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Postby Ashley » Tue Jun 24, 2003 10:08 am

Off topic for just a second, I promise.

:rant: About the name/gender thing....yeah, I understand that as well. Apparhently only in America is Ashley a typically female name; I've had Brit friends tell me their best guy bud is Ashley. Oh, and Gone with the Wind freaked me out seriously as a little kid; I couldn't figure out whether I had a guy's name, Ashley Wilkes had a girl's name...or what the heck was going on. *flips switch off* okay, carry on.
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Postby majanthehun » Tue Jun 24, 2003 11:44 am

dont worry about it, it happens a lot. majan was a nickname i was given years ago, and my aunt turned it into "majan the hun" (like attilla the hun- i was a terror as a kid). majan was supposed to stay a family nickname, but now everyone (including my family) call me majan more often then they call me my full name (typically i get the full name when im in trouble).

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Postby Gypsy » Tue Jun 24, 2003 11:48 am

Sure thing. I have an embarrassingly large avatar archive on my computer, and if I don't have it, Steve probably does. If he doesn't, it's on the internet somewhere. And if it's not, I'll make you one. Name anything you'd like for an avatar, and I'll do my best to get it for you.
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Postby valdrianth » Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:02 am

i mostly prefer dubs, but I do like some subs as well. Like I prefer subtitled DBZ more than the Dubs because of obvious reasons, lol. I also have the entire sereies of Outlaw Star in subtitles. It all depends on how the voice actors are done. The guy I got OLS from is only a subbie so that's what i got, lol. One time I watch the entire series in one day non stop and when I was finished I forgot how to speak english!!!:lol:
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jun 25, 2003 12:03 pm

Obvious reasons? Apparently I'm too dense to know them. Could you fill me in? Because personally, I can't stand most of the Japanese voice acting. Especially the woman who plays all the Son family.
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Postby valdrianth » Thu Jun 26, 2003 10:30 am

It's not the voice acting itself that gets me away from the dubs of DBZ, actually I do prefer most of the english cast from the Japanese cast. (Eric Vale is sexy ^^). It just I started the Dragonball world in subs, so naturally it was hard for me too grasp what Funimation did to it. The drastic difference between the two is uncanny.

And OMG! Have you seen what Funimation did to DBGT? *faints* The skipped the best episodes first off! I have all of GT subbed and I was waiting for the english version...imagine my suprise when the series started on episode 16.....<.<.

I really don't underastand Funimation. How can they make dub something so right ....a la Fruits Basket, but screw up the GT so much??? It scares me.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Jun 26, 2003 11:19 am

I think I can answer your question about GT. Dragonball Z was created mainly because fans enjoyed the fighting later in Dragonball much more than the comedy. When GT came out, it instantly lost a ton of its viewers by being largely a comical thing. Though it gets fight oriented again later on, its popularity had already taken a massive hit. I think they (being money-minded) wanted to prevent that from happening in America.
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Postby WhiteÃ…ngel » Thu Jun 26, 2003 2:53 pm

I just want to make sure.... you know that gt was not made by the original creator, but by his fans right? That is one on the reasons it is so different.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Jun 27, 2003 1:39 pm

Yeah, "we" know. (I can only speak for myself)

But in a way, the anime of Dragonball Z wasn't created by Toriyama, either. It was an artists impressoin of his work. That's why at the end it says "based on the original work by..." Which says something about Dragonball Z. Even if I don't like it, I eventually come to this.
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Postby Kenchii » Mon Jun 30, 2003 2:12 pm


Well, for the first time I watch a new anime series.. to get to know what it is about and all I listen to the annoying english voice actors/actress. After maybe say 2 eps. I ALWAYS watch it subbed! its like waaaay better! It feels like you are in Japan and the characters voice matches the character 100%. I love sub title/dubbed option in American DVD's its really good. I really really really enjoy subbed. But, I can't understand how people can stand a whole series of dubbed?? Its soo unathentic (typo,..).

I prefer subbed for many reasons..
1. I like to listen for the Japanese practice.
2. dubbed is usually edited ( I don't like for others to edit good work)
3. It almost always sounds better and looses something in translation when dubbed. ( same way I feel about certain bibles)

:thumb: :agrees:


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