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Postby Stephen » Fri Nov 18, 2005 2:49 pm

Read my post again.
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Postby Gypsy » Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:36 pm

the_lizardqueen wrote:I think I'd be hoping for a complete unknown or Josh Holloway, who I'll admit I am totally biased towards (Sawyer!!!!).

Yeah, I've thought Gambit more than once while watching Lost.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:40 pm

OMIGOODNESS new Teaser Trailer on Monday!!!!! And evidently it'll be showing Beast!!!! I'm so monitoring Apple.com until midnight tomorrow. I mean, probably with my luck they'll just show a flash of blue fur and claim that it was Beast but the early blurbs seem to be indicating that we'll see Kelsey Grammar as Beast. Which is either going to be amazing, weird, or awful. Here's to hoping for amazing..*crossing fingers*

Oo, and I also found an article that indicated they had been scouting out Josh Holloway for Gambit, but evidently Lost is keeping him too busy. Well...at least they were thinking about him...:(
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Postby Stephen » Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:13 am


A good site to stay up to date with comic films on. And Gypsy. I guess from what I have been reading. IF Gambit had not gotten cut by the idiots at Fox (from what I hear the writing team mostly hate the character and never planned on putting him in despite claiming they would on 2 films) If Gambit had been used...the actor who plays Sawyer on Lost, was under serious consideration. Who knows, if there not lieing...and they are going to use Gambit in X4....he might get the call.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sun Dec 04, 2005 10:58 pm

BEAST!! It's Beast!!!!!


He actually doesn't look half-bad and I can hardly recognize the actor playing him, though there's little indication of how their handling the muscles and build. The bald face is weirding me out.

Oo, and there's also preview pics of some Angel guy ;)
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Postby Stephen » Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:51 pm

I am slowly growing more bitter towards the Xmen movies under FOX. The more I read about the production teams saying how much they hate the character of Gambit...then lieing about him being in it. *shrug* I hope the movie flops, and in like 5 years they do a Batman Begins retelling style Xmen film. Where a director whos head does see light of day....where he can do a good job of making an Xmen film. Where Rogue won't be a teeny bopper. It would be like me making a movie about Trigun, and taking the character of Wolfwood out. You can't do a good movie over a comic if you pick and chose to take out fan fav chars. *rant over*
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Postby Kisa » Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:45 am

I'm looking forward to see how they do this after leaving the last one with us all like... NO!!! LOL They can't do that shadow thing and let us go for 2 years....
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Postby Mikomi » Mon Dec 05, 2005 8:13 am

Beast looks pretty good....much better than what I imagined. :thumbsup: Angel looks really cool too. I cant wait to see this movie! It's a shame that Gambit isnt going to be in it. He's one of my favorite characters.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:31 am

I for one am hoping that the film is successful, maybe I'll change my tune once I've seen the teaser trailer (which still isn't up on Apple.com *twitch*) but thus far I'm impressed by the early release photos. I'll admit, I'm biased. Although I do like Gambit, Beast has always been my favorite X-man and I've come to respect Kelsey Grammar after years and years of my parents watching Frasier obsessively. Plus, he rocked as Sideshow Bob. Overall, I'm happy to see that they didn't mess up with the appearance, since he's already a dead ringer vocally and personality-wise.

And I have never read anything about the producers and writers hating Gambit. Yes, there were concerns about his personality seeming too similar to Wolverine's (maybe it's the brooding dark side?) and his powers seeming too similar to Cyclops' (er...what??). I do agree that Rogue's age did alter Gambit's potential role, but I don't feel that it was a mistake for the writers to show her as a younger, more vulnerable character. I'd be a little jumpy and messed up too if I had those powers. I don't think that it would have entirely worked to introduce Rogue as an outgoing, over the top, powerful southern belle in X-1. She's always had a more vulnerable side and the writers chose to focus on it. And I know that there's no hope of the Iceman romance working out in the long term. Way I see it, Gambit is a future occurence in the Movieverse X-men films.

Gambit wasn't even introduced in the comics until the 90's and despite his popularity, he is one of the newest x-characters (even Rogue came in a decade earlier). It's actually about time that they finally introduce Beast and Angel, since they were part of the original 60's comicbook team. Gambit is also a very complicated character, and he could practically have his own spin-off. I'd hate to see him introduced in X-3 and promptly shoved to the side and ignored due to the large cast. He needs the spotlight! They only really have room for about two or three new mutants, max, per movie, permitting that they cut out several pre-existing mutants (like Nightcrawler, Toad, etc.) When you look at the sheer number of characters that have come and gone through the X-men comics over the years, the odds are pretty slim for any given mutant to pop up in the movies in a main role. It has to be really difficult for the writers to choose.

Anyways, I'm rambling. I guess my point is, although Gambit is extremely cool, he isn't absolutely essential to the X-men. They did get by without him for several decades. I'm not sure that his absense is worth giving up on X-3 over, though I am hoping that they finally give him some attention in any possible X-4 *crossing fingers*
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Postby Stephen » Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:32 pm

Taken from Comicbookmovie.coms message boards.

"the people behind the movie HATE the character,and made remarks that would lead anyone to believe that's the case. No shock to me. ONLY people who were pullin for Gambit in X3 was Lauren Donner....and she's a woman,so her opinion won't matter to these people,she was the last hope for anything we wanted. Our other hope,was Singer,who planned for Gambit to be a big player in X3,until FOX decided not to just wait it out and let Singer get another flick out before focusing back on the X'S"

That is what I was speaking in reference to. Because I read it on a message board does that make it Gospel? No. But its what I was speaking in reference to.

I have no problem with your logic as far as Gambit being a newer character....except the fact that 2 times the directors have said "Gambit WILL have cameos" Granted it has been 2 different directors...but they both promised the fans Gambit...then reniged. Thats messed up, IMO. As far as the Rogue thing goes....*shrug* I am sure there are people out there who like the story arc. But its rediculous. It would be like having Professor X be like 17. You don't just decide to change ages so you can write the movie however you want. I think you would see things differently if they up and decided to have Beast have pink fur, and be played by a woman. Or maybe not, who knows. I just think its sad that there playing with the fans like they are.
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Postby Nate » Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:37 pm

I stopped having interest in the Xmen movies when Sabertooth first appeared and Wolverine said, "Who are you?" My suspension of disbelief went byebye then.

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Postby Stephen » Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:45 pm

Heh. But Kaemmerite, don't ya know? Its not the story of other mutants, its the Wolverine show! With some other no-namers. (like Sabertooth)
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Postby Souba » Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:50 pm

Shatterheart wrote:That is what I was speaking in reference to. I have no problem with your logic as far as Gambit being a newer character....except the fact that 2 times the directors have said "Gambit WILL have cameos" Granted it has been 2 different directors...but they both promised the fans Gambit...then reniged. Thats messed up, IMO. As far as the Rogue thing goes....*shrug* I am sure there are people out there who like the story arc. But its rediculous. It would be like having Professor X be like 17. You don't just decide to change ages so you can write the movie however you want. I think you would see things differently if they up and decided to have Beast have pink fur, and be played by a woman. Or maybe not, who knows. I just think its sad that there playing with the fans like they are.

*applauds* I totally agree ith you. The only reason I was looking forward to seeing the movies is because my two favorite characters are Rogue and Gambit. After the first movie there seemed to be some potential, but now I'm just so disappointed with the whole thing I don't think I want to see it anymore. :sniffle:
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:35 pm

Shatterheart wrote:except the fact that 2 times the directors have said "Gambit WILL have cameos" Granted it has been 2 different directors...but they both promised the fans Gambit...then reniged

Well, technically Remy's name did make a cameo on Stryker's database in X-2-

Yeah, it was lame :eyeroll:

I guess maybe I'm just not so certain of Gambit's being absolutely crucial *cringes and prepares to flee the Gambit-fans*

But, I can understand being frustrated with all the broken promises. As far I'm concerned though, as long as they have Xavier, Magneto and a handful of people with freaky powers, it's X-men. As for the age thing, I wouldn't mind a significantly younger Beast, though I can't say I'm so keen on the pink fur idea, that'd take some getting used to..
Shatterheart wrote:Heh. But Kaemmerite, don't ya know? Its not the story of other mutants, its the Wolverine show! With some other no-namers. (like Sabertooth)

Gotta agree with you there. The Wolvy-fixation is getting a little old. And it was probably a mistake to introduce Sabertooth so early on as a grunting henchman.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:08 pm

Ei, sorry about the doublepost but I just wanted to update: the Teaser Trailer is up at Apple.com as of yesterday evening. Doesn't look too bad, though Storm does seem to be getting alot of screentime :eyebrow:

The appearance of Beast is still being debated, I think he looked better in the still photos, while alot of other fans are claiming he looks way better in action. There is an overall consensus though that Juggernaut is looking strangely shrimpish.
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Postby Kanerou » Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:33 am

*goes and looks up Josh Holloway* ....... Whoa. It's..... Gambit!

<.< >.> Well..... sometimes romance does bridge age gaps..... OK, I'm so in trouble for that one. :grin:
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Postby Maledicte » Wed Dec 07, 2005 11:16 am

Despite the fact that the current pairing is Rogue x Iceman, doesn't mean that the Rogue x Gambit pairing can't be possible in the future. It worked well in the Ultimate Xmen comics and it's a possibility it could here. Besides, the movies are taking more off of the Ultimate comics than the original ones, in my opinion.
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Postby SnowLeopard » Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:00 pm

the_lizardqueen wrote: There is an overall consensus though that Juggernaut is looking strangely shrimpish.

Meh! I thought that there was something wrong with him, but couldn't quite place it!

That, and they also redesigned his helmet. :shady: :eyebrow: :eyeroll:

Thought the trailer looked awsome though.

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Postby Kanerou » Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:03 pm

SirThinks2Much: Two words. Love triangle.

So when does the fun start? :grin:
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Postby Mikomi » Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:51 am

WoOoO cool looking trailer! It sure came out early though, considering the movie won't be out until the end of May. Why must they torture me like that? WHY!?! -_-
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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:17 pm

The trailers at apple didn't work... I downloaded it on limewire after that, and it said "A component required to play this video is missing. Unfortunately, it wasn't available at apple.com" WTC? How is that possible? The trailer's being hosted at apple, and they don't have the codecs to play it? The sound works on the download, but not the video... On the website, it just shows us as a broken filmstrip... Gah...
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