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What is this guy's problem?

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Postby bemanisuperstar » Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:42 pm

For got the link had naughty images sorry guys.

Here's the article reprinted:

In recent years there has been a growing trend amongst radical youth elements of American society for cultural relativism, the foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer. This is clearly not true, and anyone that cares to take the time to do the research will find that the US is by far the world's greatest nation in terms of any statistic that matters. Unfortunately thanks to the influence of Liberal elements in our once-great education system these individuals choose to turn away from the products our cultures produces and embrace alien ideas that are an affront to God and our Founding Fathers.
Censored owing to un-Christian content

In some cases this relativism is less harmful than others; the English culture apes our own enough so that there is little harm to be had. But other so-called cultures are purely and simply alien to morality, and the cultural apologists are nothing more than a group of deceivers intent on the final replacement of Christian moral values with a Liberal credo of immorality and sin.

The worst attack on morality comes in the form of Japanese manga films, which spread a shocking message of immorality under the cover of animation, a cynical move targetting a genre typically aimed at children. These films are supposedly aimed at adults, but a moment's reflection counters this vacuous argument - what kind of grown adult watches cartoons? When we become adults we put childish things behind us, and cartoons, whilst of invaluable aid in entertaining and educating children, are of no use to a healthy adult of sound mind and firm moral base.

Upon my first encounter with this foriegn plague I was shocked at the gratuitous use of violence and anti-Christian symbolism. These films all fall into the fantasy and science-fiction genres (which are little more than a hotbed of paganism and Satanism anyway) and the stories generally involve an epic conflict between the forces of "good," who are typically inbued with obviously Satanic powers, and their enemies, also possessing such powers. Indeed, the only difference being that the forces of "evil" are more obviously demonic in their visages! These two forces engage in megaviolent battles using their Satanic powers, and at the end of an orgy of blood and dismembered limbs the forces of "good" are victorious and undoubtedly retire to give thanks to their evil master.

At this point I was shocked enough. Never before have I seen such a celebration of violence and Satanism, and to see it in a medium designed to entice children had me gripping the edge of my seat in righteous outrage. What kind of sick mind could conceive of such a vicious assault on the kind of decent Christian values that made America the greatest nation on Earth? It was clear to me at that point that this was nothing other than an insidious campaign being waged against our nation's youths, designed to blind them to the Truth and install the Liberal lies of a relativistic paradise where morality is whatever makes you feel good.

And worse yet, it was succeeding! The popularity of manga films has increased over the last decade, and yet few people have realised how many of our nation's children have been turned to the Liberals. I at once decided that something needed to be done about this scourge, and began to engage in an intense bout of research, forcing myself to watch hour after hour of this immoral filth. And slowly, something else became clear. I had been wrong. Very wrong.

No, the real agenda was not the dissemination of psychopathic and anti-Christian messages. These were nothing more than a cover for what these vile "films" were really pushing. It became clear only after watching several of the so-called classics (as if any film made less than fifty years ago could be termed a classic!) that the real agenda was truly Satanic - manga films exist solely to promote the idea that paedophilia is good!

Not content with dominance in the field of consumer electronics, it was now clear to me that the Japanese wished to bring about the downfall of our society by spreading this cancer in our midst, targetting the most naive and vulnerable segments of our population - teenagers and college students.

The evidence for this is clear to anyone not so simple-minded and deluded by a Liberal education. In a cheap trick the perverts that create manga films have stolen their animation techniques from Disney, and given all of their characters the same wide-eyed child-like look of innocence seen in such timeless children's classics as Sleeping Beauty or Snow White. This makes it clear that even when showing supposedly adult characters, they are subliminally referring instead to young children.

Of course it doesn't end here, for like all Liberal filthmongers they know no bounds to their depravity. The characters in these obscenities, especially the female ones, are drawn in a blatently sexual manner, with exaggerated sexual attributes, impossible proportions and disturbingly provocative clothing (when there is any!). Each character has been crafted to act upon the deadly sin of lust, and is an unholy masterpiece of desire. I found myself watching these succubi again and again, mesmerised and unable to comprehend such un-Christian filth.

When you combine the evidence the secret agenda becomes only too clear - that children are sexual creatures, and that it is alright to feel lust towards them. Furthermore, the graphic scenes of violence in manga films are clearly designed to incite violence against children in the furtherance of these foul desires. Clearly it is not only enough to simply instill such unwholesome thoughts in the minds of our youth, they are intent upon inciting violence of a most deviant manner upon our nation's children!

This is against everything that is decent and Christian in the world! It is clearly part of the Liberalist agenda of secular multiculturalism, and part of the drive towards their ultimate goal of One World government ruling over a homogenous, unthinking lower class devoid of the Christian ethics that separate us from savages.

Tomorrow I begin my crusade. If you too share the values that made this country the greatest in the world, I urge you to think of a generation lost to Satan, and to make a stand against the tide of filth lapping at our Christian shores.

... URL pulled by shooraijin ...

Joke? serious what do you think?

I also read this and have no idea what the guy is trying to say

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Postby andyroo » Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:55 pm

I don't really think that you should have posted the link here. Even though the nudity is covered up, they are still hentai images and very blasphemous at that. If the link is deemed by the staff then I will give a mild overview. The article starts out with a epic like story pretty much descibing the War for Independance between America and the English Crown. Then it goes on to making ignorant statements about Japan, anime, other cultures, America, Christianity just as a small list. Then the person goes on showing hentai using a drawing of Jesus as a censor device.

The ignorance, and to be blunt, the stupidity of that person really irks me. He bash other cultures with nothing to hold to hold their opinion. He bashes Christianity and mocks it.
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Postby shooraijin » Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:55 pm

Mod note: I've pulled the first link you had up; that particular site is overtly adult-only and says so on the front page (I've encountered their articles before as well).
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Postby bemanisuperstar » Sun Dec 14, 2003 9:22 pm

[quote="shooraijin"]Mod note: I've pulled the first link you had up]

My apologies for posting the link.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sun Dec 14, 2003 10:44 pm

>< Just reading the first two paragraphs of that article is enough to make me want to smash something. Oh well.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sun Dec 14, 2003 11:24 pm

I'm not trying to start debate, but I think that if you're going to say that anime is immoral and is going to drag us all down, then you should say the same for American TV/movies, and for TV/movies that come from any other part of the world. Why do people always want to pick on Japan?
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Postby shooraijin » Mon Dec 15, 2003 3:18 am

One other thing that I believe bears pointing out is that the article, given the site that it came from, is almost certainly a (rather vicious) parody of what they believe an evangelical Christian would say about anime and manga. In short, it's designed as a troll.

The part that's rather sad, however, is that bemani's second link seems to be to a legitimate (or at least apparently serious) Christian group, and says nearly the same things as the parody.
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Postby Psycho Ann » Mon Dec 15, 2003 4:44 am

I'm curious though... if ever an anime fan that was on the breach of knowing Christ and accepting him happens to find one of these articles and get digusted with "Christians"....
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Postby Twilly Spree » Mon Dec 15, 2003 6:09 am

As much as the article is or could be a parody, some Christians do feel that way. I more or less offended by the blatant use of the word "liberal." Being liberal is not a bad thing nor is it a dirty word. I'm proud to be a liberal minded person.

On the anime perspectives I know alot of people that feel the same. A lot of Christians would never watch anime, my roommate for example, because of it's themes. It's just her way to be a Christian, and I have my ways to be a Christian. We're both headed towards the same goal just taking two different but effective paths.
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Postby Technomancer » Mon Dec 15, 2003 7:40 am

If I were to look into every loon on the internet, I'd never get any work done. There is no shortage of them sadly. Fortunately, it's a rare thing for me to have to deal with such people. Ultimately, the legitimate article is pretty much the same old, same old- I could just as easily find similar rubbish on Harry Potter, D&D, UPC codes, or any other thing you could care to name. As to why I should bother to seek such screeds out is beyond me; I have better things to do.

As for Liberalism, I voted Liberal in the last two federal elections. Does that count?
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Postby Straylight » Mon Dec 15, 2003 7:56 am

I also consider myself to be a liberal Christian ... some people just assume that means I agree with ideas that contravene the Bible (eg. gay churches). The word liberal has more than four letters and to be honest I'm a bit tired of Christians who go round using it as such. :eyeroll:

Imagine reading this outside the US though:

In recent years there has been a growing trend amongst radical youth elements of American society for cultural relativism, the foolish belief that other cultures have something to offer. This is clearly not true, and anyone that cares to take the time to do the research will find that the US is by far the world's greatest nation in terms of any statistic that matters.

It's not a nice article, but fair play to the guy, he's successfully managed to offend several people at once.. which I think was his intention. An incredibly well written troll.
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Postby MasterDias » Mon Dec 15, 2003 9:33 am

That Crossroad site has articles and comments against all sorts of stuff from Pokemon and Harry Potter and Anime to Veggietales and The Prince of Egypt and Left Behind. I seriously think that no matter how hard you try, you would not be able to find anything secular and many things Christian that those people would like.
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Postby Yoda47 » Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:31 am

Hmm. Concerning that artical, and the "person" that wrote it, my dad has always told me, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
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Postby madphilb » Mon Dec 15, 2003 3:53 pm

You tell 'em Yoda.

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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Mon Dec 15, 2003 4:32 pm

Based on my personal research, ALL of the legitimate articles I've ever read that bashed anime were founded by twisting things around fueled by a lack of actual research. These kinds of people just get on my nerves.
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Postby Haibane Shadsie » Mon Dec 15, 2003 5:08 pm

As for the real site, the Kjos Ministries... I've been there before... several times. I've even written them letters. (Defending Pokemon and Lord of the Rings, respectively). I don't go there anymore. I used to go there out of simple curiosity over what they were bashing next, but that site just upsets me too much. As for the parody article:

These films are supposedly aimed at adults, but a moment's reflection counters this vacuous argument - what kind of grown adult watches cartoons? When we become adults we put childish things behind us, and cartoons, whilst of invaluable aid in entertaining and educating children, are of no use to a healthy adult of sound mind and firm moral base.

I am 24. I love cartoons. I love a lot of American cartoon shows as well Japanese anime. And, I think it might be nice to watch Cantiflas again... (Mexican cartoon show, watched when I was interested in learning Spanish)... I'm not sure how healthy my mind is, but I have a big imagination, and animation appeals to that. I'm an artist. I like art. I like looking at things (action included) that are drawn. I know a lot of adults who are of healthy minds and a firm moral base who adore things like "Toy Story" and "Finding Nemo". Heck, my mom loves Winnie the Pooh. (Sure, these are all "nice, American Disney" examples, but they are still cartoons, supposedly too childish for adults of a healthy mind to enjoy according to this article).

Articles like this... especially the serious ones like the Kjos Ministries stuff... make me want to die/kill myself or something. I mean... I feel worthless enough already, like I'm "not good enough" ALL THE TIME. Among non-Christians, I feel like an outsider for what I believe, and sometimes even feel like I'm "immoral" in their eyes because I have strong beliefs that are less "liberal" than theirs. Among Christians I often feel like an outsider because I don't know too many Christians who like the same kinds of things that I like, understand me at all, or appreciate aspects of my personality. Heck, I feel like an outsider to the human race.

Stuff like this... makes me feel like even more of an outsider, and that I'm "not a good Christian" because I see things the way I do, because I like animation and anime... because I enjoy reading and writing fantasy. To think that some fellow Christians, if they met me, then found out some of the things that I like, they'd think I was a devil-worshipper or something... gah... makes me want to jump off a bridge.
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Postby bemanisuperstar » Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:41 pm

Did anybody read the 2nd article I posted?
^this one? It's incoherent to me
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Postby inkhana » Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:50 pm

Haibane, please don't feel bad because someone else makes an uneducated argument...-_- If that's their opinion, fine, but often the more they talk about this stuff, the more they show how ignorant they are. Me, I'm 21. I love cartoons of all kinds. My mom loves cartoons of all kinds. To say that cartoons "are of no use to a healthy adult of sound mind and firm moral base" is exceedingly stupid, IMHO, and sounds more like they're spouting their own opinion because they can.

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Postby madphilb » Tue Dec 16, 2003 6:34 am

Haibane Shadsie wrote:I am 24. I love cartoons. I love a lot of American cartoon shows as well Japanese anime.

Ha! Gotcha beat! I'm 34! :lol:

I know a lot of adults who are of healthy minds and a firm moral base who adore things like "Toy Story" and "Finding Nemo". Heck, my mom loves Winnie the Pooh. (Sure, these are all "nice, American Disney" examples, but they are still cartoons, supposedly too childish for adults of a healthy mind to enjoy according to this article).

The truth is that many of the Cartoons that I watched growing up where written for Adults. Bugs Bunny and the gang, Flintstones, Jetsons, and most of the early Disney stuff (back when Walt was still around). My mom was looking for something she had while a kid, and we found a page with old commercials on it... one was for cigarettes being sold by the Flintstones. The statement that cartoons are just for children, etc. is soooo uneducated an wrong in so many ways it's not funny.

I ran into this type of attitude a while back with Veggietales. I was pretty, er, pushy I guess about the other members of my (smaller sized) church seeing them, was loaning out my videos to all my friends (of varying age). Most loved them, thought they where great (and they are)... but one guy gave it back and said "it's a kids program." :eyebrow: I said "yeah, and...." he just didn't get it, couldn't stoop to that level I guess.

Articles like this... especially the serious ones like the Kjos Ministries stuff... make me want to die/kill myself or something. I mean... I feel worthless enough already, like I'm "not good enough" ALL THE TIME.
------------>8 snip 8<---------------
Stuff like this... makes me feel like even more of an outsider, and that I'm "not a good Christian" because I see things the way I do, because I like animation and anime... because I enjoy reading and writing fantasy. To think that some fellow Christians, if they met me, then found out some of the things that I like, they'd think I was a devil-worshipper or something... gah... makes me want to jump off a bridge.

1st, I think, in part, that is why this site/forum exists... and even here we have a varity of opinion/thoughts on things.

2ndly, I'd encourage you to grab hold of what God thinks of you, forget the world (well, there is a point of going overboard)... more so for the internal struggle anyway. Things like "I'm fearfully and wonderfully made" come to mind, and we're special enough to God to have him shed his son's blood for our sins. Someone else's actions/thoughs don't change our value... we just have to learn (myself included) that our self-worth doesn't come from other people.

I will add that I've seen these type of things before, something more like the 2nd link is what got me hooked on Pokemon years ago (though I haven't been following it for a while). The stupid thing is that articles like these are written while the kids they're trying to "protect" are facing much worse situations in their day-to-day lives.... many of which are serious life effecting things (drugs, sex, moral bankrupcy, etc.) People like the author of that article are really just a part of the problem, rather than a solution.

CAA on the other hand... is part of the solution. :thumb:

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Postby Lochaber Axe » Tue Dec 16, 2003 7:37 am

<The truth is that many of the Cartoons that I watched growing up where written for Adults. Bugs Bunny and the gang, Flintstones, Jetsons, and most of the early Disney stuff (back when Walt was still around). My mom was looking for something she had while a kid, and we found a page with old commercials on it... one was for cigarettes being sold by the Flintstones. The statement that cartoons are just for children, etc. is soooo uneducated an wrong in so many ways it's not funny.>

I know what you mean. Have any of you seen any of the looney tunes cartoons that date from the World War II years? That stuff is full of some much war propaganda its rediculous. Oh yeah, that stuff is for kids, uh huh. What is the purpose of political cartoons? Are they for kids? This guy is a unkuth idiot. Little respect for cultures, and even animated history of his own country!

Listen, Shadsie, want people think of you has no bearing on what how God thinks of you. He created you as you are, and he created me as weird as I am. This is your life, take it and hold to it, and never let someone take what God has blessed you with. These thoughts and feelings are not from you or from God. With the power of God you can banish these thoughts, though it might not be easy since from what have read from your earlier posts these thoughts have become a stronghold in your life. Do you know how to take down strongholds? You rip apart the foundations and it shall all crumble at your feet. Take hold of my words and ask him to aid you as you rip apart the foundations that the enemy has set up in your life. Forgive me for being too preachy now, but there are people here that love you and wish to see you grow in Christ.
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Postby Will Smith, Jr » Tue Dec 16, 2003 4:13 pm

Which is why we have CAA in the first place. This theme comes up from time to time regarding this issue. Some of the views are uninformed and I think here at CAA we provide more of a balance. Before I became stronger in the faith I used to watch any and everything because "I could handle it." That was nothing more than the devil getting a foothold in my life. God helped me to let many things go whether it was anime, live action, music, etc. just so my life would be free from muck. *Mini-Testimony* At one point, my mind was so depraved that whenever I saw anime that it would make me want to see hentai then pornography. And the anime may not have had anything "immoral" about it for me to think that way. However God has redeemed my mind then and on a continual daily basis. Maybe I can't watch as much anime because of my weakness but thank God for people like Inkhana and PsychoAnn who provide superior alternatives.

It all goes back to discernment with the help of the Holy Spirit. For anime or anything else though it may be permissible, is it really beneficial? Does it give the devil a foothold in my life?

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Postby Michael » Wed Dec 17, 2003 12:14 pm

<If I were to look into every loon on the internet, I'd never get any work done. There is no shortage of them sadly. Fortunately, it's a rare thing for me to have to deal with such people. Ultimately, the legitimate article is pretty much the same old, same old- I could just as easily find similar rubbish on Harry Potter, D&D, UPC codes, or any other thing you could care to name. As to why I should bother to seek such screeds out is beyond me; I have better things to do.>

I agree with you one-hundred percent. There will always be people who're. . . .stupid.

As far as anime: It's true, the majority of it isn't christian. The truth is is that anime creators like angels and other religious symbols because they look cool. They really don't know jack about the Bible escept what suits them.

Sombody's going to come back with: "By that logic, we shouldn't watch anime." No, it's ok too watch certain anime (The cleanest stuff) in the same way it's ok to go skiing. Neither one really promotes the Bible or God, but that's no reason to not enjoy it. As long as it isn't opposed to christianity.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Dec 17, 2003 1:46 pm

[quote="Technomancer"]If I were to look into every loon on the internet, I'd never get any work done. There is no shortage of them sadly. Fortunately, it's a rare thing for me to have to deal with such people. Ultimately, the legitimate article is pretty much the same old, same old- I could just as easily find similar rubbish on Harry Potter, D&D, UPC codes, or any other thing you could care to name. As to why I should bother to seek such screeds out is beyond me]

Oh my word... UPC codes... There is a site that's "King James Only" (because even NKJV is the "mark of the beast") and it talks about UPC codes being the mark of the beast (as well as about 50 other things... make up your minds people!), and yet it has a counter on it's front page (if you don't know, the activation code (or something like that) for web counters is 666) I found that irony to be delicious... Fact is, even if it did have the numbers (which it doesn't, you can check snopes for a full explanation) it still wouldn't meet ALL THE REQUIREMENTS which include a swearing of allegiance. (Oh, and by the way, web counters are neither points of allegiance nor a buying and selling requirement, so the fact they have 666 as a code means pretty much nothing Biblically)

It is true there are more nuts online than sane people. It's because having that degree of anonymity does something to you. It gives you a sense of power, so people tend to be more openly whatever is in their hearts, where they would suppress in standard social situations due to pressure from the group. The internet is a laying bare of human nature. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Will Smith, Jr » Wed Dec 17, 2003 2:45 pm

I couldn't agree with you more Michael and BobtheDuck. Being wary of deception and fine sounding arguments based on the principles of this world is what Christ calls us to do (Col 2:8).

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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Wed Dec 17, 2003 3:25 pm

I once read an article realted to Pokemon where the author tried to argue that if you played the dialogue backwords, it came out as 'demonic messages' and 'foul language'. He also claimed that the animators showed a girls genitals in the opening theme. (It doesn't) I was pretty funny though.
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Postby Haibane Shadsie » Wed Dec 17, 2003 4:08 pm

To Lochaber Axe:

Pray for me if you'd like. I've pretty much had thoughts like these (feeling cruddy), all my life. I've slowly gotten better and become a better person, but I don't expect thoughts of my own suckiness to ever go away.
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Postby redkorn » Wed Dec 17, 2003 6:43 pm

that guy is too full of himself "USA is the best country ever" and he says japan think christianity is a folk lure well go over too japan and preach there and tell them about jesus, but then again the way he acts he will give christian a bad reputation.
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Dec 17, 2003 8:21 pm

> (if you don't know, the activation code (or something like that) for web counters is 666)

I don't understand this. Explain.
"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
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Postby MasterDias » Wed Dec 17, 2003 8:29 pm

Chris4150 wrote:I once read an article realted to Pokemon where the author tried to argue that if you played the dialogue backwords, it came out as 'demonic messages' and 'foul language'. He also claimed that the animators showed a girls genitals in the opening theme. (It doesn't) I was pretty funny though.

And then there is the ever present claim that was started years ago by certain groups that rock music CDs(both Christian and secular) play out "evil messages" and "profanity" if you play them backwards. Peh. :eyeroll:
"Always seek to do good to one another and to all."
1 Thessalonians 5:15

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Postby MillyFan » Thu Dec 18, 2003 3:20 pm

Berit Kjos :rant: :mutter:

That site seriously makes me want to vomit or scream, I don't know which. I mean, there's just so much *intentional* disinformation and misinformation, so many logical fallacies, so much alarmist beliefs. . .^sigh^

Also, even when people have tried to correct the errors Kjos promotes, they get slammed as non-Christian or worse, anti-Christian. :mutter: :sniffle:

It just amazes me how ignorant Kjos is of the commands in the Bible prohibiting the bearing of false witness, slander, gossip, and racial/national pride to the extent of demeaning others.

Shadsie: :hug: It's all right. There will always be condemnatory people. . .but because there are Pharisees ready to accuse at the drop of a hat, that doesn't mean there aren't people who are fairminded, who do understand.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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