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Kenshin: Endsong

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Kenshin: Endsong

Postby water-bearer » Sat Dec 06, 2003 9:31 pm

Hey everybody. Well, I just went and bought Rurouni Kenshin: Endsong which is the last five episodes of the series. I really like some parts but found myself a bit disappointed in others. I found that there was alot of eastern spiritualism in it, but perhaps that's because I haven't seen all that many episodes. But anywho, I was just wondering what everyone elses opinions on this were. Thanx! :) Later dayz
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Postby Twilly Spree » Sat Dec 06, 2003 11:09 pm

I really was dissapointed in that last arc of RK. It wasn't as cool as the Kyoto arc. *sigh* if you REALLY want the end check out the new OVA's that is the real ending to RK. Warning, it's sad but SO very good. I would personally though start by checking out the Kyoto arc. It's a tad violent but by far some of the best anime I have ever seen. Then go watch the new OVA's a cry like a baby.
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Postby SwordSkill » Thu Feb 12, 2004 9:58 pm

well, hey, you can't avoid Eastern spiritualism when you're watching an Eastern show. ^^;; it's part of the package.

i think the last few episodes were somewhat of a letdown in terms of story and plot movement, but then we can't keep comparing everything to the Kyoto arc because the Kyoto arc is understood to be THE arc anyway (aside from the Jinchuu).

btw, is the very last episode of the RK tv series that was never shown in tv part of that Endsong collection? the episode where Kenshin and Kaoru go out on a date? (okay, technically, it's not a date, but hey, let's be romantic anyway XD XD).
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