Life of Brian

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Life of Brian

Postby Nate » Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:22 am

Greetings, all. I was wondering everyone's opinions on this movie, for a couple of reasons. *hopes this will not spark a debate*

I have heard many people call the Life of Brian blasphemous. Being that this is my favorite Monty Python movie and I have seen it countless times, I must admit I'm a bit confused as to where this stems from.

Ignore the content for a moment. Yes, I know there's some language, and two scenes of frontal nudity. I'm not talking about the content, I'm talking about the "blasphemous" parts, which again, I didn't see many of.

The only thing I could regard as "bad religion" is the part where Brian states, "You don't NEED a Messiah. You don't need to follow anyone!" Obviously, that is completely untrue. But honestly, that's the only part I found even remotely close to bad (religion-wise I mean, not content-wise).

I hope this topic will not be closed; however, in the event that it is, I would like to hear people's responses via PM. Am I missing something? Just not paying enough attention? I don't know, but I'd like to hear from you guys.

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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:55 pm

I didn't find it blasphemous, except for that 'bad religion' part also. But I definetly don't see how people think this is funnier than Monty Python and the Holy Grail!
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Aug 25, 2005 5:27 pm

I haven't seen the entirity of the film, so I doubt I am the most qualified to answer your question. However, having a pretty good grasp of its content and also of human nature, I may be able to answer your question. There are a number of grounds on which people could consider the movie blasphemous:

First, you have to consider those who think any representation of Jesus (fairly common) or the Bible (much rarer) is wrong. We'll leave aside what we actually think of that concept, but merely note it.

Second, some people consider any movie dealing directly with events chronicled in the Bible to be blasphemous unless it is straight out of the text. They're likely to quote you the verse about those who change a single iota of the law.

Third, there are a few who can't accept a religious comedy. Some of these people just don't like humor, others feel that it is irreverent toward the Bible.

That is what comes to mind at the moment. Some of those who actually find it blasphemous could probably give you longer answers. I would ask that no one post negatively about the the movie unless they have actually seen it.
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Postby shooraijin » Thu Aug 25, 2005 5:59 pm

I thought it was more humourous than blasphemous, but it definitely does take a number of the symbols of Christianity lightly, and it doesn't get its R rating for nothing (the scene where Graham Chapman throws the shutters wide being one example).

On the other hand, the lisping Romans and the use of correct grammar whilst defacing the centurion's residence are classic.

Still, it's not a movie I often recommend to people. Holy Grail is much more humourous and a good example of Pythonesque humour without running the risk of seriously rankling someone's religious sensibilities.
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Postby Zane » Thu Aug 25, 2005 9:39 pm

The Monty Python gang actually set out to make a movie about Jesus and the Bible etc. But after reading throught the Gospels they found nothing humours about the 'great man' Jesus and didnt want to disrespect him.

So then they thought what if some-one was mistakened for the Messiah, ie. Brian.
But really the film attacks radical/fundementalism of believing any old thing. Its a criticisum on religion in general not Christianity or Jesus as such.

Some ppl, like my Dad, find the 'always-look-on-the-bright-side-of-life' offencive; because its very black comedy, and the whole 'crucifixtion or stoning?' bit, thats is pretty dark.

I think if people can see that then they won't be offended... as much ;)
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Postby Arnobius » Thu Aug 25, 2005 9:56 pm

I thought they crossed the line in a few parts, though I realize they may not have been intentional.

Still, I had to laugh at the scene where Someone who looked like Simon of Cyrene offering to carry the cross of someone who was made to look like Jesus... and that person gets up and runs away, leaving the guy to be crucified in his stead.
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Postby The Grammarian » Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:51 am

I think for a lot of people it's the scene where they're going to stone a guy for saying Jehovah.

"All I said was that this meal was fit for Jehovah!"
"Watch it! You're already in enough trouble."
"What're you going to do? Stone me? Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah!"
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Postby termyt » Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:51 am

The Life of Brian is definitely not for everyone. I personally do not believe it is blasphemous, but based on how some anime is reviewed her, I can see many of our membership thinking it is.

As with just about all Monty Python sketches, Life of Brian is definitely irreverent to the point of being potentially offensive to those who don’t see the humor in a satirical story of a guy whose life more or less mirrors that of Christ.

The subject matter probably just hits too close to home for a lot of people. (Although, I would offer that The Meaning of Life was much worse in that regard.
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Postby Nate » Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:18 am

I'll just post a bit more about why I find the Life of Brian amusing.

The Sermon on the Mount was one of the best scenes, IMO, not because of the dialogue, but because if you think about's probably fairly accurate.

Think about it. There weren't amps or bullhorns back then, and there were probably a great deal of people at the Sermon on the such, there most likely were people standing in the back who couldn't hear Jesus very well, and started their own conversations, or misinterpreted what He said. "Blessed are the cheesemakers? What's that supposed to mean?"

The second is the scene where as Brian is running, and his shoe falls off. This leads the "disciples" to question of what exactly Brian meant by leaving his shoe. Was it a sign to take off their left shoes and do likewise, or gather shoes in a big pile?

Very accurate once again. Different interpretations of verses in the Bible leads to different denominations of Christianity being formed.

However, my favorite scene of all has to be:

Brian: "You're all individuals! You're all different!"
Crowd of hundreds (simultaneously): "YES! WE'RE ALL INDIVIDUALS! WE'RE ALL DIFFERENT!"
Man (raises hand): "I'm not."

I think for a lot of people it's the scene where they're going to stone a guy for saying Jehovah.

Which is interesting, since some sites I've been to say that the name "Jehovah" is not a Jewish name (I checked on Catholic Encyclopedia, and they say that the earliest known instance of the name used is 1270, though it could have been around earlier than that).

Actually, I liked that scene a lot too. "Well, he DID say Jehovah." *is stoned*

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Postby Kaligraphic » Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:12 pm

Of course, there are a lot of Jews who write God as G-d to avoid spelling it out in full. Apparently, any direct usage is viewed as taking the name in vain.

Personally, I rather liked the movie. Funny, pretty well written, and enjoyable to watch.

I like Holy Grail better, though.
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Sat Aug 27, 2005 5:38 pm

Oh, I love this movie! It's unfortunately overshadowed by The Holy Grail, but it's definitely worth seeing. My dad didn't like it, but then, he's a preacher's son/religion major/worship minister, so it's the only Python film he can't really appreciate.
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