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What do you think about this?

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What do you think about this?

Postby c_hunter » Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:52 am

I just wanted your comment guys on this. What do you think about Christian rock. Is it good or bad? Sorry for the question, I'm just curious. And I don't want to offend anyone who likes Christian rock, because I play them. I asked this cause I read some testimonies, from mostly teen christians, that Christian rock is not good and doesn't have any difference with the rock 'n roll. Pls do reply. Thanks :thumb:
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Postby agasfas » Mon Dec 12, 2005 8:05 am

It really depends.... mostly on the content of what is being said or the message being conveyed I think. Though, to be honest I've never really listened to christian rock (except for a select few songs) so I don't have an overall opinion on whether it's good or bad in sense of the overall enjoyability of listening or message wise. I usually just listen to regular rock...

What do you mean by lack of difference, the instrumental value (rhythm) or lyrics?
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Postby c_hunter » Mon Dec 12, 2005 8:10 am

What I mean is the beat. Although I can depict what is really christian rock from what isn't, but from what I read many christian lives was damaged tremendously from this, that's why I ask.
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Postby yukinon » Mon Dec 12, 2005 8:37 am

I think rock is rock and making Christian rock an entire subgenre is a little silly. Anything an artist produces is going to reflect their personal ideas and philosophy, whether they do so intentionally or not. It's inevitable. And a Christian's art does not have to specifically refer to Jesus in order to be edifying or uplifting. (Cases in point: Superchic[k], Tolkien)
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:59 am

Rocks don't have souls, so they can't really be Christian. I will ignore anyone who quotes Luke 19:40.

Personally, my feelings about the Christian music industry quite aside, I see no reason why a particular style of music isn't capable of carrying Christian music. Handel's Messiah was once considered terribly vernacular as well.
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Postby Arnobius » Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:27 am

I would agree. While I tend to dislike most CCM, it's on a matter of taste, not on the matter of whether Rock music is intrinsically evil.

If Rock music is supposed to be somehow unable to mix with Christianity (and I once had a college professor who said you couldn't have Christian Rock any more than you could have Christian porn :shake: ), it brings up the question: Where was the line drawn over where music was no longer able to be Christian: Pre-Beatles? Pre-Elvis? Pre-20th Century? Pre-Enlightenment? Pre-Renisance? Maybe we should still be singing hymns in Aramaic from the 1st century AD?

As I always understood it, these Christian Rock bands were trying to reach out to people to evangelize them. To not surrender the battleground to the worldly outlook.
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Postby Scribs » Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:39 am

I think that Christian Rock isnt a bad thing. There is some I personally like. My biggest problem is people who say, if it is not specifically labled christian, it must be evil, even if it were written and performed by a christian. Labels do not affect what music I listen to. If it sounds good and doesnt have a bad mesage I will listen to it. (shouldn't this be in jam session though)
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Postby Stephen » Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:51 am

Moved to our music board.
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Postby yukinon » Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:27 am

Well said Scribs.
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Postby Hitokiri » Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:27 pm

Music is music. Saying a band or a song is "Christian" is just putting a label on it signifying that the lyrics are from a Christian perspective. But when it boils down to it, it's all basically music. Content aside, Mercyme, Rebecca St. James, and Switchfoot is just the same as Eminem, Dimmu Borgir, and Britney Spears - different genres but they are all music.

I believe people should not say "you should not listen to this band cause they are bad for you or contain bad lyrics". It's not fact, it's an opinion. It may cause you, as a Christian, to stumble but for others, it may not affect them as much. I have a friend who is heavily influenced by music. I lent him a secular metal c.d. and he gave it back to me saying he got extremely depressed by it. When I listen to it, I don't get depressed or angry. I appreciate the music.

When listening to secular or christian bands, it's up to you to decide what you want going into your head. Myself, unless the lyrics is straight up sex , costant swearing, or detailed graphic violence of someone being gored and butchered, it hardly ever affects me so therefore I learn to appreciate a wider range of music, from my point of view.
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Postby Steeltemplar » Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:25 am

Hitokiri wrote:Eminem, Dimmu Borgir, and Britney Spears

:eh: One of these things is not like the others. :lol: Sorry, it just struck me as funny to see an obscure black metal band sandwiched between two pop culture favorites.


I am of the sincere opinion that a musical beat cannot have any intrinsic morality to it, either good or bad. So as far as if Christian rock is bad, I would have to say no.

Of course, a lot of it that I have heard ends up sounding like a pale copy of secular bands. I am fine with a band that decides to sing about their faith or use it as a ministry, but please do not try to be "<insert band name> for Christians" because more than likely you are not as good as <insert band name> anyway.
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Postby c_hunter » Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:21 pm

thanks for your comments guys!
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Postby Hitokiri » Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:46 pm

Steeltemplar wrote::eh: One of these things is not like the others. :lol: Sorry, it just struck me as funny to see an obscure black metal band sandwiched between two pop culture favorites.


Eminem - violence and drugs
Dimmu Borgir - persecuting Christians
Britnney - imodesty and sexual images.

I tried of thinking of something else that is on the opposite of the Christianbands I listed.
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Postby Steeltemplar » Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:30 pm

Hitokiri wrote:Well

Eminem - violence and drugs
Dimmu Borgir - persecuting Christians
Britnney - imodesty and sexual images.

I tried of thinking of something else that is on the opposite of the Christianbands I listed.

True. They are all good examples of counter-Christian themes.
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Postby c_hunter » Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:29 pm

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Postby Slater » Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:20 pm

Christian Rock pwns.
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