mythmaster wrote:you have to many friends on this
mythmaster wrote:of course you can have to many friends you now you have to many when they start asking for money
ok next Q what is your favorite meal to eat
Hey Sakura,
So now that you have adopted me, does this mean you will pay for my collage and stuff. Mommy I want a PS2!
holysoldier5000 wrote:Na, forget the PS2.
I promised santa that I would be good all year so he would get me what I wanted. I know, how could that be possible. Me be good! But they way I figure it, if I am good all year santa will have to bring me what I want. What could I want that would be worth being good all year? An ICBM! 5 minuets with one of those things is worth being good all year!!!
holysoldier5000 wrote:But I am curious how you could be my mother being that I am 19 years older then you? Hmmm.? Is that legal?
Sakura15 wrote:Yeah sure, sorry.
Steeltemplar, ChristianRonin, Faithfighter, Mr. Smartypants, Syaoran, Animeheretic, Myoti.
Lol yeah thats more than five, sorry.
holysoldier5000 wrote:AH! ToO confusing! How can this be? Next thing you're going to be telling me is that faithfighter is my sister!
holysoldier5000 wrote:NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait...that's right...she is my sister...silly me.
Sakura15 wrote:True haha.
I think one of my favs is the Japanese cartoon one, lol thats the first SB e-mail I saw. And I actually saw it at a friends house lol.
My mouth, ity bity when its closed, ridiculously huge when its open
Steeltemplar wrote::lol: Yes! That one is hilarious!
How about the one where he puts caffeine in Strong Sad's orange juice?
Vernhal wrote:Ok i don't know if this Has been asked yet since this thread is pretty long and i didn't read the whole thing but do you have any special feelings toward leiderhosen? Cause I think they're awesome!!!
Vernhal wrote:Yah well i have had a weird obsesion with them ever since the FIF song where there like "and those pants, there not really pants, there leiderhosen, HURRAY!!
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