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excel saga *gigantic spoilers ahead*(japanese for "crazy wacky show!!" )

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excel saga *gigantic spoilers ahead*(japanese for "crazy wacky show!!" )

Postby supa dupa ninja » Sun Sep 07, 2003 2:02 am

this is my review of the first volume in the six dvd series.
this is one crazy show with no apparent genre, it gets crazy with the first episode where the first scene the main character excel graduates from highschool. skipping happily and humming across (shall be explained later-ish) kicking people in the process. a truck comes honking loudly while our clueless hero still humming and skipping... :wow!: oh no!! our hero gets hit by THE TRUCK!! is the story finished? ney! our hero sees her life passes by (with scenes of her getting drunk and being sacrificed in some sort of antichrist like cult) then cut to a scene where she floats in space and heres a voice the voice tells her that the show shouldn't last one episode and the voice ( or the great macrocasm which is a man sized universe that does the task of resurecting the main characters in the show (who repeatedly dies) ) shall resurect her.
cut to the scene where our hero is alive and well while the great macrocasm is sneaking out of the scene. shes inside the top secret headquarters of across ( across is a secret ideological association whos bent on world domination, has a total member of three. comprised of two women and a scrappy pup named minchi (minced meat in japanese) ) shes being bouncy and crazy about serving il palazzo (main honcho of across) which intern ticks of mr. "im so handsome I can be a leader" and shoots excel in the head, the great macrocasm then does her job again and landing our hero back at start, where shes being crazy and tries to hug il palazzo. il palazzo showed his love by shooting her with a bazooka. scene starts all over again where il palazzo orders excel to assasinate the original creator of the manga and anime koshi rikdo. the reason for this is that il palazzo thinks that manga is a worthless type of literature where he thinks it is the source of woes for all mankind.
I didn't expect this review to be so long, this is the first time I actually summarized a dvd I watched!
well this is far as I can go, im doing this review 2 in the morning.
im not even done with the first half of the first episodes and my brain cells are going for a dive.
so with no further ado, lets give this bad boy some score.

recommendation score: 7/10
why? because of the many objectional subjects, like the great macrocasm which they explain that its a materialization of the human will (i think), or the spiritual laws within the anime. there are some scenes which are both hillarious but still look a bit tragic ( like excel being hit by a truck). and one more thing thing I haven't shown this in my review yet but excel picks up a cute little dog who becomes excels emergency food supply, its a japanese thing.

personal score: 10/10
I don't get offended very often with anime and other medias, so a little racy humor here and there, a non-christian like acts here and there doesn't bother me... at all. its a good show if you just look pass the stuff. nuff said.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Sep 07, 2003 2:32 am

wait till you see episode 26... You'll change your opinion. It's extremely disgusting... You CAN choose to buy all but the last Volume, since the show doesn't really have a plot (except for the, um, forgot his name, the mexican guy... So, if you don't watch his saga, you're fine... I guess)

I loved the show and it was the funniest thing I saw until the last episode... It seriously ruined it for me... Well, there is an episode before it that's full of phallic images and masturbatory symbols too... I just don't remember which ep, so just watch the show up till episode 17, because that is the Piece de resistance. Watching it Subbed is best, especially if you've seen Sailormoon subtitled.

But, yeah, if you see episode you may have nightmares... It's worse than all of goldenboy. Goldenboy seems like veggie tales compared to the last ep of Excel... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby BrianC » Sun Sep 07, 2003 5:53 am

Well, the last episode of Excel Saga is actually an OVA and can be skipped. I wouldn't judge the whole series by that episode becuase it's not part of the normal series.
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Postby andjosephsaid » Mon Sep 08, 2003 1:36 am

On the one hand, the story of Pedro ["mexican guy"] is the sole story that is continous and ongoing throughout the series. The rest aren't. They were made up, except the last episodes, I think, because the manga artist in the beginning says, "I declare that Excel Saga return to the original plot." :-D

Yeah, I found 26 is very offensive and sick.

Also, there's also one episode in which Excel gets raped by a humanoid female robot (You see shadows of this). It's weird and random.

Bobtheduck wrote:wait till you see episode 26... You'll change your opinion. It's extremely disgusting... You CAN choose to buy all but the last Volume, since the show doesn't really have a plot (except for the, um, forgot his name, the mexican guy... So, if you don't watch his saga, you're fine... I guess)

I loved the show and it was the funniest thing I saw until the last episode... It seriously ruined it for me... Well, there is an episode before it that's full of phallic images and masturbatory symbols too... I just don't remember which ep, so just watch the show up till episode 17, because that is the Piece de resistance. Watching it Subbed is best, especially if you've seen Sailormoon subtitled.

But, yeah, if you see episode you may have nightmares... It's worse than all of goldenboy. Goldenboy seems like veggie tales compared to the last ep of Excel...
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Postby supa dupa ninja » Mon Sep 08, 2003 12:32 pm

welp, I got the manga version of excel saga and the description at the back says, "rikdo koshi attacks formed religion and other every day things" well thats not exactly word for word but I think I get the idea through. and his compared to that guy who made a movie called "bowling for columbine".
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:57 pm

Hmm... According to the show, they turned the manga into something completely different... Maybe that's not true, but excel saga is in no way political satire (as far as I know) and doesn't mock any beliefs including Christianity as far as I knew... Puni Puni Poemi contained crucifixes and the guy who should have put on some pants (the mumbling guy) was called "a church guy" at one point... So, Excel may not have, but PPP seemed to...

Bowling for columbine... I can't believe it won best documentary... It was hardly a documentary...

For that sort of "Docmentary" that is on the other side of his issues, go to albino black sheep and check out "Protesting the protesters" or something to that effect... I'd watch out on that site, though, there's some bad stuff, but just go to videos and look for something about protesters. It's pretty freakin funny. And completely one sided, but I find it nice revenge on some of the crap that michael moore has said. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby supa dupa ninja » Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:32 pm

well im talking about the manga version and the religion he attacked was the more main stream one in japan (wink,wink) the animes full name is "experimental quack anime" they try different genres with every episode, thats why its very different with the manga version.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Sep 09, 2003 9:34 pm

It's not an OVA... Or at least, why did the version I saw have a television warning at the begining warning that no one under 18 should watch it?

OVA means "Original Video Animation" and refers to productions that get video distrobution before they are (if ever) put on TV.

PPP on the otherhand was an OVA. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby BrianC » Wed Sep 10, 2003 8:26 am

Bobtheduck wrote:It's not an OVA... Or at least, why did the version I saw have a television warning at the begining warning that no one under 18 should watch it?

OVA means "Original Video Animation" and refers to productions that get video distrobution before they are (if ever) put on TV.

PPP on the otherhand was an OVA.

Probably as a joke, Excel Saga is full of them. The rest of Excel Saga is a TV series, but the DVD version of the Final episode IS an OVA, or at least an OVA version of a TV episode. BTW, I read about this online, so I know what I'm talking about.
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Postby That Dude » Thu Oct 09, 2003 8:25 pm

Fry-cook-boy wrote:The ADV rating was 17+, but I really don't think most of it is nearly that bad. My 15yr old brother has watched the whole thing except for ep.26, and there were only a couple things that were offensive to him. Acctually the only big problem was the ep. that had the guy with the back half of his pants missing.

Hey Zach you got my age wrong!!! I'm 16.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Sat Oct 11, 2003 8:17 pm

I'm very interested in seeing this anime, but I'm curious: exactly how offensive is episode 26? Is there nudity, explicit sexual content, or is it just disgusting?
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Postby MsShinobu » Tue Nov 18, 2003 5:53 pm

I liked the series...but I found it a bit too odd and strange.

The episode that bothered me the most was #26. I found the scene where the little girl almost beds that pruple haired guy VERY offensive. I can deal with "eye candy" stuff like in Love Hina, but I can't stand when little boys and girls get into relationships with people way older then themselves.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Nov 19, 2003 4:38 am

to chris:
[spoiler=age warning]Severe age warning here, if you are getting this by e-mail, don't read until you know that this is the most I've ever posted on a topic like this... Micheal, you asked so here's all the bad content in 26 that I can remember:Explicit lolita complex, nudity including hints of something that was illegal to show in any media in Japan until a few years ago (both times, children), a lesbian encounter (excel and Hyatt trade bodies, and they want to know what it feels like to feel their own bodies as someone else... so they go at it, with that one guy watching who then "gets excited" and it shows, in fact it not only shows, but it... is very active, if I'm not mistaken... I think there was more than that I just don't remember[/spoiler]

Unfortunately, if you've been watching the Pedro saga, you're GOING to miss the end... It culminates in episode 26, with [spoiler=nabeshin spoiler]Nabeshin marrying that girl who chases after him with the soup all the time[/spoiler] and that's what the lead in to Puni Puni Poemi is... Of course, just like I don't recommend excel 26, I don't recommend PPP...

Trust us on this on, Mike... avoid ep 26... There is no good reason to watch it...

As for why we think excel is funny? Humor isn't a vertical scale, it's very subjective... nearly ALL of the humor in Excel is also based on refferences to anime, games, and other pop-culture things in Japan, and are only funny if you have seen what it refferences... For instance, I found episode 17 to be the funniest, but only when I see it in Japanese and only because i'm such a sailormoon fan... Excel is voiced by the same actress as who did Usagi on Sailormoon, and there is a spoof in that ep that is just too great... I think I may have fallen off my chair when I saw that one...

Along those lines, I found episode 4 to be rediculously funny as well... I am probably abou the only one in this forum to have played dating sims (contrary to X-play's very incorrect statement, not all Dating sims are pornographic... Tokimeki Memorial is one of the most famous of these games, and it's a PG-13 at the most... The purpose is to win a girl's heart, not remove their clothes... Another decent dating sim, of the less interactive variety, is Love Hina for GBA) and that ep was great because I knew exactly all the things it was refferencing... It's the same thing that makes the simpsons or megatokyo funny most of the time (though MT isn't always meant to be funny... it actually has a plot)

Even if you know the refferences, there's no pleasing everyone... For those of us who liked it (until having it ruined by episode 26, or maybe by the ropponmatsu/guitar guy eps) we just can't convince people who really don't like it. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby yog^sothoth » Wed Nov 19, 2003 9:28 am

episode 26 makes fun of the racey side of anime. It's full of blood guts, sex, gore, and all the other stuff that makes some of the weirder animes weird. Sure it's gross but there are a lot more disgusting things out ebichu.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Nov 19, 2003 4:23 pm

Ebichu is straight up Hentai, though, even if it doesn't look so at first sight (it looks like Hamtaro at first... eew)... Excel was a show that was relitively clean until that ep... That's a big difference... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby yog^sothoth » Fri Nov 21, 2003 11:28 pm

It's not so much hentai as a show that tried to push the limits of tv. that show is that directors last animated feature. he was, in general, angry with the anime community and decided to put as much perverted nonsense on tv. he really did try and get away with as much as they would let him.
Why does the business of growing up - one's recollections of growth itself - have to be so tragic? I still haven't found the answer. I doubt if anyone has. When I finally reach that stage at which the placid wisdom of old age, with the dry clarity that comes toward autumn's end, occasionally descends on a person, then I too may suddenly discover that I too understand. But I doubt whether, by that time, understanding will have much point.Yukio Mishima
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Postby Tet-chan » Sat Nov 22, 2003 5:07 am

i love Excel Saga
Its so hilarious
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Postby Twilly Spree » Sat Nov 22, 2003 12:05 pm

I thought the show was hysterical (except for that last ep. ugh ugh ugh). My favorite scene is where Excel is in the bathing suit and her stomach's all fat and she's going "I'm so sexy" made me laugh really hard.
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Postby DrNic » Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:04 pm

Man that sounds like a kool series but I'm looking for a COMPLETE series to buy and by the sounds of it, the last episode is one of those stupid ones that idiot producers deside to put in because they want to see loadsa suggestive and rude material with the characters they've created. I HATE IT WHEN THEY DO THAT!!!!
Of course, if this last episode has little relivance to the rest of the series then I may still buy it without that ep. Suggestions plz?
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Postby supa dupa ninja » Wed Feb 25, 2004 4:23 pm

well the whole show is all about spoofs of japanese culture...
so the last episode is a spoof off the DARKER side of anime,hentai.
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