Yojimbo wrote:Yeah I'd say the only real major flops so far are 12 Oz. Mouse, Tom Goes to the Mayor, and Stroker and Hoop.
Aqua Teens, Family Guy, Sealab, Robot Chicken, Futurama are the top shows in my opinion. Squidbillies, Harvey Birdman, and Perfect Hair Forever are pretty funny too. Boondocks is kind of eh...I'm not a prude so I can handle the humor but there's only been really 2 or 3 moments I really had a laugh out of the 4 or so episodes I've watched.
Well I'm happy with my two new Aqua Teen volumes anyway.
chibiphonebooth wrote:bahahahaha... happy tree friends. XD
what a violent show.
but 12. oz mouse is EXCEEDINGLY stupid. and not in a good way. >.<
but robot chicken is really funny. XDD
chibiphonebooth wrote:yeah i agree. i would hafta say the shows that i love to watch are family guy, aqua teen, robot chicken, and futurama. ^^
especially family guy. XD thats my fave. <3
i havent seen squidbillies... harvey birdman ive seen like 1 or 2 eps. of it and it was ok. never seen perfect hair forever... but the boondocks ive seen for a bit- and was trying to figure out if the person who made this was white or african american. XD i didnt find it all that funny.
but 12 oz. mouse... *pukes* what a stupid and pointless show. i had to turn it off because it just ... had no point. what so ever. and the animation looked like a 2 yr old drew everything. cheep cheep stuff. >.<
Shatterheart wrote:What, did you get a few seasons for Christmas? I love the boxsets myself. I have the 4 seasons that i know of being out. They should be getting the 5th out pretty soon I guess.
Yojimbo wrote:Yeppers.Well I've just been exposed to a good number of hicks in my life which Squidbillies makes fun of. Since both of my grandparents live in a town where there are quite of them so it's easy for me to laugh at that.
Harvey Birdman's humor is a little wierder than the other shows. I mainly like the nostalgia from watching all those Hanna Barbara cartoons like Birdman, Secret Squirrel, Quick Draq McGraw, The Superfriends. I mean Apache Chief losing his 'Elechock' or whatever ability to spilled hot coffee, to Morroco Mole being indicted for terrorism, and of course Shaggy and Scooby getting busted for smokin the reefer.It's not as funny as say Family Guy or Aqua Teens but it deffinetly has its moments.
Yeah I watched about 45 seconds of 12 Oz. Mouse once, probably the worst show I had ever seen on Adult Swim.
Boondocks is by Aaron Mcgrudder (sp?) and yeah he's a black guy. You might have seen the comic strips before. Very political to say the least. The show's more about shock value though but of course it throws politics in there all the time about you name it. I certainly don't agree with like 80% of what they're trying to say but I can handle it. There's plenty of making fun of white people's antics, but he's fair at least and makes fun of stereotypical black stuff like gangsterism and whatnot. The only real times I had a laugh were when the crazy black janitor guy said something totally ridiculous. And the blind, senile, nearly deaf, angry guy was pretty funny, but he [spoiler]died[/spoiler]. Ehh I'd watch it over Tom Goes to the Mayor or 12 Oz. Mouse if I had to choose. But it's deffinetly on the bottom of the list as far as "watchable" AS shows goes for me personally.
You are correct sir, I got 2 and 4 so now I have all of them. I imagine it will be awhile actually I remember watching Little Brittle and Gee-Whize at the beginning of the year or so. Kinda fuzzy but I remember it was a number of months back. I bet by summer they'd have the new one out.
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