Episode III "Seen It" Thread ***SPOILERS***

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Postby Ashley » Mon May 30, 2005 7:49 pm

While I appreciate your zeal Azier, Shatterheart, myself, and a couple of others are getting a bit singed here. I know for sure several hardcore star wars fans thought this was the best movie of the series, and if we have anything against it at ALL it's very minimal personal crit stuff. So don't condemn ALL of us; a good deal of us actually enjoyed it very much, thank you.

And even those that do bash it have a right to their opinion, too.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Mon May 30, 2005 8:16 pm

[quote="Ashley"]While I appreciate your zeal Azier, Shatterheart, myself, and a couple of others are getting a bit singed here. I know for sure several hardcore star wars fans thought this was the best movie of the series, and if we have anything against it at ALL it's very minimal personal crit stuff. So don't condemn ALL of us]

I apologize if I seemed a bit intense there....

but my point was that whether or not you liked the movie was the issue.... if you didn't enjoy I respect your opinion. What I despised is when people say the movie wasn't great because of: [Insert plothole/minor flaw/some bad dialogue ect. here] I really feel it's unfair to be so critical.

I really don't understand why so many people have a problem with enjoying something for what it is.

If you didn't like the movie I'm not bashing you. But please stop nitpicking.

That said... I may have been a bit over the edge with those last posts. I'm going to edit them a bit now.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon May 30, 2005 9:22 pm

To a certain extent I agree with you, Azier. While I don't feel it necessary to criticize people in this thread, I do feel that it is far too easy to criticize. I can't think of a single thing or person I couldn't say was a travesty against quality. In general, people will like or dislike something, then create justifications. Though I wouldn't claim everyone does this, I think it happens more than we realize.

Azier the Swordsman wrote:Romance: I can't believe that people are wasting breath commenting about the scenes with Anakin and Padme.... aren't virtually ALL Hollywood romance scenes corny and unrealistic? You expected this one to be different?

This comment made me smile, because it is so true. I don't believe I've ever commented on this aspect, but I will now: I doubt there is a single movie that I haven't felt the romantic elements were poorly done. But at that point it really isn't fair to call everything poorly done.
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Postby Ingemar » Mon May 30, 2005 10:29 pm

This is a long thread, so I'll read the rest of it later.

Wow... this movie seriously... UNDERwhelmed me. Yup. You can blame (in part) Hayden Christensen's acting for that. It defied my expectations, but his acting is orders of magnitude worse than in AotC. Not only was it terribly one-dimensional, but it was one dimension that wasn't even very good. Ah-nuld and Sly Stalone had 1d acting that was at least enjoyable. Hayden's one dimension... is that of a confused puppy. Take, for example, his "ascension" as Lord Vader.

Anakin: Oh my God, I did something wrong, oh no!
Palpy: You're my new apprentice now. Just for kicks, let's call you Vader.
Anakin: Yes master.

Right, very believeable, Hayden. What's even more incredible is that this bad acting spills over into the Vader we all know and love. No, I'm not talking about the ridiculous "NOOOOOO" since that was already HEAVILY covered. I'm talking about the lines before that. He still had the tone and inflection of a confused puppy, despite the intimidating black suit. The delivery rivaled the awfulness of Anakin's confession to murdering an entire Tusken village in Ep II. I have doubts that Lucas would pay James Earl Jones to deliever 5 seconds of dialogue, so this leads me to believe that they digitally altered Hayden's voice. Also, considering JEJ's experience with the Star Wars universe (and his earlier experience acting in Yale), I believe Vader would have sounded more convincing. The explosion of the robots in said scene felt like a weak compensation for such awful delievery. And it ruined permanently my image of Darth Vader. Vader, who uses the Force to strangle high ranking Imperial Officers who talk smack of his "religion." Vader, who "forgives" said Officers by ending their pitiful existence. Vader, who made scrap metal of countless X-wings in his custom-made TIE fighter. Vader, who caught Han Solo's blaster bolts like they were ping pong balls. Vader, who played a vicious game of cat-and-mouse with Luke for no other reason but demonstrate the sheer inadequacy of the latter's skills as a self-proclaimed Jedi. This Villain to define all Villains was reduced, in this one scene, to a confused puppy in intimidating clothing.

I said earlier that one can blame IN PART Hayden for the awfulness of the movie. The other part? Natalie Portman. What defies my belief even more is that Ms. Portman manages to have even worse acting than Hayden. Every time I saw her open her mouth, I felt like I needed a chemical shower. And I disagree with those who say she and Hayden had no chemistry. There was chemistry of course--like fluorine gas reacting with cesium metal. Only tragedy and dismembered limbs can ensue from their coupling.

I've never seen these Clone Wars cartoons, but considering Obi Wan was fighting a droid suffering from emphysema, the outcome was no surprise.

There were plusses for me. Before Hayden manages to make me curse George Lucas's existence, we see him in space with Obi Wan, on an assault on Grievous's ship. I really liked their fighters, which looked like prototype TIEs fused with miniature Millenium Falcons. This flic, more than any other, really shows Anakin's skill as a pilot (more than a pod race scene I'd just as soon forget). Him shooting off all those droids reminded me of when Luke bragged to Biggs (?) about shooting rats in the desert, just before he destroyed the Death Star.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon May 30, 2005 11:29 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:natalie portman... shes dumb too... the story was excellent i will say, and i LOVED when James Earl Jones spoke....

That's funny... While her acting in episodes 1 and 2 was sorta bad, and theatrical in 3 (though theatrical FITS the star wars universe, much like it does LotR), I'm going to have to NSH disagree with your punk butt... Natalie Portman in Léon (you are saying you hate the actors and not JUST the parts they play, afteral, so it is a fair thing for me to bring up) was excelent... She sounded realistic as long as you knew her character was a liar, so she sounds like most 12 year old kids when they lie... Of course, some child actors and actresses stop knowing how to act when they become adults (coughelijahwoodcough, I'd quote a line from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind if I could to prove it, but "Do they, Gandalf?" will suffice) but I think she stayed a good actress, for the most part... I just won't ever see her as anything but "Mathilda"

I also kept your comment about JEJ in there, since I found his few lines in RotS to be... Well, not all that great...
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue May 31, 2005 4:00 am

Bobtheduck wrote:I also kept your comment about JEJ in there, since I found his few lines in RotS to be... Well, not all that great...

well his voice was different, but i believe his voice was a bit odd... (probably because he aged) but you could use that to say (well it could be his "younger" darth vader voice)

Azier the Swordsman wrote:I find this thread disturbing..... This was such an awesome movie on so many levels: yet all of you seem to want to do is nitpick at 'the acting, the dialogue, plotholes, and other stuff' when it doesn't really matter in the first place. Since when is ANY movie perfect? I think this one is unfairly getting more flak because it's such a famous series. I love the entire saga. I could take any movie, and video game, any anime, and I could type up a huge list of the flaws in each and every one, and they wouldn't be any longer or shorter than Ep 3. Or 1 or 2 for that matter.

I did not think the acting was corny, nor did it even cross my mind that any of the dialogue was 'bad'. Again, I feel as if alot of people are trying to find ways to judge it. I don't really understand why some people can't just enjoy something for what it is rather than making a 21 PAGE THREAD AND COUNTING where 90% of the posts are dedicated to picking it apart?

It's just a movie, people.

its not just ANY movie...

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Postby Nate » Tue May 31, 2005 10:37 am

Azier the Swordsman wrote:This was, for me, one of the most moving films I have ever seen... I almost cried at the end when Anakin burst into flames, and was later shown being transformed to the Vader we know today.

Heh. I didn't cry, but my eyes did get a bit watery when Obi Wan started yelling at Anakin, "You were supposed to be the Chosen One! You were supposed to DESTROY the Sith, not join them!"

That alone made the film believable and emotional for me because I have seen the exact same the happen to Christians. It is possible for a strong Christian to become deceived by the lies of the Enemy and fall into darkness, away from God, and destroy their lives.

Yeah, but you have to admit, Anakin's "fall" scene was pretty lame. He had been confused up to that point, then just suddenly became evil for no apparent reason, it looked like. Had they put in even an extra twenty or thirty seconds of Palpatine trying to console Anakin over the death of Mace Windu, it might have been better.

NOOOOO!!!!!: I thought the scene was very appropriate..... when Anakin realizes the horror that he has fallen into and the agony of losing the one he cared about most, did you really expect him to be silent?

I laughed when Vader yelled that. It just sounded really bad. I know, I know, the only reason it sounded weird was because we're used to Vader being a cold, heartless guy, but that doesn't change the fact that it did sound weird.

Plus, I think it would have been more appropriate for Vader to not lean back that way. I think it would have been more appropriate for him to actually fall forward, to his knees, and like, punch the floor or something.

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Postby Mangafanatic » Tue May 31, 2005 11:18 am

The whole Vader scene didn't really connect with me, honestly. I think it's because they didn't use Hayden's voice, so it just felt weird. Plus, it just looked sort of dumb. I agree with Kae that there was definitely a more appropriate physical display of suffering than the one in the movie.

I almost cried through the whole fight between Obi-wan and Anakin, but it didn't really have anything to do with the movie. With that said, I can't really comment on the emotional impact of the film.
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Postby Yojimbo » Tue May 31, 2005 4:53 pm

Mangafanatic wrote:The whole Vader scene didn't really connect with me, honestly. I think it's because they didn't use Hayden's voice, so it just felt weird. Plus, it just looked sort of dumb. I agree with Kae that there was definitely a more appropriate physical display of suffering than the one in the movie.

I almost cried through the whole fight between Obi-wan and Anakin, but it didn't really have anything to do with the movie. With that said, I can't really comment on the emotional impact of the film.

That's because he's not Anakin anymore he's Vader.:P Looked dumb? I fail to see that even remotely. Probably one of the coolest scenes in the movie.
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Postby Sparrowhawk » Tue May 31, 2005 5:06 pm

This was definitely the best of the eps 1-3. Maybe even belongs with the original trilogy in rating. Maybe... I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan out there, but in my opinion, this was more story, like 4-6 and less just a view of Luca's worl like 1 and 2.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue May 31, 2005 5:37 pm

Yojimbo wrote:Looked dumb? I fail to see that even remotely. Probably one of the coolest scenes in the movie.

Really? How much of the movie are we grouping as one scene? While I don't feel it was dumb, I also feel it could have been done better. Ultimately it failed to make much of an impact on me.
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Postby Scribs » Tue May 31, 2005 6:53 pm

It was a good scene, but not the ultimate best scene. I like the scene where anikin is engulfed in flames personally...
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Tue May 31, 2005 8:41 pm

At the end, Anakin/Vader faces remorse for what happened..... he hasn't yet completely become the Vader we know from 4, 5 and 6 in which he has become completely emotionless and coldhearted.
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Postby Stephen » Tue May 31, 2005 10:08 pm

he hasn't yet completely become the Vader we know from 4, 5 and 6 in which he has become completely emotionless and coldhearted

I think the reason Vader never took over and killed the Emperor...is because of the lack of true evil within him. Even though he did horrible things...like Luke said...there was still good in him. Its why he turned in ROTJ. The Emperor on the other hand...was totaly given to the darkside.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:55 am

its funny that anakin still fullfilled the prophecy.... i mean... who killed palpatine in ROTJ?
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Postby TurkishMonky » Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:37 pm

Loved the movie, the fighting, the explosions.

After i'd seen it enough to quote the movie, i liked watching the background and laughing. Numerous commercial airliners, cool buildings, cameos, palpatine cracking jokes under his breath, Padme still pressing the SAME OVAL BUTTON to control anything on her new ship... Boobah.

The displays can smewhat be explained. What i don't get is the bio-tech gap from 2 to the end of 3. Anakin's first hand was sweet and excelled at lightsaber fighting. After the suit, though, his fighting becomes robotic and stiff. Robotics don't age - they get replaced. Why doesn't the "ruler of the empire" have enough money to afford a new hand/suit?

I'm waiting for the 30 minute cutscene that continues the fight between yoda and emporor. It has enough of a gap there to add some sweet force and lightsaber fighting in midair, until the emporor runs away like the chicken he is, and just sends in troops to fight yoda. (Personal hope.)

My favorite line:
"Obi wan says you've.. turned to the dark side.."
I spontaneously burst into laughter every time i see that scene. It's now become my way of confrontinting anyone from now on!!! XD (But it won't probably work very well)

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Postby blkmage » Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:25 pm

Because after the suit, there's almost three decades of cultural and film style shift.
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Postby Lehn » Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:30 pm

My favorite line:
"Obi wan says you've.. turned to the dark side.."

I've been saying, "Anakin, you're breaking my heaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrt!" whenever someone tells me something bad or sad.. or in general...

Probably the worst scene in the entire movie. I kinda giggled.

But over all, it rocked. I went and saw the midnight showing of it (morning of my graduation!!!!!!!!!!!). Waaaaaaaaaaaaay better then the last one, (I kinda did like Phantom, even though it was slow as heck...) and its up to par with the original three in my book.

That fight scene between Yoda and DS in the senate chamber... whoa...
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Postby Arnobius » Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:33 pm

blkmage wrote:Because after the suit, there's almost three decades of cultural and film style shift.

True. The control pack on Darth's chest looked downright antique in Sith...

...or maybe by the time of ANH, retro is back in style?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:14 am

Lehn wrote:That fight scene between Yoda and DS in the senate chamber... whoa...

I agree, I personally thought this was one of the movie's better moments. But actually, I had heard so much about it that I was almost disappointed by it. For one, the fact that Yoda was struck by the Force lightning at the very beginning of the battle; I realize it was probably done to make everything seem more ominous, but considering that he was coming to fight a Sith Master, you'd expect him to be on guard. However, I was pleased to see that Yoda was generally an intelligent warrior (particularly the spinning Senate seat).
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:27 am

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Postby Stephen » Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:30 am

His little peg leg touched the lava and then his entire body and face caught on fire as if Obi-Wan doused him with lighter fluid earlier

I figured he went up like a sparkler was because he was laying on like...reeeally freaken hot stone right next to that lava. Basicly got cooked. At least Sidious did not have to have droids use a spatula to get him up...
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Postby blkmage » Fri Jun 03, 2005 1:01 pm

Personally, I've always thought that he'd fall into the lava, not just lay there and get immolated.
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Postby Arnobius » Fri Jun 03, 2005 5:15 pm

Well, from what I understand from lava, the heat can cause things to burst into flame as they reach that temperature (don't leave your pickaxe planted next to a lava stream unless you want it to burst into flame according to some geologist. Since he wasn't moving I suppose the heat built up enough that his body ignited-- I guess the question would be whether he'd die of the heat before he ignited...
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Postby Lehn » Fri Jun 03, 2005 5:37 pm

mean sure a few lines here and there, but poeple started poking at the WHOLE script, as if every sentense was the written by a 4 year old.

That's the only one that really bothered me really. I've heard people complain about the entire thing like it was an hour and whatever many minutes of verbal diarrhea script wise. I thought the writing over all was good -- lots of Han Solo-ness in the way Anakin and Obi-Wan talked to each other. Wit is worth its weight in gold --- dialogue and acting should carry a movie --- not the bloody flashy eye candy.

Ugg... The entire thing with Anakin bursting into flames. It was like Luke screaming when Vader announced the family tree. It’s going to be infamous.
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Postby Ingemar » Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:38 pm

AnimeHeretic wrote:Well, from what I understand from lava, the heat can cause things to burst into flame as they reach that temperature (don't leave your pickaxe planted next to a lava stream unless you want it to burst into flame according to some geologist. Since he wasn't moving I suppose the heat built up enough that his body ignited-- I guess the question would be whether he'd die of the heat before he ignited...

I'm surprised the latter didn't happen to both him AND OB1 earlier. Do note that lava doesn't always glow, and in fact make look like asphalt--until you make the mistake of stepping or driving over it. When lava is reeeeaally hot it glows. It is plausible that Anakin would burst into flames without touching lava, but I don't think it's possible that he would still be alive being that close to lava.

But, it's a movie, so who cares.
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Postby Stephen » Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:48 pm

Personally, I've always thought that he'd fall into the lava, not just lay there and get immolated.

I thought the same thing...it actually kinda suprised me how things went down. In a good way I suppose.
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Postby Arnobius » Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:51 pm

Shatterheart wrote:I thought the same thing...it actually kinda suprised me how things went down. In a good way I suppose.

I thought so too. I remember as far back as ESB, thre had been interviews with Lucas saying Vader had to wear his suit because of a battle over lava and I thought "He'd get burnt up to nothing". So this was probably more plausible (in a loose sense of the word).
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Postby Ashley » Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:35 pm

I remember being a kid and reading some "ultimate guide to the star wars universe" where it DID say he fell into the lava pits during a fight with Obi-Wan. So yeah, I was suprised too. My theory was that he fell but caught himself or something. I suppose this works too, though. The moment I heard "volcanic planet" I KNEW what was going to happen. And it made me sad.
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Postby Arnobius » Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:01 pm

Ashley wrote:I remember being a kid and reading some "ultimate guide to the star wars universe" where it DID say he fell into the lava pits during a fight with Obi-Wan. So yeah, I was suprised too. My theory was that he fell but caught himself or something. I suppose this works too, though. The moment I heard "volcanic planet" I KNEW what was going to happen. And it made me sad.

Maybe we read the same thing. Yeah, when I saw the trailers for Sith, and saw the lava, I knew that was where it was going to happen
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