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Postby Stephen » Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:40 am

Heh...I won't be getting into my Kickboxing class anytime soon. I had a car accident the other day and my knees got busted up in the wreck...So, for now thats on hold.
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Postby For_Him » Wed Mar 30, 2005 2:10 pm

Does self-taught martial arts count? (tries to do a backflip but lands on his face)
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Postby wilson1112000 » Wed Mar 30, 2005 7:12 pm

I have always wanted to learn martial arts, but my mom was afraid I would hurt myself or others. I belive that I am in control of my anger now, but I don't know if it is to late to learn.
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Postby Stephen » Wed Mar 30, 2005 7:17 pm

Considering I am heading towards 21 and getting ready to start my first ever class, I will be bold and say its never to late to learn. Unless your like...65. Then it might be. ;)
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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Wed Mar 30, 2005 7:20 pm

and even then its not too late, i think there's a style called tai chi that's slower and is good for older (not old, just older than me) folks to train by
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Postby CDLviking » Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:47 pm

[quote="Shatterheart"]I will be bold and say its never to late to learn. Unless your like...65. Then it might be. ]
Naw, there's a style called cane fighting that would fit a hunched over old grandpa perfectly. If you come across an old man with an insignia of two crossed canes imprinted on his own cane, don't mess with him... cane fighting is nasty.
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Postby Stephen » Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:55 pm

65 was way to young of an age to use an example. Allow me to change that to 85. I would say it would be hilarious to get beat down by an old man with a cane. If this happens to me I hope its on film...
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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:05 am

well, my grandfather coulda prolly put up a good fight when he was 82, he still even had some black hair on his head (no it wasn't dyed, or any other kind of fake), although he was a special case seeing as he was a marine and all


still, that would be awesome to see someone get beat down by an elderly person, not the beating down part, but the fact that it's an older person doing is would rock!
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Postby Tsuki » Thu Mar 31, 2005 5:46 pm

no mater how old you are, i don't think anyone needs lessons to beat someone up. fighting comes easy when you got a bro...or a computer that does not like you. :comp:
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Postby Stephen » Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:59 pm

no mater how old you are, i don't think anyone needs lessons to beat someone up.

And as anyone who is really serious about it will tell you...the point of learning a martial art is not to be able to "beat someone up"
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Postby TKD Samurai » Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:59 pm

CDLviking wrote:We do the same thing. I have one steps 1-20 down, 10 defense against knife moves, and a lot of other miscellanious stuff.

Our school has the same system for Tae Kwon Do. We have Three-step, Two-step, and One-step Sparring techniques, plus Free sparring techniques for red belt and up. I think we might also have something like that for Hap Ki Do.
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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:18 am

hey guys, i didn't know if y'all would be interested in this or not, it's a site that specializes in swords as far as using them, building them, all that good stuff, the link is http://swordforum.com/ , there's not supposed to be the www like normal, i copied it from my address bar, so that's what is actually is, hope you enjoy
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Postby oro! » Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:43 am

Yeah...the only reason I can take a martial art is cause it's free. I have no money for even the least fees, and the parents wouldn't help with that. That's okay! I'm finally living my dream, and the only problem is we have like two mats for throws and junk, but other than that, my dojang is great!
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Postby girlninja » Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:28 pm

hehe WOW been a while since ive posted to my own thread LOL man it' has been a while well i guess an update is in order ^^

yea BJJ is a good market but only becuz it really offers alot heh. Umm no i dn't take wrestling...heh just learn real quick grappling REALLY big guys lol most weigh at least 100 pounds over me

oh and my FUll Contact fight is in 5 weeks heh getting there, training hard as always ^^ and as far as the coment about "beating someone up" i agree...the more i learn the martial arts the more i d DON"T wanna fight if i can help it.....as i have the potential to hurt someone seriously tho i pray ihave enough control and training to control the person and not do any serious damage.

Brazilian Jiu jitsu is a lot like wrestling cuz it takes on those aspects but adds more real life training such as against punches and such and you are able to do submissions vs. pinning like most wrestling does.
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Postby girlninja » Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:01 pm

LOL heh yea Fedor is a strong LOL

*smile well i think that there can be that type of corruption in any art...i don't think it quite happens as much only due to the fact tha it's harder to convince people based upon the skill but do i think it happens.. of course!

BJJ is hard. True you may not be able to beat Fedor but is it owrth it to study so much in this art or really any good martial arts style? YEs i think so. The ability to deafeat the average attacker or even not so average i think is invaluable.
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Postby girlninja » Sat Apr 09, 2005 12:36 pm

LOL no heh i'm not a Rickson fan...unfortunately not every Gracie is the best heh but i still love BJJ heh got a lesson today actually and the watchin the Randy Contoure and CHuck Lowdell fight heh
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Postby Ingemar » Sat May 14, 2005 6:04 pm

CDLviking wrote:Arnis is great. It really gets cool when you can smell the wood burning from the speed. There are definitely a few ways to brake your opponents thumbs, but maybe pry them off is a bit of hyperbole, unless of course you've got blade.

Yeah, I could see how you could break an opponent's thumb. There's a particularly nasty disarm that involves placing your opponent's thumb between his stick and yours, and only a leeeeetle pressure on the the thumb from both sticks can cause him to writhe in pain. Even the strong members in the class shouted out in horror when that disarm was used.
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Postby TKD Samurai » Mon Jun 13, 2005 6:55 pm

This summer I might take up wushu to improve my tricks (540s, aerials,etc.). Is there anything that I need to know about, or anything that I need to prepare for before I start training?
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Postby Ky Kiske » Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:18 pm

hmm I used to take Shotokan Karate and I got up to green which is one below brown in our ranking.
I want to go back but I also want to learn Iaido because I mean that has to be one of the coolest things around.
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Postby Gypsy » Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:23 pm

(I've probably said it somewhere in this thread before) I take kickboxing with a mishmash of other forms which basically boils down to street fighting. I would love to learn kung fu ... not for defensive purposes, but just because it's so dang pretty.
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Postby Ky Kiske » Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:26 pm

yeah my school teaches that too.
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Postby TKD Samurai » Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:51 pm

Ky Kiske: Iaido is really cool to practise! I think many styles have emphasis on forms and technique, so the training might seem slow and repetitive.

Gypsy: If you want the style that looks really good, that would be wushu. It has a strong emphasis on proper forms and stances, and has a lot of awesome techniques and combinations (like a 540 kick into the splits, or consecutive butterfly kicks/twists). Regular kung fu (wing chun) isn't as stylish in its techniques, but it's still fun to learn.

Last week another student and I became the first students to complete the Bokken/Katana Weapons Program at my TKD school, so now I can go there anytime to instruct or work on my own katas.

The wushu/kung fu school that I originally planned to enroll for was too far, so I looked around and found a closer school that teaches Xtreme Martial Arts and Acrobatics too. I'm going to start next week! :)
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Postby The Last Bard » Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:12 am

I am into martial arts, but unfortunately I don't attend any training.
So my martial arts is very limited.
But I still know enough to defeat some of those who don't!
Me and my bro and a friend of ours practice sometimes.
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Postby rusty789 » Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:16 pm

I was wondering what are the differences and stuff for tae kwon do, hapkido and karate, and what are they, this information would help, thanks. :sweat:
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Postby Sparrowhawk » Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:36 pm

I took Shaolin Kempo for a little less than a year (we moved away, otherwise i still be in it) and reached orange belt. The school had 5 animal kung fu (snake, crane, tiger, dragon, and uhh i think it was leopard? its been several years) and also had Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

I loved it, though i hated being embarrassed every time i spared a black belt (that seemed to be the favorite opponet of those of us in the lower class (white to orange) it was a treat to get to spar someone your own rank...not to mention a lot less painful (obviously they never seriously hurt anybody, what with our low rank and plus i was pretty young they did not do anything that could, but having your breath knocked out still hurts, not to mention its embarrassing how fast he could get passed and around my blocking (and everyone else's) to do it).

Fav weapon? Always has probably always will be bo staff, unfortuanately you had to be a much higher rank than i to start using weapons (i think blue, but i don't know if that is normal or just where i studied). I still wish i could have learned the bo staff. Its a simple weapon, but very, very good as any one can see when its being used by someone who knows what they are doing.

*by the way i noticed there were a lot of replies but my list shows oldest first so if you guys are on another topic sorry, i was trying to answer the original post.
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Postby Gypsy » Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:11 pm

TKD Samurai wrote:Gypsy: If you want the style that looks really good, that would be wushu. It has a strong emphasis on proper forms and stances, and has a lot of awesome techniques and combinations (like a 540 kick into the splits, or consecutive butterfly kicks/twists). Regular kung fu (wing chun) isn't as stylish in its techniques, but it's still fun to learn.

Nice, I'll keep that in mind. ^^

"Hey, Gypsy, what martial arts do you study?"


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Postby TKD Samurai » Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:50 am

rusty789 wrote:I was wondering what are the differences and stuff for tae kwon do, hapkido and karate, and what are they, this information would help, thanks. :sweat:

Tae Kwon Do: It's a Korean art with an emphasis on kicking and leg techniques. There are many hand techniques too, but without as much emphasis.

A lot of schools teach the International Tae Kwon Do Federation (ITF) or World Tae Kwon Do Federation (WTF) styles. Both styles have their own set of patterns, or poomse. WTF is the sparring style used in the Olympics. ITF sparring is almost the same as WTF, with the exception of allowing punches to the head.

Karate: It's a Japanese martial art similar to Tae Kwon Do, but more balanced in terms of hand and foot techniques. Its styles also have patterns, called kata. There are many styles of karate]Hap Ki Do:[/B] A Korean martial art of self defence with grappling, joint locks, and throwing techniques. It's considered a "soft" style, since it diverts an attacker's flow of energy and turns it against the attacker, instead of using force against force. I don't think that there aren't any patterns in Hap Ki Do. Out of these three martial arts, this is probably the most practical martial art to use on the streets.
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Postby rusty789 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:39 am

TKD Samurai wrote:Tae Kwon Do: It's a Korean art with an emphasis on kicking and leg techniques. There are many hand techniques too, but without as much emphasis.

A lot of schools teach the International Tae Kwon Do Federation (ITF) or World Tae Kwon Do Federation (WTF) styles. Both styles have their own set of patterns, or poomse. WTF is the sparring style used in the Olympics. ITF sparring is almost the same as WTF, with the exception of allowing punches to the head.

Karate: It's a Japanese martial art similar to Tae Kwon Do, but more balanced in terms of hand and foot techniques. Its styles also have patterns, called kata. There are many styles of karate]Hap Ki Do:[/B] A Korean martial art of self defence with grappling, joint locks, and throwing techniques. It's considered a "soft" style, since it diverts an attacker's flow of energy and turns it against the attacker, instead of using force against force. I don't think that there aren't any patterns in Hap Ki Do. Out of these three martial arts, this is probably the most practical martial art to use on the streets.

Thanks, I was just wondering what was the most fun and good to learn, I wanted to learn one of these, but thanks for the info. :) Anyone have a suggestion? :sweat:
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Postby TKD Samurai » Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:11 am

That depends on your purpose for learning the style. If you want something practical, go with Hap Ki Do. If you just want to have some fun, go with Tae Kwon Do or Karate. You should try looking up other martial arts too, like Kung Fu, Wushu, Capoeira, etc. There are a lot, so you should be able to find one for your needs. :)
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Postby rusty789 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:26 am

TKD Samurai wrote:That depends on your purpose for learning the style. If you want something practical, go with Hap Ki Do. If you just want to have some fun, go with Tae Kwon Do or Karate. You should try looking up other martial arts too, like Kung Fu, Wushu, Capoeira, etc. There are a lot, so you should be able to find one for your needs. :)

Thanks, I'm gonna try to look into those ones. Martial arts are expensive though. :drool:
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