~Kung Fu vs Karate~

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~Kung Fu vs Karate~

Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:47 am

Hey Guys,

I want to know your opinions on martial arts:

1. Have you done martial arts and for how long?
---> I began martial arts at 3 years old. I truely love it!!! SO ihave been doing it for 19-20 years [im almost 23]

2. What influenced you to start?
-> i know a couple people who joined because of naruto..
---> I was influenced by my dad who is a high ranking martial artist. He created the Heiwado ["Way of Peace" in Japanese] martial arts. It is like what i named " Karate-Fu" it is all different styles together. Shaolin Kung-fu, 5 animal Style, Hung gar, aikido, Karate styles......

3. What style do you like the best..... do you think it is best?
---> I like all styles other than one. I think putting a lot of styles best points together will create a better martial arts.

4. Do you think anime correctly portrays martial arts of any kind?
---> I think anime is a bit off... over exaggerated and you would die if you fell off a building after being hit with 12 throwing stars and one big throwing star [naruto]

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Postby Christian_Shugo » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:04 am

1. 3 years

2.get away from my bro

3.tea kwon do

4.not really

im adding 5. have you ever been to tournaments
yes i have about 60 trophes i was regoinal champion for 2 years in about 5 things for my age group and belt level ummmmm im a red belt but i compete against black belts to[because some people get prometed WASY to fast i was better than most of them]
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:10 am

Yea i have been in a lot of tournaments... lots of first place medals and trophes....

One time i went for Grand Champion of the tourney and they didnt tell me that was what i was fighting for.. SO i goofed off and then i found out it was a real fight,,,, and i could of had a 5 foot trophe :wow!: and had mad respect...

At another tourney i did a drunken kata and sadly they didnt hear me say it was a drunken kata so they thought i had bad form :( poo :shady:

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Postby Solid Ronin » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:12 am

1. No

Reason being that I don't have the money and There no Dojo I cant join here.

2. The reason I will Start is because of my love for the sword.

3. Ninjutsu, I don't think there is a ...ultimate... fight style is all depends on the person.

4. None that I've seen.
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Postby Christian_Shugo » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:13 am

lol to bad one time i almost droped my bo staff on a big tournament but i leaned back matrix style and cught it barely and they though it was a kool new trick and i won lol
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:14 am

i dont think their is an ultimate fighting style either.

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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:15 am

Christian_Shugo wrote:lol to bad one time i almost droped my bo staff on a big tournament but i leaned back matrix style and cught it barely and they though it was a kool new trick and i won lol

I wish i was smooth like that when i drop my bo

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Postby agasfas » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:57 am

1. Have you done martial arts and for how long?
---> Yes, I've been around it on and off since about 3rd grade

2. What influenced you to start?
-> It looked fun. Then in Highschool I did wrestling. The love of Martial arts grew from there.

3. What style do you like the best..... do you think it is best?
---> I can't really say, one is better then the other. I've learned many styles: jujitsu, boxing, some kick boxing, wrestling,tae kwon do and a little of Jeet Kune Do. If I had to pick one, I would a mix of grappling with punching (MMA). :P Okay not specific but I perfer mixed martical arts. It gives you a better understanding of fighting and helps you to adapt when facing other opponents from different styles. You never want to box a boxer if you lack boxing skills. So if I didn't know how to box, I would grapple. A boxer is least effective on the ground. It's just knowing how to adapt. And knowing only one style doesn't leave much room for of that.

4. Do you think anime correctly portrays martial arts of any kind?
---> Depends. For example, Hajime no Ippo or One Pound Gospel. They are about boxing with realistic human aspects and quailites. Nothing supernatural going on. Just a great all around boxing anime. There are a few other realistic ones too, but it's very limited... very.

On the other hand, you have your DBZ's, Narutos and other super-natural martial art animes. All unrealistic but entertaining to watch. No one can move at the speed of light, fly or do a Kamehameha. :P
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:02 pm

agasfas wrote:I've learned many styles: jujitsu, boxing, some kick boxing, wrestling,tae kwon do and a little of Jeet Kune Do. If I had to pick one, I would a mix of grappling with punching (MMA). :P Okay not specific but I perfer mixed martical arts. It gives you a better understanding of fighting and helps you to adapt when facing other opponents from different styles. You never want to box a boxer if you lack boxing skills. So if I didn't know how to box, I would grapple. A boxer is least effective on the ground. It's just knowing how to adapt. And knowing only one style doesn't leave room for much of that.

Thats what Heiwado and my Karate-Fu is: one style has many faults but to mix the styles allows for more coverage and a better understanding of how to protect yourself across all different styles and types of opponents. I totally agree with you...

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Postby Stephen » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:09 pm

Moved to the board where sports are suposed to go.
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Postby BigZam » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:12 pm

~Natsumi Lam~ wrote:Yea i have been in a lot of tournaments... lots of first place medals and trophes....

One time i went for Grand Champion of the tourney and they didnt tell me that was what i was fighting for.. SO i goofed off and then i found out it was a real fight,,,, and i could of had a 5 foot trophe :wow!: and had mad respect...

At another tourney i did a drunken kata and sadly they didnt hear me say it was a drunken kata so they thought i had bad form :( poo :shady:

~Natsumi Lam~

heh thats kinda funny.

1. Have you done martial arts and for how long?
for about a year now

2. What influenced you to start?
um...i was bored and had nothing to do and needed something physical to do and was sick of people regarding me as weak and defenseless just because i'm skinny.

3. What style do you like the best..... do you think it is best?
um i haven't been in it long enough to really experience any other styles but i'm currently practicing whats called Kinkoshinkai Shorinji-ryu Kempo which is my sensei's personal style. It combines Okinawan Seidokan and Shaolin Kempo.

4. Do you think anime correctly portrays martial arts of any kind?
psh no way most anime i've seen is greatly exaggerated.
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Postby TKD Samurai » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:48 pm

I can't believe I didnt see this thread! :hits_self

1. Have you done martial arts and for how long?
Yes, for a total of 35 months; 14 months in Karate, 25 months in Tae Kwon Do (ITF and WTF style), 1 month in Jeet Kune Do, 14 months with the katana (I can't call it Iaido because it's just an extra program at my TKD school), and currently 2 and 1/2 weeks in Xtreme Martial Arts/Acrobatics. Right now I'm doing TKD, the katana, and XMA/Acrobatics. (They don't add up because I do up to 3 of these at a time :P )

2. What influenced you to start?
I watched a lot of action movies, especially those starring Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li. I also wanted to get into better shape.

3. What style do you like the best..... do you think it is best?
Out of the ones I'm training in, I like the training in XMA/Acrobatics the best for performing. For something more practical, I want to train in Muay Thai boxing or Hap Ki Do. I don't believe that there is an ultimate style; it really depends on what the martial arts student wants to learn, and the training that the school does.

4. Do you think anime correctly portrays martial arts of any kind?
Most of them don't, but it would be awesome if Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu was real! :sweat:

As for tournaments, I've competed in several. Usually I get 1st place for weapons and patterns (kata), and around 3rd place for sparring.
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Postby BigZam » Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:17 pm

TKD Samurai wrote:As for tournaments, I've competed in several. Usually I get 1st place for weapons and patterns (kata), and around 3rd place for sparring.

patterns....interesting. never heard it called that.
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Postby Ingemar » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:10 pm

1. ?? months with various. I remember doing one month of TKD as a six year old, 3 months of Wing Chun, 6 months of Kendo (which can really no longer be called a martial art anymore), 5 months of Arnis de Mano. And yesterday was the second day ever I did Kempo.

2. Beat people up (j/k; I wanted to look cool, which so far I don't).

3. I am tempted to say Arnis because of my heritage, but w/o a weapon, the style is very limited. Practitioners of other martial arts say that Arnis is best for fighting with/against a knife, but since in reality most people are unarmed most of the time, an amalgam of empty hands styles would be better.

4. Anime portrays martial arts as accurately as they do human eyes and mouths.
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Postby TKD Samurai » Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:50 am

BigZam wrote:patterns....interesting. never heard it called that.

Yeah, both TKD schools that I've been to have called them patterns. I think the proper term is poomse.
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Postby oro! » Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:33 pm

1. about six months, mostly taekwondo with hapkido and recently jujitsu
2. Jackie Chan movies, RuroKen and my curiosity
3. Jujitsu. Anyone can win, no matter what size you are.
4. No way! I wish that how they protrayed it, then it would be.
5. I am going to a tournament next month! SO excited. I know it'll be fun.
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:28 pm

1. Have you done martial arts and for how long?
I used to practice Tae Kwon Do for a few years, but I don't have time for it anymore.

2. What influenced you to start?
My best friend was in it and his dad was the sensei, and I wanted to learn to fight.

3. What style do you like the best..... do you think it is best?
I really want to learn Aikido, for all the defensive/control techniques it teaches . . . I don't believe there is a "best" martial art, in fact if I had the resources (time, money etc) I would go on a "warrior pilgrimage" of sorts and study different styles to formulate a personal style that fit my physique and personality the best.

4. Do you think anime correctly portrays martial arts of any kind?
Pfft . . . : : falls down laughing at the top of his lungs : : But seriously, I suppose it would depend on the anime, there are some more realistic, some less realistic. Although I can't think of a really "realistic" fighting anime . . . I still love some of the "somewhat exaggerated" anime fighting like Cowboy Bebop and G Gundam.

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