CobaltAngel wrote:Blueberry
Taslin_Jewel wrote:Uncooked muffin mix? *shudders*
I need to do one of these.
kenshin1278 wrote:blue berry!!!!!!!!! only i like em baked! never tryed em uncooked before.... *looks into kitchen to see if anyones in there,,*
CobaltAngel wrote:^_^V
Here's another fact about me: I loff crazy movies like... Max Keeble's Big Move. It my seem stupid, but that movie was sooooooooo funny! I laughed the entire time! ^0^ But then again, I love Lord of the Ring-ish movies too. And the first Matrix was cool (haven't seen the others). Yah."
Siren of Lyrics wrote:I am A were wolf well sort of, I do go out back anwack my head on a stump when ever the electricty gos out. But that doesn't really count. Does it?
CobaltAngel wrote:Hmmm.... yeah, I don't see why not... I mean, us werewolves aren't pick to let newbies into own pack.
CobaltAngel wrote:its gotta be that bunny, Sarah-chan, again, danggit! *Sarah-chan reachs for Lit Book (That's a really big book!)*
CobaltAngel wrote:I'm well aware of that. =^_^=
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