Episode III "Seen It" Thread ***SPOILERS***

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Postby Stephen » Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:24 pm

Not sure why I knew Vader got burned. I guess just from reading various Star Wars books over the years. I am pretty sure its mentioned in a few.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:52 am

Shatterheart wrote:I thought the same thing...it actually kinda suprised me how things went down. In a good way I suppose.

I felt the same way. Everything felt very abrupt to me. That's remotely humorous, because the combined Yoda vs Sidious / Obi Wan vs Anakin match took 13:15, by my watch.

Ashley wrote:The moment I heard "volcanic planet" I KNEW what was going to happen. And it made me sad.

The moment I heard "volcanic planet" I though, "my, that's convenient."
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:02 pm

Gyaaah....I loved this movie! But I have to say...."Wait a minute! How did this happen? We're smarter than this!!" XD XD I wanted to laugh so hard at that...It was by far the tackiest line I've heard in quite a while! But that's why I love Star Wars...XD

Anyways, I 've already been to see it three times, because of it's wonderfulness. I saw it at the midnight showing, at the 7 pm showing later that day, and I saw it again about a week later. If I'm lucky, I'll be seeing it again soon! ^_^

I thought this one was definitely up to par with the original trilogy...The scene when Anakin burned was one of my favorite scenes. Seriously, I almost cried, and I never cry in movies. I get choked up right after he gets his legs and arm chopped off, and then he's struggling back up the hill...*suppresses tears* And then he screams at Obi-Wan, "I hate you," as Obi-Wan tells him, "I loved you! You were my brother!" Gyah, that scene...SO well done...I also thought that Ian McDiarmid did a fantastic job being Palpatine again...He played the part as excellently as he used to!

I wasn't very impressed with Grievous...His hacking cough kind of got on my nerves. I did think he was awesome in his lightsaber battle, though! ^_^

Anyways, this movie rocked, and I give it 4 stars, no matter what the idiotic critics say!! ^_^
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Postby Michael » Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:12 pm

It was cool overall. I liked Pimpletine's role. The only problem is . . . .

"I had a dream you died in childbirth."

"I'm not going to die in childbirth."


--The bad acting. But cool otherwise.
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Postby Link Antilles » Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:38 pm

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Michael wrote:"I had a dream you died in childbirth."

"I'm not going to die in childbirth."


Heh, that one almost made me laugh out loud a little, but I didn't. -Too many Star Wars fans armed with plastic lightsabers around me. ;)
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Postby Arnobius » Tue Jun 07, 2005 8:23 pm

I saw it for a second time yesterday. Seemed a lot stupider in retrospect. Maybe not as good as Jedi, but still worth watching...
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Postby Yojimbo » Tue Jun 07, 2005 9:21 pm

Shatterheart wrote:Not sure why I knew Vader got burned. I guess just from reading various Star Wars books over the years. I am pretty sure its mentioned in a few.

It was in the ultimate guide for Star Wars characters. It's sitting under my bed somewhere and I know it said it in the Obi Wan and Vader section. Also I did see some leaked shots of Anakin a couple months back in el grosso burn makeup.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jun 08, 2005 2:14 pm

AnimeHeretic wrote:I saw it for a second time yesterday. Seemed a lot stupider in retrospect.

Which is, generally, why I don't see movies twice in any vaguely small period of time. Good movies will seem good upon a second watching, but there are times I wished I hadn't watched it again. The first Harry Potter movie being an example.
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Postby Arnobius » Wed Jun 08, 2005 2:31 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:Which is, generally, why I don't see movies twice in any vaguely small period of time. Good movies will seem good upon a second watching, but there are times I wished I hadn't watched it again. The first Harry Potter movie being an example.

Well, a lot of movies I like to watch more than once, but with this one, looking at it beyond the special effects it seemed to lack.
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Postby Doubleshadow » Wed Jun 08, 2005 2:47 pm

All right, time to admit it. My mind wandered considerably during the movie (I was thinking about anime, wonder why). I thought it was just because it was too late at night for me to focus, but after reading through some other opinions, I wonder if I was that turned off by it. My brother and thought it was the epitome of fantastic, I was somewhat less enthusaistic. But I think now the reason I liked it so much was because my expectations were so low. I was presently surprised.
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Postby Scribs » Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:39 am

I have yet to see it a second time, but I suspect that I will enjoy it less the second time. Most people I have talked to agree that it is the special effects that make this movie amazing. Therefore, the second time people watch it they will be used to the stunning effects and start looking at plot and acting a little more. In my opinion the acting is on par with the acting in soap operas, and the plot could not be described as above average.

Though people praised it when it first came out I am of the opinion that it will not be looked back upon as a great movie once the special effects loose their luster.

Special effects become outdated rather quickly in this day and age. Scenes from the phantom menace that I thought were spectacular when it came out look like cheesey computer animation now. Movies that rely on effects to make an impression may get big money at the box office, but they dont always stand the test of time.
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Postby Arnobius » Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:43 am

I think you've described it very well

Here's another inconsistancy that's pretty glaring.

In Empire, Obi Wan commented that Luke was their only hope, but Yoda said there was another.

In light of Obi Wan being present for the birth of the children, he should have known
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Postby Ashley » Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:00 am

Obi went senile?
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Postby Arnobius » Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:21 am

Ashley wrote:Obi went senile?

:lol: ROFL!

Luke: You told me Vader killed my father
Obi Wan: I did? Er, well it was true from a certain point of view.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:53 pm

piloswine wrote:Movies that rely on effects to make an impression may get big money at the box office, but they dont always stand the test of time.

That is probably an accurate statement. However, by this point Lucas doesn't care (I have read an interview to this effect) about what people think, or about how much money his movies make. I think that it is possible that some of the lessened quality in these movies may be due to the fact that he no longer has any need to compromise.
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Postby Michael » Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:31 pm

Here's another inconsistancy that's pretty glaring.

In Empire, Obi Wan commented that Luke was their only hope, but Yoda said there was another.

In light of Obi Wan being present for the birth of the children, he should have known

That, AND Yoda and Obi telling Luke to trust his feelings which--according to the good Jedi in Ep. 3--Luke isn't supposed to have.

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Postby Arnobius » Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:56 pm

Michael wrote:That, AND Yoda and Obi telling Luke to trust his feelings which--according to the good Jedi in Ep. 3--Luke isn't supposed to have.

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I absolutely believe that."

I remember they used to have books called "Nitpickers Guide to Star Trek Next Generation." Maybe the Star Wars movies could use that-- if they could print a book that thick ;)

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Postby agasfas » Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:08 am

So after much hesitation, I finally went to go see Episode III today because a friend really wanted to see it. At first I didn't want to see it because I usually avoid watching movies that has a huge fan base following just to be different.

Before today, I've only seen Episode I in the theatre which was long time ago. To my surprise, the movie was actually pretty dang good. Now I'm thinking of actually seeing the original trilogy. Thought I would never do that in a million years. I can understand why so many people really enjoy the movies. Though, to be honest I think the cult like following a bit odd (much like other movies). None-the-less, great movie.
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Postby Maledicte » Mon Jun 13, 2005 5:10 pm

I don't know if anyone has posted something like this, but...

Is it possible that Palpatine is Vader's father?

Here's my line of reasoning:

1. Palpatine tells Anakin the story about the Sith lord who could manipulate midichlorians to create life and how he was killed by his apprentice. It seems pretty obvious that Palpatine was the apprentice in question. (I can't remember the exact lines, but I assume you get the idea.)

2. Anakin was born without a man being involved.

3. He has a ridiculously high midichlorian count.

4. Palpatine seems awfully interested in Anakin from the get-go, and knows more about him than I think Anakin would have told him himself.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:30 am

Well, that has been raised before, and I think the theory has some merit. However, wouldn't it be Sidious's master that caused Anakin's birth? Presuming that Palpatine was telling the truth instead of merely deceiving Anakin, I think that this could well be the case. That leaves a lot of big questions unanswered, but perhaps fewer than the entire "virgin birth" issue of Episode I.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:47 am

Gah! They changed the color of Anakin's belt buckle! For this they shall pay through the nose! Gaaah! *bat bat bat*

Aaah, gold nuggets... I always knew they were up there!

Anyhow, I think the days of enjoying a movie for what it is are over... People hold movies in high regard and feel offended by mistakes because they care more about the movie than the makers do, in many cases... It's sorta sad, though it makes things interesting in discussions, if not occasionally annoying...
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Postby Maledicte » Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:10 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:Well, that has been raised before, and I think the theory has some merit. However, wouldn't it be Sidious's master that caused Anakin's birth? Presuming that Palpatine was telling the truth instead of merely deceiving Anakin, I think that this could well be the case. That leaves a lot of big questions unanswered, but perhaps fewer than the entire "virgin birth" issue of Episode I.

Well, Palpatine did say that the Sith lord taught his apprentice everything he knew, so really it could be either one of them. But why would a Sith lord be wanting to make an apprentice out of the one his master (whom he killed) birthed? Not out of duty or remorse, I'd think. (this is all assuming that Anakin's birth wasn't a fluke)
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Postby K. Ayato » Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:14 pm

I talked with mechana2015 and he said that Palpatine being Anakin's father is not possible. For one thing, the legend was probably several centuries old. The only thing we can conclude is that Anakin was conceived through the Force.
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Postby Scribs » Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:50 pm

I think that the palpatine=father thing is possible, but not likely.

If that had been intended I think that it would have been made known more clearly.
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Postby Arnobius » Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:25 pm

piloswine wrote:I think that the palpatine=father thing is possible, but not likely.

If that had been intended I think that it would have been made known more clearly.

Probably made up as a theory as to why the emperor seems to genuinely like Anakin
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:34 am

mobilesuitpilot wrote:I talked with mechana2015 and he said that Palpatine being Anakin's father is not possible. For one thing, the legend was probably several centuries old. The only thing we can conclude is that Anakin was conceived through the Force.

What do you mean by "legend?" The story Palpatine told Anakin, or the prophecy?

piloswine wrote:If that had been intended I think that it would have been made known more clearly.

That is a good point.
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Postby K. Ayato » Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:21 am

I meant the story, UC. I should have distinguished it earlier.
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Postby Yojimbo » Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:59 am

I don't think Palpatine was the apprentice in the story. If he had been he probably would of told Anakin how to bring her back instead of the "we'll work together" to find out line. Of course maybe he knew and was just lying to him, but still sounds better the other way.
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Postby SpikeSpiegel306 » Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:33 am

I know this has at least been somewhat stated by Shatterheart, but I was deeply disappointed in General Grievous' performance in the movie. I understand it would be rather hard to make him as good as he was in the cartoon, but still they should have given him a decent death, and I didnt like how he busted out four arms as soon as he was given the opportunity to fight.

On another note, does anyone think its funny that General Grievous was given this awesome robot body when his body was destroyed on Hyuk, but Darth Vader gets a cheesy astronaut suit with a breathalizer?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:54 am

SpikeSpiegel306 wrote:I know this has at least been somewhat stated by Shatterheart, but I was deeply disappointed in General Grievous' performance in the movie. I understand it would be rather hard to make him as good as he was in the cartoon, but still they should have given him a decent death, and I didnt like how he busted out four arms as soon as he was given the opportunity to fight.

I actually saw the scene differently than other people. Instead of seeing Grievous as weak, I saw it as showing how strong Obi Wan was. It sort of justifies his presence on the Council, which surprised me just a bit.

SpikeSpiegel306 wrote:On another note, does anyone think its funny that General Grievous was given this awesome robot body when his body was destroyed on Hyuk, but Darth Vader gets a cheesy astronaut suit with a breathalizer?

I hadn't thought about it, actually. That is somewhat humorous.
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