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Postby the_lizardqueen » Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:55 pm

The guys from Lost are on the cover of the latest Entertainment Weekly! :jump:

Y'know what's even cooler/freakier though? The issue is number 815, on April 15th. Yup, it's a conspiracy :eyebrow:
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:32 pm

This might almost be better suited for the Goof Off boards, 'cept for the fact that it is entirely Lost related. 'tis a strange little Sawyer video:


Warning, this video and accompanying song might cause fits of pounding ones head on a wall in the vain attempt to stop the uber catchy refrain from repeating endlessly in your mind :o

Edit: Oopsies, just noticed that I've posted two times in a row. Prolly shouldn't be doing that..
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Postby SorasOathkeeper » Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:00 pm

Rofl!!! XD Man Thats Great!!!! I Love It!!!
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Postby Locke » Thu Apr 21, 2005 4:01 pm


Oh yeah next week is a new episode!!!!
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Thu Apr 21, 2005 4:36 pm

Dear goodness, I just keep hearing 'sawyer, sawyer, here's a sawyer, there's a sawyer, sawyersawyer, sawyer sawyer, sawyer sawyersawyersawyer...LOCKE' :lol:

Locke wrote: Oh yeah next week is a new episode!!!!

Um, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I've heard the next week's eppy is actually a clips episode that reviews the season. Apparently the actual new episode isn't until the week after next week. I might be wrong though, I'll double check my info *crosses fingers*

Oo, and just outta curiosity, this has been bugging me for a while, is it just a coincidence that your user name is Locke and then there's Lost's Locke? You've been a member since before the show, so logic seems to say that there isn't a connection, but I was just curious, as always ^_^
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Postby Locke » Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:34 pm

After the philoserpher I named myself ;)

Hm, thats good I guess, I need to catch up on some old eps anyway!
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Postby Namelessknight » Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:50 am

Seems ABC is doing the "catchup" episode for several series. Rats. i will probably watch it anyway just to see if I can pick more stuff up. I WANT MORE NEW LOST!!!! NOW!!!!! how in the world am i gonna survive the summer? I just don't know...
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:57 pm

You could try watching the Sawyer Song over and over and over and over and over in an attempt to ease the Lost deprivation. Yup, that'll be reeeally good for one's sanity ;)

I seem to be a little fixated, ya think?
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Postby Namelessknight » Sun Apr 24, 2005 6:49 am

Sadly, I suspect it will something like that-read all old Lost posts, watch reruns, and watch the Sawyer sick til I throw up :)
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Apr 28, 2005 6:55 pm

The last episode here was Charlie hanging from the mangrove tree roots. Man, that was freaky! I thought he was dead for sure. Yes, he's a major character, much-loved an all but the director is well known for killing off main characters. I'm so glad he survived. But that Ethan guy is whacked. He looked so nerdy and helpless and then he beat the stuffing out of Jack! Craziness! That was the ultimate suspense episode. Here's hoping it get's even better...
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Postby ally-san » Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:16 pm

.................im sad boon died :(
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Thu May 05, 2005 10:00 pm

Wow..the Lost thread is getting disturbingly close to the bottom of the page, and to moving onto the second page. I wonder where everyone went...

As for the latest episode of Lost, it was pretty good, I think that it mostly served as a bridging episode of sorts. The funeral scene had my brother and I yelling at the screen, especially when Jack got that homicidal gleam in his eye. Seriously, he looked so creepy just before he went lunging at Locke. Locke was kinda pushing everyone's buttons though, wasn't he? I couldn't believe it when Locke told Sayid

[spoiler]that he was the one who clubbed him over that noggin when he was just about to triangulate the distress signal[/spoiler]

Lessee, first you arm the man, when you know that he already doesn't trust you, and then you tell him that?! I guess it worked out for Locke though.

It was also nice to see that Shannon is human, and that she did care for Boone. She's still rather manipulative, but I didn't mind her this episode. And poor Sayid, I can't believe that he delayed his flight a day and actually put himself on Oceanic Flight 815. Seriously bad luck there.

I'm actually flying across the U.S on Sunday and I've officially decided that if my flight number has anything to do with the Lost numbers, my family is going to have a very, very difficult time getting me on the plane. Let alone if it's 815... :eh:
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Postby Gypsy » Mon May 09, 2005 9:02 pm

I'm finally all caught up on my Lost! (My parents recorded it for me while I was gone).

I had quite a few shocks waiting for me.

Did anyone else jump when the light came on in the hatch?
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Postby Namelessknight » Wed May 11, 2005 7:02 pm

Oh man! this weeks episode just freaked me out. What is up with Walt? That kid has so many weird things going on around him, I don't know whether to be afraid FOR him or OF him.

And poor Sun. The ordeal she is going thru with everything about her husband. She must be wracked.

The previews for next week? oh man, now that looked intense!!! I just can't wait. And a 2 hr finale to look forward to[as it were, not really looking forward to it, cause that means no more Lost, whaaaaaaa, for the whole summer]
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Postby Rita » Mon May 16, 2005 12:57 am

I was worried when I first started reading this thread that I would be the only person that likes Sawyer, but I see some of you have come round to him. I just think that he's a sweet guy who uses self-destructive behaviours to punish himself for essentially becoming the person he always hated (and hence why he took on the name of that man, Sawyer.)

Of course being in Australia, I'm many episodes behind, and despite telling myself not to, I keep reading these threads and finding out what happens in the episodes to come. The last episode that aired, to give you an idea of how far behind we are, was the one in which Kate and Sawyer found the briefcase that Kate wanted that had the plane in. :P
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Postby Namelessknight » Mon May 16, 2005 1:41 pm

The above post is one of the reasons I find it so hard to really get into posting on this thread.

I am just not sure what is considered a spoiler or not. It's not like a movie, but is ongoing. But to be honest, I just hate using the spoiler tag :)
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Postby Rita » Mon May 16, 2005 5:16 pm

I don't mind if people post spoilers. Like I said, I already know a lot of what is going to happen. If I really didn't want to know, I wouldn't read the tread, so don't refrain from posting because of me. Or were you referring to something else?
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Thu May 19, 2005 8:36 am

:sniffle: Last night's show was so... sweet.

I cried when Sun and her husband (Jin?) made up. I wanted him to stay with Sun. Man, I hope he doesn't die on that boat. I want him to come back to Sun.:sniffle:

Overall, it was an emotional episode. After Sawyer spoke with Jack. That made me start to tear up also. I could see Kate was already missing Sawyer. I'm not a big Sawyer fan, but it was still sad that she couldn't say goodbye.

I am totally looking forward to the season finale next week.

Who else was surprised when:

[SPOILER] the black rock was a... boat? o_0[/SPOILER]

And what's with the new character? I don't really like him much. Do any of you remember that science teacher? I can't remember him at all.

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Postby Ashley » Fri May 20, 2005 12:42 pm

As far as Arzt is concerned, I don't like him much either. However I think after "the journey" they tried to make us realize how many more people were on the island. Up til now it's like there have been 6-10 people; I think they want to make us remember there's 40 survivors.

Yes, this week's (I just watched it--*hugs Tivo*) episode was SO sad. I lost it when Jin apologized. Zomygosh, I was so happy/upset. I want Sun and Jin to stay together--I hope he can find her again.

I cannot WAIT for the finale next week. O.O!!
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Postby Namelessknight » Sun May 22, 2005 6:25 pm

2 hours of Lost. Only...3...days...away....

Must, hold, on...
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Postby Locke » Sun May 22, 2005 7:46 pm


I can last..i know i can!
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Postby Kireihana » Mon May 23, 2005 7:26 am

Rita wrote:I was worried when I first started reading this thread that I would be the only person that likes Sawyer, but I see some of you have come round to him. I just think that he's a sweet guy who uses self-destructive behaviours to punish himself for essentially becoming the person he always hated (and hence why he took on the name of that man, Sawyer.)

Of course being in Australia, I'm many episodes behind, and despite telling myself not to, I keep reading these threads and finding out what happens in the episodes to come. The last episode that aired, to give you an idea of how far behind we are, was the one in which Kate and Sawyer found the briefcase that Kate wanted that had the plane in. :P

Well think of it this way]making up with Jack. That was so nice of him to tell Jack about meeting his father in the bar. He also got on better terms with Michael and Jin at the end of the ep. by helping out with the mast.[/spoiler]

All and all, a lot of the characters have really mellowed since the beginning of the show. Shannon especially comes to mind.

Oh, and does anyone else get a bad vibe from Arzt? (Or should we say, Leslie?) I'm just not getting good signals from the guy, especially with that attitude he copped with Hurley.
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Postby Ashley » Mon May 23, 2005 8:46 am

I just flat out don't like him (Arzt). I do, however, adore Sawyer. Gypsy says it's because he sounds like a southerner :shady: I don't know what it is; I know he's a creep, but I guess I appreciate a guy who can quip off witty lines like he does.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Mon May 23, 2005 6:29 pm

Hooboy. The last episode was pretty much total sensory overload for me. It prolly doesn't help that I've been away for the last two weeks so I'm running behind on this thread. I'm just incredibly grateful that the condo that I was staying at had a TV and it picked up ABC, otherwise it wouldn't have been pretty on Wednesday nights.

Sun and Jin are officially my favorite couple on TV ever. My brother was actually getting misty eyed during their big scene together. Danielle's three survival options, Walt's sudden change of heart about wanting to leave the island and the black smoke very much creeped me out. And I have to admit that Sawyer is growing on me, his conversation with Jack totally caught me off guard.
[spoiler]Sawyer's name is James Ford! And the Black Rock is a boat!!!! Both of those facts had me giggling like crazy.[/spoiler]
And the little Walt and Shannon scene was sweet, at first I couldn't figure out why he would trust her with Vincent, but the explanation made perfect sense. Awwww..

Only 49 hours 'til the finale!! And then it's a whole summer until the second season...yowch.
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Postby Namelessknight » Wed May 25, 2005 2:14 pm

2hrs, 45min and counting....
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Wed May 25, 2005 2:20 pm

You only have about 3 hours to go?! Lucky!!!!

I still have....*staring at the clock intently*

..5 hours and 39 minutes to go

um..not that I'm desperately counting the seconds or anything...*whistles*
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Postby SorasOathkeeper » Wed May 25, 2005 10:05 pm

Ok, clif hangers always tick me off, and this one rules them all.

[spoiler]So from what i got they wern't after Aaron, but Walt. CHARLY WHY!? >_< Why did he HAFT to take the drugs! That idiot! And the monster thing you saw reminded me of somthing from a horrer flick.[/spoiler]
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Postby Kaligraphic » Wed May 25, 2005 11:34 pm

I called the ending from the start.
I mean, seriously, it's a pretty overused cliche.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Thu May 26, 2005 11:07 am

I'm spoilering everything, just to be safe.

[spoiler]I couldn't believe they had the guts to blow Artz up! I kinda had a bad feeling about him and the dynamite though, especially when he was ratcheting up the obnoxiousness factor. Atrz's demise definitely added a huge element of suspense to the prospect of Locke, Kate and Jack attempting to handle and carry the dynamite. Personally, I think they shoulda given it all to Hurley, since he seems rather invulnerable.

Hurley's flashback was a highlight of the eppy for me, it definitely helped to lighten the overall darkness of last night's episode. It was pretty painful though, watching him go to all that trouble and craziness to get on the doomed flight. I was actually rooting against him. And the numbers were back! Hurley finally read the hatch, and did anyone notice the soccer team jerseys in Hurley's flashback?

And dear goodness, Charlie and the plane finally crossed paths. Stoopid Sayid!!! I know that he's unaware of Charlie's past problems but did he really have to stop at the plane and actually tell Charlie that it was full of drugs? And don't even get me started on Charlie's relapse..

Did anyone else figure out that the others wanted Walt earlier on? I knew it as soon as Danielle said that they had been whispering about 'wanting the boy'. Needless to say, I was freaking out royally when the rafters blew off their only flare and actually called the other boat back. They were hardly off the island, there was very little possibility that it would be anyone but the others. I was expecting some kind of sea monster leviathan thingy though, not a boatload of creepy men.

Did anyone manage to make sense of what the heck happened with the monster? Did we actually see it? I think it's underground or something. I'm confused.

It was also nice to see Sun, Shannon and Claire bonding. And Turniphead's name is Aaron! I think I might keep calling him Turniphead tho', I like that name. I also really, really hope that Sawyer and Jin are okay, seeing that the raft blew up and all, and the former kinda got shot.

And finally, the hatch is open. And it appears to be some kinda tunnel into darkness that they didn't even have the decency to put a complete ladder on. Ooo, spookiness.[/spoiler]
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Postby Ashley » Thu May 26, 2005 1:43 pm

Didn't anyone else freak out to know the ladder went underground--like where the security system was? O.O
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