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new here... not a n00b

Postby Takuya » Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:15 pm

Konnichiwa... Name's Matrix... AKA, Aaron (Real name), Matt (The alias I like to be called by... Short for Matrix...), Koji (My dark side... Only call me that if I get upset and need to chillax), Kouichi (uhm... yet another of my Japanese aliases...), Guardian Dragoon (Uhm... I might make a topic on this stuff one the mean time, I tend to try to stop fights... so...), Commander Metal Frame (I'ma civilian), Jerren Arq (Metal Frame)...

I speak some Japanese (Not just greetings and lunch...) but am not Japanese... In fact I am American... But I plan to become a Japanese speciallist one day...

In case you're wondering why... I love alot of anime and like very few cartoons... Code Lyoko, G.I. Joe Sigma 6, and a few CGCs are about it... But that's not it... I used to really be into Samurai and Bushido... Though alot of stuff about it I dissagree with... I kinda mellowed out tho... And I HAD a Japanese girlfriend named Miyuki not to long ago (Born in the states with fully Japanese brother and parents... well... As far as I could tell they were...)... So I decided to learn HER language since I already sang it (Oh yea... I know some songs in Japanese... So honestly, I'm not sure WHAT made me want to learn Japanese).... But... I eventually found out she was bisexual... blegh... I think it made me literally sick to my stomach... But the desire to learn Japanese still stood... It seems kinda wierd...

I'm actually coming up with two CGAnime and two games... The Titan Frame franchise... Metal Frame (Game 1), Titan Frame Pilot (Game 2), Elite Warrior [name pending] (Movie), Cyber Elite (Series)...

As you may have noticed, some of my aliases came from Metal Frame... Most came from Elite Warrior and Cyber Elite...

Wow... didn't know there was so much to say about me...
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Postby teen4truth » Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:00 pm

*rushes is in to greet n00b(, that is...guy who is new here) before she gets off of CAA* Well I gotta get off right now, so I will have to talk to you later, but right now I can at least give you a quick welcome! I am teen4truth, you can call me t4t. I hope and pray that you will enjoy these boards and get a lot from them! I like pms, so if you ever wanna send me one, then go right ahead (and if I do not answer then just send it until I do^_~).

Wit luv from abuv,
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Postby HisaishiFan » Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:38 pm

Matrix Kage wrote:I love alot of anime and like very few cartoons... Code Lyoko, G.I. Joe Sigma 6, and a few CGCs are about it...

Greetings and salutations, Matrix. You'll have a great time here. Interesting comment about anime - I have the same opinion: love it, but don't like many. Why do you feel that way? Mostly, I really hate wooden animation, so I'm pretty picky.

Random non-n00b question: Beach or mountains?
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Postby Roy Mustang » Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:01 pm

Welcome to the board.

*Hands out Chocolate Pocky and Ramnue Soda to our new member*

If you ever need to talk to someone, just send a pm.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:26 am

In general I do not enter welcome threads, but in this case I will make an exception. Welcome to the CAA, and I hope that your time spent here is pleasant.
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Postby Ichigo_89 » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:21 am

Welcome, Mr. Anders-...I MEAN, Matrix Kage. Hope you enjoy your stay. If you wanna PM me sometime, I'd gladly talk about manga, anime, or w/e you want. Have fun!

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Postby Mithrandir » Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:30 pm

Welcome to the Nuthouse! :lol:
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Postby Takuya » Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:59 pm

HisaishiFan wrote:Greetings and salutations, Matrix. You'll have a great time here. Interesting comment about anime - I have the same opinion: love it, but don't like many. Why do you feel that way? Mostly, I really hate wooden animation, so I'm pretty picky.

Random non-n00b question: Beach or mountains?
Uhm... I don't not like alot of anime... though I've found that most anime (Like Naruto which ironically found its way here) is for adults. Cartoons and anime are two different things. That list is of cartoons I like, not anime... BTW, I don't like it when ppl call anime 'cartoons' when I've told them the difference...

And in answer to that non n00b question: Mountains. I don't like the beach that much because of what COULD be under there dead *PUKE* and I always get sand in my shorts. Not to mention that I've never been in the mountains. I'd like to climb some of Mt. Fuji.
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Postby Takuya » Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:11 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:In general I do not enter welcome threads, but in this case I will make an exception. Welcome to the CAA, and I hope that your time spent here is pleasant.

Thanks... I kinda didn't expect you to welcome me here... no offense, just not really expecting the unexpected... :sweat: lol...

What's with the screenname tho... you're anything BUT uncreative...
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Postby Takuya » Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:26 pm

Mithrandir wrote:Welcome to the Nuthouse! :lol:

Yeah... Your home is probably more of a nuthouse. :lol:
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Postby Silvanis » Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:52 pm

Welcomes good sir. *shakes your hand* Hope you enjoy it here! ^_^
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Postby Takuya » Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:02 pm

Silvanis wrote:Welcomes good sir. *shakes your hand* Hope you enjoy it here! ^_^
I'm sure I will. [D
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Postby Silvanis » Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:04 pm

I'm glad! I hope we become friends.
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Postby Takuya » Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:14 pm

Silvanis wrote:I'm glad! I hope we become friends.
I already added you...

You like Beyblade?
I'll make a topic on what I like REALLY soon... like three minutes from now...
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Postby teen4truth » Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:17 pm

Thanks... I kinda didn't expect you to welcome me here... no offense, just not really expecting the unexpected... lol...

What's with the screenname tho... you're anything BUT uncreative...

>.> <.< >.>You already know eachother?

Oh oh oh!!! I like Beyblade!!!
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:15 am

Matrix Kage wrote:Thanks... I kinda didn't expect you to welcome me here... no offense, just not really expecting the unexpected... lol...

In general, the unexpected is unexpected.

Matrix Kage wrote:What's with the screenname tho... you're anything BUT uncreative...

Ah, this ever-popular question. The screenname is meant to be ironic: it is an uncreative pseudonym.
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Postby Silvanis » Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:11 pm

Matrix Kage wrote:I already added you...

You like Beyblade?
I'll make a topic on what I like REALLY soon... like three minutes from now...

Coolness! Do you mind if I add you?
I'm kinda into beyblade, but there's quite a bit I don't know. It's a new interest.
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Postby Takuya » Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:18 pm

To Silvanis:

You can add me.

And, BTW, I can help you out with the sport. Just be sure to ask specific questions.


To UC Pseudonym:

I meant that... I can't explain it...

Also, I have absolutely NO idea WHAT a pseudonym is...


To Teen4Truth:

Yes, we kinda know eachother... sorta... He made a good story, I loved and reviewed it, I complained about an incident.

Cool, I keep meeting more Beyblade lovers... SWEET.


OMG!!! My brothere's playing Star Craft in the next room... I MISS THAT GAME SO!!! But my copies of it and Brood War are totalled... I gotta get Battle Chest...
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Postby teen4truth » Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:36 pm

I am confused. What is a pseudonym?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:50 am

That explains a great deal. If the word is unfamiliar to you, it doesn't really make any sense. Here is an official definition, though by now the irony is very dead:
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Postby Takuya » Sun Oct 23, 2005 7:13 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:That explains a great deal. If the word is unfamiliar to you, it doesn't really make any sense. Here is an official definition, though by now the irony is very dead:

I get it now....
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Postby HisaishiFan » Sun Oct 23, 2005 8:27 pm

Matrix Kage wrote:Uhm... I don't not like alot of anime... though I've found that most anime (Like Naruto which ironically found its way here) is for adults. Cartoons and anime are two different things. That list is of cartoons I like, not anime... BTW, I don't like it when ppl call anime 'cartoons' when I've told them the difference...

Hmm, I guess I don't understand the distinction you're making. Would you explain? Mostly I read manga and I don't watch much anime unless it comes from Studio Ghibli or has otherwise caught my attention (like Ghost in the Shell). Just a disclaimer - I'm not trolling - I know some folk consider Ghost in the Shell controversial because of the nudity at the beginning.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:23 am

I would imagine he is making the distinction between American-produced and Japanese-produced animated series. Given the titles he mentioned, there are some thematic and general style differences, though less so when both forms are considered as a whole.

Regardless of if Ghost in the Shell is controversial, it is hardly a forbidden topic on these forums.
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Postby Takuya » Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:01 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:I would imagine he is making the distinction between American-produced and Japanese-produced animated series. Given the titles he mentioned, there are some thematic and general style differences, though less so when both forms are considered as a whole.

Regardless of if Ghost in the Shell is controversial, it is hardly a forbidden topic on these forums.

dude's got a point...

Wow... I guess you and I got something in common... we don't open our traps unless we know what we're talking about... Then again... I tend to shoot my mouth off in person... and speak before I think... I just don't like typing much, so I think first to avoid having to re-type. lol
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Postby Shadowchild » Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:09 pm

Re-typing gets very annoying. Especially when you have a defective computer. *pushes compy off desk onto floor* WORK DARN YOU!
[color=indigo]ADOPTED BY:Nami, CephasVII, spectroking, Starfire1
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Postby Shadowchild » Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:09 pm

Oh and welcome to CAA. If you need some help just PM me okays. We will all be here to help.
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ADOPTED: teen4truth, spirit-me-away, ky kiske, Sage_AlKahira, dragon's bane, phinny5608, mastersquirrel, LeaChan-4ever, Dytae, Tom Dincht, Jack Bond, Mega, meg, Celestra, JadeFox
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Postby HisaishiFan » Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:13 pm

Thanks for the explanation. Also, thanks for letting me know that Ghost in The Shell isn't off limits -- I think it is a very powerful, intense anime, but I didn't want to offend anyone who thinks otherwise.
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Postby DaughterOfZion » Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:18 pm

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Postby Takuya » Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:01 pm

Is that a pic of you Shadowchild?

Konnichiwa AnimeMute... You a mute? I hope to God not... That's not quite as bad as being deaf or blind would be though... NVM...
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Postby Ichigo_89 » Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:20 pm

Matrix Kage wrote:Is that a pic of you Shadowchild?

Mmmm... really doubt it, dude. Looks like Avril Laviene (can't spell her name) to me...
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