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Postby Dunedan » Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:57 pm

Hi. I'm new here, but I wanted to do something besides just a long series of introductions. I looked through the threads and searched, but I couldn't find anything about Rahxephon. If I'm wrong and there already is a thread about Rahxephon, someone please stop me now.


In that case, I would like to say that while I do not own the anime, I've watched the entire series at my friend's house and it confused me and intrigued me incomperably (which may or may not be a word.) Since this is a site with many senior members who are advanced beyond my weakness of n00l3ity in understanding of perplexing anime, I would like it if anyone can give me guidance and share their thoughts on this rather new and extremely fascinating epic.

Thank you.
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Postby Mithrandir » Sat Sep 03, 2005 8:44 am

Sorry, friend. That's one I haven't seen. There's a review of it in the Anime Reiviews area which may be of some help, though.

Welcome to the Nuthouse, BTW!
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Postby Stephen » Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:36 am

Moved to the anime board.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sat Sep 03, 2005 2:24 pm

I plan on watching the reairing on AU tommorrow.
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Postby Dunedan » Sat Sep 03, 2005 2:35 pm

I'm sorry, I should have put this in the anime section. I'm just a big fan, and it has a lot of deep thinking and sad stories in it, so its one of my favorites.

Thank you for welcoming me. I have a friend whos been on here for a while and I wanted to check this place out.

Of course, I'm kind of lost in all these threads. :eh:
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sat Sep 03, 2005 2:56 pm

Heh, if ya wanna get more confused (or maybe it will help?) check out the RahXephon movie if you can. It's like the same, fills in a couple plotholes I guess, but as for me probably leaves me thinking more than after the show itself :/
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Postby Hitokiri » Sat Sep 03, 2005 6:31 pm

There have been plenty of RahXephon threads but usually just asking what it is about.

I own the entire collection and I, personally, was blown away by the ending. I got that "I just finished a series" depressed feeling afterwards as well. The ending is a bit complex and I havn't fully understood it yet.

Basically, what I got from the series is that Ayato is of course a Ollin. It is stated throughout the entire series but it is also found out later he is designed for much more. He meets [spoiler]"Haruko Mishima"[/spoiler] but soon Tokyo Jupister appears and [spoiler]everyone assumes thier roles in rahXephon...such as Maya Kamina being his "adopted" mother. What I got from her discussion with Ayato that she "created" him in the RahXephon". However, before Tokyo Jupiter, she was his true mother who gave birth to him.[/spoiler] As we know, time flows outside of Tokyo Jupiter [spoiler]therefor roles such as Haruka and Megumi don't change. That is why Haruka remembers Ayato, even though he does not remember her. Her names changes after the situation after Tokyo Jupiter I believe[/spoiler] Then the entire series continues until the end where [spoiler]Ayato tunes the word. To keep it as it is or to return it to what it once was. For reason why Ayato and Quon fight in eachother's mecha's in beyond what I know. Maybe Quon oppossed or tried to force Ayato to change and tune the world. But Ayato tunes the world to what was before the Tokyo Jupiter phenonimon happened, the Mu gone, and thier roles in the series finally concluded. As for Helena, Itsugi, and Ishiki. They never existed in the orginal time frame. I think that's why Ayato looks like Itsuki when time returns to normal because Ayato is Itsuki, or possibly a manifestation of him. [/spoiler] I have yet to watch the Motion Picture which I intend to fairly soon.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sat Sep 03, 2005 8:31 pm

Hitokiri wrote:As we know, time flows outside of Tokyo Jupiter

[spoiler]therefor roles such as Haruka and Megumi don't change. That is why Haruka remembers Ayato, even though he does not remember her. Her names changes after the situation after Tokyo Jupiter I believe[/spoiler]

Just wait until the movie... (if you do wanna read it)

[spoiler] Apparently Mishima was actually known as "Mishima Haruka" and "Mishima Reika" is her daughter! As seen in the last bit of the movie. That part... was somewhat confusing, but it's just an alternate ending probably. Still, almost makes more sense :/ [/spoiler]

Hitokiri wrote: I have yet to watch the Motion Picture which I intend to fairly soon.

Yeah it might answer your question above with
[spoiler] Why Ayato and Quon fight [/spoiler]

Here's some info from inside the movie's insert booklet. The one part was something I never really recognized with it:

[spoiler] "Tuning the world: When the two RahXephons, which form a pair, resonate together, they will change the parallel universes into their "rightful shape/" This change is called "tuning the world." Though it is an act to stabilize and harmonize the world, to people's eyes, the sight of the tuning seems like a man and woman engaging in an act of love, trying to become as one, or like a man and woman locked in combat." So it's something pretty much symbolic but, never thought of it as the second option till I read the booklet. In my eyes, it looked like fighting but yeah... :/[/spoiler]
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Postby K. Ayato » Sat Sep 03, 2005 8:33 pm

SirThinks2Much has the entire series, and what she picked up as far as the near end of the series is [spoiler]The old man who has control over Helena is wanting to use Ayato and Quon (note the markings on both their stomachs) to make the world the way he wants it. Plus, it is strongly implied that Quon is in love with Ayato, and therefore fights him because he doesn't want to go with the man's plan[/spoiler].

Plus [spoiler] Near the very end of the final episode, you see that Ayato starts up the world so that he marries Haruka and Quon ends up being their daughter. In other words, he fixed the world so that there would be less conflict than what had existed at the beginning of the series [/spoiler].
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

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Postby eva-boy7985 » Sun Sep 04, 2005 10:39 am

Not trying to sound bossy or correcting, but the movie is in fact a different story than the series altogether. Yes, it uses scenes from the series, but the extra scenes that are added make it different altogether. If you pay attention to Ayato's role concerning the RahXephon in the movie, you'll that it's much more "supernaturally" oriented than that of the series somewhat more "scientific" spin. The movie comes more from Haruka's point of view than Ayato's. If you pay attention to some of the key extra scenes and the way things are pieced together in the film, you'll see that it is in fact a different story:
[spoiler] In the film, Ayato actually remembers Haruka after Tokyo Jupiter. Another thing in the film is the painting: it's not even there! Whereas in the series, the painting is a significant background device from start to finish. In the series, the tuning of the world brings about the world's "rebirth" in a sense, thus Ayato and Haruka are recreated. In the film, Ayato role is not only that of the Tuner of the World, but also to serve as a vessel for the Observer of time to finally awake. Once he does this, he becomes the Observer of Time; however, the Observers of time (him and Reika) offer Haruka something because of her devotion to Ayato: they fill her mind with memories of her and Ayato being together and marrying, though it didn't really happen, so that she'll feel complete. Also, on a somewhat negative note, in the film Ayato's and Haruka's child is conceived as a result of sex outside of marriage, whereas in the show they have a child in marriage. [/spoiler]
Believe me, I was kinda confused by various things, but one thing I know for sure is the separation between the film and series. I bought the movie with the artbox that holds the movie and the series, and it comes with an 80 page discussion/artbook that talks about all this stuff in detail.
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Postby Hitokiri » Sun Sep 04, 2005 10:41 am

I have like..a large flier of the movie in my room. I can't remember where I got it...maybe when I purchased one of the DVD's?
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Postby Hitokiri » Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:08 pm

Dunedan wrote:Thank you for welcoming me. I have a friend whos been on here for a while and I wanted to check this place out.

And until this morning at church, I had no clue it was you.

Oh...I'm the friend he was mentioning :lol:
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Postby Dunedan » Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:12 pm

Tenshi no Ai wrote:Heh, if ya wanna get more confused (or maybe it will help?) check out the RahXephon movie if you can. It's like the same, fills in a couple plotholes I guess, but as for me probably leaves me thinking more than after the show itself :/

There's a movie? Wow. I want to see it...

So, the idea is that at the end of the series, [spoiler]he and haruka/mishima are married and happy and everythiung because thats just how he wanted it to be made? I never thought of it that way... I always thought that it was kind of openended, like you could take the ending for whatever you wanted it to be... I kind of thought that it was like the whole series was a dream that Ayato had. I sort of took the whole thing as being abstract and symbollic instead of metaphysical and scientific...[/spoiler]

Thank you for your help on the movie stuff, tenshi...
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Postby Hitokiri » Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:27 pm

Hey Dunedan, maybe I should of informed you of this during the tour at my house. For thing (like wat you just posted) use spoiler tags.

Such as this [ spoiler ] type in here, sucka [ /spoiler] minus the spaces. It will look like this when you are done.

[spoiler]This is a spoiler tag[/spoiler]
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Postby mitsuki lover » Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:34 pm

I loved the first two eps.when I saw them yesterday on AU. :thumb:
This is definitely classic AU stuff.
My favorite character so far is that female spy or whatever she is who
tries to contact him and tell him about what's what.She looked pretty
And the final scene of ep.2 was a bit of a shocker.
Can't wait to see how this is going to develop.
btw:I already put RahXephon on my list of anime to get on DVD. :angel:
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:19 pm

After seeing the awsome anime, I'm not too keen on getting the manga with the overload of ecchi^^ But... they DID come out with actual novels! 3 volumes long might be somethign to look into... Rightstuf has a bit of info on the first one. Not sure if it's once again an alternate story, either way that can be a good thing^^ I love same characters but diff plots in stories^^ Makes it fun that you aren't seeing the same exact story over and over again.
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Postby Dunedan » Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:52 am

That sounds cool.
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Postby Hitokiri » Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:01 am

The manga is nothing like the anime. In this, Ayato and Reika are adopted brother and sister and have some hidden relationship going. Plus alot of Ecchi and when I first read that series, I was a bit unsure about it but then I started reading Chobits, and in reality they ar both the same Ecchi wise so no exscuse there.

I guess I am just a Ayato x Haruka fan :lol:
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