Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Nov 20, 2003 3:56 pm
My box set came in today... It's 6 discs, which is the legitamate number, and it doesn't look like like a copied CD (but I've never seen a copied DVD so I don't know if it has the same tell-tale markings...) so it all looks to be legit...
I'm excited... I moved our Family DVD player into my room, and have been watching them. I realized there was at least 1 ep I'd never seen before, and I am enjoying being able to watch it all in both the dub and in Japanese...
now I gotta wait for my MST3k set to come in... Man, I've been long overdo for some Misting...
EDIT: Wow, only 6 views, and 3 of them are mine... that's really sad... Oh well... I threw it at the wall, it didn't stick... or something like that (why do I feel like I've made an aino minako moment?) Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
Legend of Crying Bronies: Twilight's a Princess