Episode III "Seen It" Thread ***SPOILERS***

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Postby Scribs » Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:54 pm

I saw it again today, and as I suspected would be the case, it was really not half as good as the first time. The acting issues were more evident, because I already knew what was going on, and I wasnt focused on the content, but rather the delivery.

I saw it with my brother, (Waffleman) and had a good time only because we were cracking jokes through the whole thing (quietly of course). For example, when Anakin lost his limbs, My brother said "Stumped!" (in a fashion reminicent of "Arrowed!" in teen girl squad.) When Palpetine went over too anakins crispy torso, it occured tome how horribly funny it would be if he sarted to tickle him. That occured throughout the whole movie.

Good times, but it is sad that the movie that could have been epic, ended up being an easy thing to mock...
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Postby Arnobius » Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:10 pm

piloswine wrote:I saw it again today, and as I suspected would be the case, it was really not half as good as the first time. The acting issues were more evident, because I already knew what was going on, and I wasnt focused on the content, but rather the delivery.

I saw it with my brother, (Waffleman) and had a good time only because we were cracking jokes through the whole thing (quietly of course). For example, when Anakin lost his limbs, My brother said "Stumped!" (in a fashion reminicent of "Arrowed!" in teen girl squad.) When Palpetine went over too anakins crispy torso, it occured tome how horribly funny it would be if he sarted to tickle him. That occured throughout the whole movie.

Good times, but it is sad that the movie that could have been epic, ended up being an easy thing to mock...

When I saw it with my brother Osaka (no, not Mangafanatic, the other Osaka), we ended up playing Mystery Science Theater through it

The "NOOOO" line became "Darth Pedro?"

and we kept quoting the "Star Wars: A Lost Hope" trailer
(Yoda to Obi Wan: "Warned you, we did. Listen you did not. Now screwed we all are.") and the Star Wars Rap (flash animation)
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Postby SpikeSpiegel306 » Fri Jun 17, 2005 10:16 pm

Ahh...the Star Wars Gangsta Rap is hilarious!
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Postby Ingemar » Sat Jun 18, 2005 8:17 am

AnimeHeretic wrote:and we kept quoting the "Star Wars: A Lost Hope" trailer
That trailer was better than the movie.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Jun 18, 2005 9:39 am

SpikeSpiegel306 wrote:Ahh...the Star Wars Gangsta Rap is hilarious!

That is probably so. I will, however, remind everyone that this thread is about Episode III, so remember to keep your comments more or less on this single movie as opposed to everything related to the Star Wars franchise. With that having been said: we got Death Star.
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Postby righteous_slave » Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:40 am

I saw it finally and loved it. Definately the best of the prequals. Perfect? Not by a long shot. But that's ok.

Too much CGI. Every battle, land, space and Jedi was filled with too much going on.
Too many threads snipped short. It really looked like Lucas was writing and said, "uh-oh, gotta wrap all this up in under two hours."
Too much name and face dropping. Antilles, young Tarkin, Chewie, all seemed to be thrown in as geek-service.

Good stuff...
The story really shows what a tragic villan Vader was. Anikin really believed that Palpatine would save the galaxy and be a benevolent dictator, and then he really believed that Sideous would help save Padme. He was willing to sacrifice everything and everyone to accomplish his loving goal, only to have it all ripped out from under him anyway.
The battles were awesome, if overstimulating.
The reference to Doku as an unarmed victim. No one else mentioned it yet, so I thought I would.
Yoda walking in and slamming the royal guards up against the walls. I like the puppet Yoda better, but that was still cool.

Yes there are all kinds of continuity errors between the six films and nearly thrity years. can't we just admit that it is difficult to line up things that far apart and go on with our lives?
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