 2 years if you actually proved that matter biblically.

"I mean... the movies can't make us lose our souls, but they sure can prevent a lost soul from given it all up for Christ"

I don't believe that in the slightest... I think about the only thing external that can have any sway in that (other than the Holy Spirit) is Christians. There is no way that an anime will keep someone from becoming a christian. It all comes down to God dealing with their heart and a personal decission in the end, watching anime won't make them not turn to God if they would have otherwise. Besides that, there is no difference between this and an old educational film-reel or something by your requirements, because those are all almost primarily "secular" (not made by Christians, and having no christian purposes) films. Your logic is severly flawed and your grasp of scripture very lacking. I suggest you read what Jesus actually said and don't act out of fear.

Good post, and I second the troll alert. I think this thread deserves to be watched very carefully. . .:shake:

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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Postby EliasEmmanuel » Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:35 am

"I mean... the movies can't make us lose our souls, but they sure can prevent a lost soul from given it all up for Christ"

I just wanted to say something else about this specifically.... I believe, with great conviction, that there is very little in popular culture that cannot be used by God for some purpose (actually, I don't believe there's anything He can't use).

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Postby madphilb » Sat Dec 20, 2003 9:54 am

I've always been a big fan of "god can use anything, even an ***" (think Baleum (SP?))... gives me hope, I know he can use me too :D

The funny thing is that people who spend their time turning people away from things because they are "secular" and the like, well, they aren't doing anything more productive for the Kindgom of God than any of us are... that is ...if anything that isn't actively bringing souls into the Kindom (and leading them to Yeshua/Jesus) is secular and a waste of time, so it pointing out those things to people. How many people could be talked to in the time it takes to write a post or and article, let alone the manpower to publish it.

To be honest, it wasn't my friend's contant nagging (which thankfully he never did) that brought me in, but him just living his life around me.... all the while doing the things that most HighSchoolers do (well, he was AoG, so he didn't do things like dances, but neither did I anyway).

Another Cliche that follows on that track.... "People don't care how much you know, till they know how much you care." Dumb and Cliche I admit, but oozing with truth.

Oh well... anyone else want to use my soapbox for a while? :thumb:

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Postby D_VHD » Sat Dec 20, 2003 10:13 am

Argh! go-gaia's shame! :comp:
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Postby Straylight » Sat Dec 20, 2003 10:43 am

I've got my eye on this thread. I think it should definately stay open for now though, because this issue is extremely relevant for us :)


BBClone requires a web server with PHP support and read access to all
directories and files using the CHMOD feature of a ftp client such as SmartFTP
or WS-FTP (both examples for Win32). The directory var/ and its contents have
to be writable (777 for directories, 666 for files) for the server to enable
recording of all visits

The chmod command is linux, right? Clearly this means that Linux is evil, and should never be used :evil:
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Postby shooraijin » Sat Dec 20, 2003 12:31 pm

Yeah, I was wrestling with it until it dawned on me that this is what he meant. 666 actually wouldn't be what I would use; that gives user, group *and* world read and write privileges. You can just chmod it 644 to make things a little more secure (only owner has write privilege), so this argument falls flat. (Myself I tend to use 755 most of the time [umask 022], although the execute bit is worthless in this context.)

There was some (rather mean-spirited) parody I was reading that came up with a bogus Bible college professor and his rant about how Macintoshes are Satan (boy did this raise the roof of the gullible ... hell hath no fury like an offended Mac user who's also an offended Christian) where he insisted Mac OS X was the tool of the devil because 1) the core OS was named Darwin 2) the symbol is a "demon" [sic] (it's actually a "daemon", look up the difference, and all BSD Unices have little daemon logos), and 3) the exact same thing as specified above, that chmod 666 sets r/w permissions for everyone on a file.

Of course, that 666 is just in octal, too. Calculating it in decimal is an exercise left to the reader (it's definitely not 666 in base 10), so unless base 8 is also a methodology of evil ...
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Postby Haibane Shadsie » Sat Dec 20, 2003 1:23 pm

Hey, Macs are great! I use a PC at home... and at work, and I think I'm slightly more comfortable with PCs just because I use them more, but I know how to use Macs, too. An advantage for graphic design is that they work with type better. If you take something to a print house that's been done on a PC, you usually have to do things to make the type come out right, because PCs dont' handle Postscript type like Macs do.

Okay, this was off-topic. But I can understand the double offense! I once read a parody "Pokemon is anti-Christian!" article on a Pokemon site, lifted from and linked to a parody site that was... a site whose sole purpose was to make fun of Christians. I was hurt by that, I really was. Made me angry... it was a play on what some real Christians do... it was really sad. Browsing the parody Baptist Church site.... it made me sad to see how we are percieved as idiots because of some of those real articles.
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Postby madphilb » Sat Dec 20, 2003 6:16 pm

OK.. . this is dragging things OT a bit, but to follow this 666 thing... does anyone really understand what that's about?

Each Hebrew letter is a number as well... the verse is "the sum of his name is 666." This is an example of westernizing Christianity (one of the reasons I started looking into Messianic Judism).

Sadly, dispite the fun Hollywood and the different authors have had... there won't be big 666's tattooed to people's heads.

On top of that, it's just a number... got a story to go along with this one too (it's going to get to the point, if it's not already, where people are gonna say "Oh, no.... Phil's posting again :lol: )

A group of us from the church I was attending at the time where going to go see the original Omega Code movie when it hit the theaters. We stopped off at Taco Bell to get a bite to eat on the way.

One of the women with a more colorful personality in our group got the order number of "666" printed in large black nubmers at the top of the ticket. I happened to work at this store, delivering pizzas as it was a combo store, so I knew how the system worked... most likely that number was something like 2666, but they drop it down to the last 3 digits for serving purposes.

This woman threw a fit... she wanted her money back, she wasn't going to take the order.

Thankfully the store re-did her ticket which gave her a new number... and then on the way to the movie one of the other women explained to her that it's only a number, and it only has the power over you that you give it.

It's all just superstition, no different than the whole deal with black cats, breaking mirrors, and the number 13. In my not so humble opinion, it's all a lack of faith... when you think about it, what you're saying is that that item has more power than God.

That's not to say that I haven't been in that position to some point in my life.

I'll wait to start sweating till they start summing the names and comming up with 666 that way :D

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Postby Needle Noggin » Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:23 pm

I'm 97% sure he is trying to start trouble.
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