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Your favorite RPG

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Postby cbwing0 » Tue May 24, 2005 4:56 pm

Perhaps a poll was not the best choice for this question...

I voted for Prince of Persia, because it is my favorite out of those listed; however, my actual favorite is World of Warcraft.
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Postby sanosuke_495 » Thu May 26, 2005 6:47 pm

WOW is an rts game, and yes p.o.p and zelda and god of war areeee rpgs, whenever u have a game that assumes the role of a character through a story mode and u have some method of leveling up, its an rpg, its not just things like final fantasy and xenosaga.
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Postby Link Antilles » Thu May 26, 2005 7:56 pm

sanosuke_495 wrote:WOW is an rts game, and yes p.o.p and zelda and god of war areeee rpgs, whenever u have a game that assumes the role of a character through a story mode and u have some method of leveling up, its an rpg, its not just things like final fantasy and xenosaga.

First time I've heard WoW been called a RTS. Now, Warcraft III is an Real-time Strategy with RPG "elements". WoW is a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game).

Technically, in the video game world (not according to the English Dictionary and common sense), Prince of Persia, Zelda, and God of War are not RPGs. They fall under the Action/Adventure genre. Defeating enemies in these games revolve mostly around player’s skill then strategy and numbers.

RPG on the other hand are games with basic gameplay systems/ideas/mechanics/gameplay that were used for D&D. Defeating enemies in these games revolve on numbers and strategy.

That’s the *big* difference between the two, folks.

Anways, Just clearing things up, I hope. :)
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Postby sanosuke_495 » Sat May 28, 2005 6:27 pm

sorry actually no. those games are ROLE PLAYING, the type of battle may be action. if ur not calling god of war and rpg then why call fable an rpg..... they both share most of the same similarities. yes it is mostly action, so i wood say action adventure with the exception of some rpg elements
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Postby cbwing0 » Sat May 28, 2005 7:18 pm

sanosuke_495 wrote:sorry actually no. those games are ROLE PLAYING, the type of battle may be action. if ur not calling god of war and rpg then why call fable an rpg..... they both share most of the same similarities. yes it is mostly action, so i wood say action adventure with the exception of some rpg elements

What exactly is your definition of a Role Playing Game? And how does that definition allow you to lump together games as dissimilar as Prince of Persia and Final Fantasy while excluding World of Warcraft?

At any rate, it might be better to consult an authority on the matter:

According to, here are the genres for the games listed in the poll, as well as some of those mentioned in this thread:

Fable: RPG

Final Fantasy: RPG

God of War: Action Adventure

Star Wars-
There are a number of different Star Wars games. Some of them (KOTOR, Galaxies) are RPGs, while others (Battlefront, Shadows of the Empire, Republic Commando, etc.) definitely are not. Please specifiy which Star Wars game you are referring to in the poll.

Prince of Persia: Action Adventure

Xenosaga: RPG

Star Ocean: RPG

Zelda: Action Adventure (although it could be considered an RPG)

World of Warcraft: RPG

At any rate, you are clearly wrong. If you go to any major gaming site, the games would be categorized under the same genres that I have listed here. Even so, I would like to know your definition of an RPG.
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Postby sanosuke_495 » Sun May 29, 2005 7:57 am

If all everyone is gonna do is complain than stop posting here!!!! :bang: . thats my opinion and if u dont like it than to bad, stop trying to prove me wrong, thatsd just my opinion of an rpg, whether u think i'm wrong or not

now can we get back on topic...... :dance:

final fantasy 12 and final fantasy Dirge of (forgot the name)
are being released this fall; these 2 rpg's are going to be pretty sweet. with 7 being one of the best in its series and then having a sequel to it....... :dance: :dance: :dance: cant waitttttt. and from the screenshots i've seen of 12, the characters look a lot like the ones from 11.
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Postby Kkun » Sun May 29, 2005 9:03 am

That's not complaining, that's pointing out that Prince of Persia and God of War are action adventure games. Prince of Persia is totally hardcore, too. I love both POP games.

Anyway, I'm very excited about FF12. I'll be interested to see how it is after Hironobu Sakaguchi's gone. Was he going to stay on long enough to finish that game or did he just take off?
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Postby cbwing0 » Sun May 29, 2005 10:18 am

sanosuke_495 wrote:thats my opinion and if u dont like it than to bad, stop trying to prove me wrong, thatsd just my opinion of an rpg, whether u think i'm wrong or not
As long as we are clear that this is merely your opinion and not anything close to the actual definition of an RPG, then everything is fine...

...but I would still like to know, what is your defintion of an RPG? :P

Just asking your opinion, ok? ;)
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Postby Tommy » Sun May 29, 2005 5:02 pm

Was my post like completely ignored from the previous page? You know, the LAST post on the previous page.
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Postby cbwing0 » Sun May 29, 2005 7:24 pm

If you have to ask, then the answer is yes (besides, we are still on the first page if you set it to 40 posts per page ;) ).
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Postby sanosuke_495 » Mon May 30, 2005 6:06 am

a good rpg would be mixing zelda w/ final fantasy
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Postby Yojimbo » Mon May 30, 2005 10:02 am

Seriously half of these games aren't RPG's. And I think the American guys need some love too. RPG's from Bioware, Black Isle, and Interplay are heads and shoulders ahead of every Japanese RPG in terms of almost everything. Black Isle and Interplay may be defunct but alot of those guys went over to form Obsidian makers of KOTOR 2.

Anyway you guys should play Planescape: Torment, the Baldur's Gate series, Neverwinter Nights, or KOTOR, or any other number of games. Their stories and characters are heads and shoulders above any Japanese RPG, and I say that with confidence. The only disadvantage has been in their presentation. Baldur's Gate and NWN sold in excess to one mil but that's no where near Final Fantasy. KOTOR finally brought American RPG's to the forefront of the tired out Japanese injected RPG genre because it had the entire package. If you played and loved KOTOR than play some older Bioware games and see what I mean.

Don't me wrong either I have every FF from 6 to 11. I love them too but we all know that they are still very cliche wridden.
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Postby Tommy » Mon May 30, 2005 10:41 am

Dirge of Cerebus won`t be a Traditional RPG. It will be either Action/Shooter or an Action RPG and don`t say "FF7 is the best in the series" so loosely because a huge number of people disagree with that statement. FF7 is my fave too, but at least say it`s you opinion.

And how are we complaining?

Just because we know what an RPG is and isn`t and are proving you wrong that doesn`t mean we`re complaining.

Prince of Persia is Action with no RPG elements. I don`t know about the sequel but I know that the first didn`t.

There are Star Wars RPGs but most aren`t. 60% of them are "fying around in a Fightership" games.

Fable is an Action/ RPG.

FF is definately and RPG a well as Star Ocean and Xenosaga so you earn some respect points there.

Never played God of War but I know it`s Action/ War. i`m assuming the War part due to the title.

Zelda is an Action RPG/ Dungeon Crawler.

There you have it.
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Postby gameoverblue » Mon May 30, 2005 7:28 pm

Is star ocean bad, or is it just a coincidence that it has no votes. I heard it was like kingdom hearts, which was great.

I may allow god of war to be a RPG since it's up-grade mechanic is simular to an RPG's, but prince of persia? It may be considered a action, although I considered more of a puzzle since the puzzle factor is the fun part, at least for the first game.

oh, Tom Dincht, I thought you wanted a picture of Zell.
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Postby Yojimbo » Mon May 30, 2005 8:59 pm

Well really every videogame is a roleplaying game. But the genre as we know it pretty much boils down to the Final Fantasy's, Star Ocean's, Suikoden's, Xeno's, Chrono's, KOTOR's, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights. You get the idea basically a game that is stat driven and either with turn based combat or at least the illusion of real time combat, such as in NWN or KOTOR.

Games like God of War, Prince of Persia, Onimusha, Fable, Zelda are not the kind of games that fit in that genre. They have some RPG elements in them but they're not true RPG's.
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Postby Tommy » Tue May 31, 2005 12:13 pm

Star Ocean is better than Kingdom Hearts and the picure of Zell was too big so I just randomy picked up a picture of Cloud.
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Postby Seaniel » Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:13 pm

Which Star Ocean do you mean? I was more partial to The Second Story than Till the End of Time. I do second your opinion of Chrono Trigger though, that was pure gaming magic. And Yojimbo, I appreciate your mention of the Suikoden series. Number two was another gof gaming's finest. A series that's neglected though is Breath of Fire. It didn't have a single "Break the Standard" title among its five games, but each was fantastic and charming in its own way. Even the red headed stepchild Dragon Quarter. Now I wonder how six will turn out...

My favorite RPGs?
1. Chrono trigger
2. Suikoden 2
3. Final Fantasy 6
4. Final Fantasy 7
5. Final Fantasy Tactics
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Postby Tommy » Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:22 pm

Oh sorry, i JUST won a bid for Star Ocean: The Second Story on eBay so I haven`t played it yet. My favorite RPGS:

Best to least, top 10.

1. Final Fantasy VII ( I don`t care if you guys think it`s overrated, it rocks my socks!)
2. Final Fantasy X
3. Final Fabtasy VIII
4. Grandia II
5. Chrono Trigger
6. Star Ocean 3
7. Grandia I
8. Final Fantasy VI
9. Chrono Cross
10. Legend Of Dragoon

I actually listed them in the wrong order, but I like them all alot.
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