The Miller\Boyett\Warren sitcoms

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The Miller\Boyett\Warren sitcoms

Postby Aeolus21 » Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:40 pm

Do any of you remember watching any of these sitcoms? Shows like Full House, Family Matters, and Step by Step were all produced by the same company mentioned in the title. My local station is starting to show re-runs of these shows and I am getting quite nostalgic. They were known for their brand of family friendly comedy sitcoms in the 90's and were quite popular.

Family Matters is definately my favorite out of the three of them, simply because of Steve Urkel, the nerd that's practically a household name to anyone who's heard him laugh and snort. :) The earlier seasons were the best, but got worse as more of the writing was focused on Steve and not the family itself.

Though I don't care for Step by Step as it's pretty much re-inventing The Brady Bunch (even that was never my favorite show).
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Postby Ingemar » Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:48 pm

Ah, Full House and Step By Step are easily the most forgetable of the three.

Yes, everyone loved Urkel, but... I just looooooooove to say the name REGINALD vel JOHNSON!!!
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Postby Ashley » Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:12 pm

I hated all of them, even back in the late 80s. My sister loves to watch them, but I just find it irritating. XD
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:32 pm

I've seen some Full House and Family Matters but didn't really care for them. Sorry.
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Postby shooraijin » Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:30 am

Laverne and Shirley was a Boyett sitcom too. It was fun.

We watched Family Matters incessantly for many years. The whole TGIF lineup was tradition when we were kids, including Mr. Belvedere.

Full House got on my nerves after awhile, but my sisters adored it.
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Postby Aeolus21 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:44 am

Huh, I never knew about Laverne and Shirley being a Boyett title, but Mr. Belvedere was something that I also remember on ABC's late night Firday's. I miss TGIF back in those days. The shows that are on today can't hold a stick compared to what went on a decade or two ago.

Yeah, most of the shows that had the M\B\W label can be pretty corny and weren't really well-received by most critics. Though you can't argue that they created such a huge fanbase and were immensely popular. Full House went on to have seven seasons while Family Matters went on for nine.

Though with Family Matters, I don't know if it would have gone past two seasons if it wasn't for Urkel. He guest starred in ALL of the Boyett sitcoms if you can imagine his popularity.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:23 pm

I remember watching TGIF every week at Grandmama's house when I was but a wee thing. I loved Full house back then, but I can't stand it now (although Uncle Jesse was/is pretty hot).

I used to watch Step By Step, but mostly just for the fact that it was on...not because I actually liked it, if that makes any sense XD

My favorite was Family Matters. That was a pretty fun show and I miss watching it.

I think Perfect Strangers was Miller-Boyett...wasn't it? Does anyone remember that show?
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Postby Nate » Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:30 pm

Step by Step is VERY forgettable. I only vaguely remember it because it had that tall dude who talked like a surfer.

Heh...I remember the OLD episodes of Family Matters. The ones before Urkel. For those who don't know, Family Matters was doing exceptionally poor in the ratings when it first came out and was in danger of being cancelled, and then they added in Urkel, and that's when the show became really popular.

Full House I seem to remember liking as a kid, but I watched some recently and wondered how I could stand it. It was bad...really bad.

Though the middle kid, whatever her name was, she grew up to be a fox. :brow:

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Postby LondonCalling » Fri Jul 15, 2005 2:21 pm

Family Matters was awesome. I actually did watch that one for pretty much the entire time it was on tv.

I thought Full House was great too, but I found it more enjoyable in the later seasons. And by the way Kaem, I know exactly what you mean. Jodie Sweeten is totally hot now.

Step by Step was just okay. It was good when it first started but once the kids started to get older and the mother got pregnant with a new one, and the guy that played Cody couldn't be on the show anymore because he was busted for Drugs, it tanked fast.
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Postby Aeolus21 » Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:54 am

kaemmerite wrote:Heh...I remember the OLD episodes of Family Matters. The ones before Urkel. For those who don't know, Family Matters was doing exceptionally poor in the ratings when it first came out and was in danger of being cancelled, and then they added in Urkel, and that's when the show became really popular.

They were lucky to have kept Urkel. In the first season, he was suppose to be a one time guest (that episode where he asks Laura to the dance). But apparently he was such a hit with the studio audience that they made him part of the cast the next season.

And whatever happened to Judy Winslow? The middle sister who always (for some reason) got sent to her room early on and never showed up in the episode. They canned her in the third season without an explanation.

ShiroiHikari wrote:I think Perfect Strangers was Miller-Boyett...wasn't it? Does anyone remember that show?

Yeah I think it was... (googles Boyett and "Perfect Strangers")... yep, Perfect Strangers was a Boyett sitcom. I only saw a few episodes of this when it was on, but was funny nonetheless. About a distant cousin moving into the US and learning the customs of Chicago...
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