Foot ball soon and I'm really out of shape!

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Foot ball soon and I'm really out of shape!

Postby Pent » Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:27 am

:?: !!!!

Anyways it's summer. Cross country ended a while ago. We got rid of our YMCA membership. And now I have foot ball camp coming up in a week in a half. I just ran for the first time in a while today. Ouch! And I went to work out at my school. There where a couple other football players there. It was pretty embarresing. I got stuck a few times. Now I have untill Fall untill real football. And I'll be a freshman anyways. But still, I'm kind of scared. Your not supposed to work out everyday either. So I can go every other day. And another thing I tried sprinting, and I'm extremely slow. But I'm sure God will help me through this.
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Postby agasfas » Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:55 am

But still, I'm kind of scared. Your not supposed to work out everyday either. So I can go every other day. And another thing I tried sprinting, and I'm extremely slow.

Well it's okay to work out everyday as long as you switch around your routine so that your not over working the same muscles.
When I played football we practiced everday with drills and such... then in wrestling we ran a few miles every day then did sprints afterwards, wrestled and did a few other drills. It was all about building stamina.

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck this coming up year. If you come out with a lot of energy and you don't fear being hit, then you'll do good.
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