We Reversed The Curse, What Now YANKEES?!

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Postby Tommy » Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:36 pm

Um Shatterheart, that was the most stereotypical saying i have ever heard in my life.
Steriodfreaks? Yeah so Curt Schilling is a steriodfreak? Over half of the Red Sox have told live audiences they are devouted Christians and Even more than half of them in a Christian movie I saw. Each of them shared a testimony and just coming up and saying they are steriodfreaks is very stereotypical. Can you name one yankees player that has been brave enough to tell the world he is a Christian which is a highly persecuted religion? I doubt it will be easy.

And Red Sox and Yankees fights go on between people all around my church. My Dad, who is a yankee`s fan has fights with alot of my friends and he`s a pastor and a very good one at that. Are you going to go up to a pastor an tell him he needs to grow up? Sure, I agree that it`s immature but about 80% of Sports Fans do it whether they are mature or not.

As I said,I used to be a Yankees fan like my Dad because my Dad always told me they were the best team. Until when i was 8 and I got my beer bottle hurled at my head because well I was in Boston and the team was the Yankees. i finally realized my friends liked the Sox. I am now a sox fan. And a diehard one at that but I don`t watch the games that much. Only until playoffs.
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Postby Stephen » Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:32 pm

Your gonna make baseball a Christian thing? That is without a doubt...the saddest excuse I have ever heard for liking a team. "They claim to be Christians" *sigh* But thank you for ignoring the entire point of my post. Point is, quit your thrashing on other peoples teams.
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Postby wilson1112000 » Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:51 pm

Hold on one second, Shatterheart! Don't think that I am disrespecting you, but I think that you owe Tom an appologie. I mean, yeah, we don't know if they are chirstians or not, but how am I supposed to know that YOU arn't one?! I know that there is a possibility for some celebrities to say that they are christians, even if they are not, but we should not judge them. Give them the bennifet of the doubt, even if they are the sox. And, stop this stuipid bickering!!! IT IS POINTLESS!!! AND THIS GOSE TO EVERYONE WHO READS THIS POST! (This comeing from a CARDNINALS FAN, boyo!)
Praise the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your might, for that is what we were created for.
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If he orders a two-minute egg, give it to him in one minute.
If he orders a one-minute egg, give him a chicken and let him work it out for himself.

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Postby Stephen » Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:29 pm

Um...I don't owe anyone anything..but I will explain myself I guess. I came in when we had to fanboys at each others throats over baseball. As far as if the players are Christian or not...only God knows. But to act like the Red Sox are more of a "Christian" team then the Yankees is just silly. While the players might be personaly...the team is a team...not a person who has a soul. And yes bickering is stupid I will say this, if you find the bickering so very pointless, why join in? (Btw, doing my job as an Admin is not bickering) Get this thread back on topic, or it can go away.
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Postby wilson1112000 » Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:39 am

Alright. Sorry about that, I guess I did not understand where you where comeing from.
Praise the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your might, for that is what we were created for.
We've got to speed things up in this hotel. Chef, if a guest orders a three-minute egg, give it to him in two minutes.
If he orders a two-minute egg, give it to him in one minute.
If he orders a one-minute egg, give him a chicken and let him work it out for himself.

Groucho in A Night in Casablanca (movie)

Chinese Finger trap: noun 1. A puzzle that is supposed to test ones ability at problem solveing. or 2. The manifistation of Satan in a cardborad tube.

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Postby Tommy » Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:30 am

Well if you read the title right, Red Sox vs. Yankees was the topic, but anywhoo...

Basically what I meant by my whole post was that how stereotypical it is to say that they were all just steriodfreaks.

He was at my throat. He jumped in and said that the Red Sox suck in a different thread. I didn`t say that Yankees sucked anywhere it was almost like he just wanted to give me a har time because I like the sox. I just wanted the argument to stop and it did and I now realize it wouldn`t have even become an arguement if I just let him walk all over me. Sorry guys, but from now on in this thread there shall be no more heated arguements. Teeny little debates are fine.
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Postby Stephen » Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:54 am

I was speaking to Sess as much as I was speaking to you Tom. So don't feel like I am singleing you out. This is a fine example of why the staff frown on debating. It carrys over. Someone makes a comment on one thread, then follows someone half way around the site lashing at them on there thread. Plus its dangerous to talk smack now, there is still a lot of season left. ;)
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Postby Tommy » Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:53 am

There is only one thing to say now:

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Postby Ky Kiske » Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:06 pm

ah yes the Red Sox! They won the world series for once, how cute.
26 to 6.
Thats how many world series the Yankees have one compared with the 6 that the Red Sox have won.

You guys have a long way to go! have fun :)
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