Episode III "Seen It" Thread ***SPOILERS***

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Fri May 20, 2005 1:28 pm

When Palpatine is telling Anakin the story about Darth What's-his-name The Wise, he says the guy had the power to use midichloriens (sp?) to manipulate life. Now, think back to Episode I, how did Qui-Gonn say that Anakin was born without a father? He was concieved by midichloriens... Put THAT in your fanboy/girl pipe and smoke it.

I was thinking the same thing myself.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Fri May 20, 2005 4:36 pm

Saw it last night aaand...

omigosh I LOVED it!!! when all the jedis started getting killed I was like "... o.o ... omigosh... oh... my... gosh...." IT WAS SO SAD!!

But I loved Anakin's facial expressions especially when he was killing the seperatists. His eyes! *swoons* XDD
aaaahhh!! but the younglings!!
Little kid: "Master Anakin! Have you come to save us?"
Anakin:*stare* *whoooosh* (lightsaber coming out >.>)
Me: O_O TT__TT pooor kid!! ... but this is awesome!!

can you tell I loved it?
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Postby Jeikobu » Fri May 20, 2005 4:43 pm

One minor thing that I enjoyed (which I'm sure practically everyone also noticed) is how at the end of the film Luke's Uncle Owen is standing outside watching the moons in the sunset, just like Luke does in Episode IV. They even have the same music playing. ^^
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Postby Pent » Fri May 20, 2005 6:06 pm

This kills my thread *cry* lol. j/k. Anyways when I see it tomarow I will get aposting. I can't wait. I allready know most everything about the movie so I'm half reading through this thread have skipping over stuff. Can't wait to see it!
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Postby Stephen » Fri May 20, 2005 7:02 pm

I actually thought about it...and after watching A New Hope last night...I think Ep3 is better then Return of the Jedi. I think it sits comfortably at the #2 spot behind Empire Strikes Back.
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Postby Scribs » Fri May 20, 2005 7:04 pm

I would rank it as pretty good on my movie-o-meter. I was not dissapointed, and yet I was not really wowed either.

The biggest discontinuity that I saw was with Padmes death. In episode 6 Leah tells luke that she remembers her mother from when she was little. How can that be if Padme just up and dies like that? That was my major beef with it.

As an avid reader of the star wars novels, another thing that irked me was that the death star was in production at the end of this film when it is mentioned in the one of the books that it wasnt built till a long time afterward.

These are pretty minor things, and overall it was a good movie. Here is how i would rate them:

1. Empire
2. Hope
3. Return
4. Revenge
5. Phantom
6. Clones
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Fri May 20, 2005 7:42 pm

I LOVED IT!!! We're going to go watch it again so I can try and catch all the visual goodies I missed.

I'm going to try not to comment on anything, because it's all been said. I'll just say that I rank this as the best Star Wars movie yet. All the things said about this and how things didn't add up and how things were rushed I remember discussing with the first three. However, the first three did not have all the awesome effects this one had, so that pushed this over for me.

Also, I'd just like to add about this being some odd statement about the present administration. Um, George Lucas had the idea of "how a dictator comes to power" way before Bush came into office. That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard. This is basic History 101.

1. Revenge of the Sith
2. Empire Strikes Back
3. Return of the Jedi
4. A New Hope
5. Attack of the Clones
6. Phantom Menace

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Postby SorasOathkeeper » Fri May 20, 2005 7:56 pm

Don't know if anyone said this, but, the thing that i thought was, In tone of the first three *Jedi or Empire* Luke asks Leia if she rembotes her real mother. And she says that she remembers that she was very pertty and had a kind voice *or somthing along thows libes* But how could she know that when she wasn't even old enough to know whats what?
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Postby Stephen » Fri May 20, 2005 8:33 pm

Because the kids were raised in adopted homes. Leia was talking about Mrs. Organa.
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Postby Arnobius » Fri May 20, 2005 8:36 pm

Shatterheart wrote:Because the kids were raised in adopted homes. Leia was talking about Mrs. Organa.

I don't think that was what Lucas originally meant. I'd call it plot hole...
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Fri May 20, 2005 9:13 pm

The only major gripe I had was Obi-Wan's line "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." I don't hold it against him, though. I blame George Lucas and his whacked philosphy. After all, in ANH he mentions that Uncle Owen was afraid Luke would follow Obi-Wan on "some d***-fool idealistic crusade." Foolish idealistic crusades spring from absolutes. I still heart Obi-Wan. But if that's what the Jedi believe, I would be a Sith. A good Sith, but a Sith. And I would use Force lightning. Fact is, the Sith are more combat-inclined than Jedi are. I had a twenty-one point thesis outlined on why, but I lost my notes.

There were a couple times when I almost cried. ONe was when Anakin is about to kill the younglings, and two was at the end of the Obi-Wan-Anakin duel. I could feel how much Obi-Wan loved Anakin in that sequence.

As a last note, does anyone else notice how much Darth Vader's helmet looks like a masked samurai helmet?

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Postby Stephen » Fri May 20, 2005 9:20 pm

AnimeHeretic wrote:I don't think that was what Lucas originally meant. I'd call it plot hole...

Or Leia could have seen holograms or pics. Honostly people...why must everyone be so dogmatic on details. Sheesh.
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Postby Arnobius » Fri May 20, 2005 9:36 pm

Shatterheart wrote:Or Leia could have seen holograms or pics. Honostly people...why must everyone be so dogmatic on details. Sheesh.

Because Lucas wasn't? ;)
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Postby Stephen » Fri May 20, 2005 9:39 pm

Well it gives the internet nerds somthing to cry over I suppose.
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Postby Arnobius » Fri May 20, 2005 9:42 pm

Well it's fun when I deal with people who take things too seriously

(Once ticked off Star Trek fans arguing over who was the better captain Kirk vs Picard by saying "Han Solo")
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Postby Stephen » Fri May 20, 2005 9:45 pm

If I had to ride with one of those 3 out of a situation I would pick Solo though. I mean, sure it might take him cussing and smacking the hyperspeed thing a few times...but the Falcon so owns the Enterprize.
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Postby Arnobius » Fri May 20, 2005 9:49 pm

Shatterheart wrote:If I had to ride with one of those 3 out of a situation I would pick Solo though. I mean, sure it might take him cussing and smacking the hyperspeed thing a few times...but the Falcon so owns the Enterprize.

I knew some very dogmatic Trekkers, who wouldn't even consider other options, like fighters carrying torpedos like WW2. They thought it was blasphemy to point out plot flaws...

I on the other hand am pretty irreverent about such things and once did a live MST of episode 1 in the theaters for my family and friends (the bystanders weren't thrilled)
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Postby Orange Kitten » Sat May 21, 2005 4:14 am

BigSleepJ had a great review, and I agree with most of what he said.
I need to see it again to have more of a solid grasp of it's flaws though.

My friends and I seemed to be the only ones laughing when Anakin burst into flames. It was perfect. There was a little kid behind me, I could just imagine his face during that scene...and then there's me hystarical laughing. But I laughed even harder, as well as half the theater, during Darth's infamous scream.

Great movie; far from perfect.

Side note:
Organa: "we've always wanted a daughter of our own" then they should have added "the other, make him live on a desert planet" Man, Luke sure did get the shaft on that deal lol
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Postby btboy500 » Sat May 21, 2005 5:27 am

Blitzkrieg1701 wrote:Also, while I did make fun of the "NOOOOOOOOOO!" scene, it's kind of hard to imagine another was of doing it. Remember, Vader is totally caught up in the Dark Side now. Quitet, crushing, introspective grief wouldn't really be in character, especially after watching him go nuts with rage the scene before.

I disagree, in fact, I knew that this scene would happen beforehand, so I had in my mind the perfect way to do it: As Vader screams "NOOO!", the camera would unzoom back amidst the crushing of Vader's surroundings with the Force. That's just my opinion, though.
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Postby Link Antilles » Sat May 21, 2005 10:49 am

AnimeHeretic wrote:I don't think that was what Lucas originally meant.

Actually, I'm sure it was, at least that's always what I assumed. Her name was Leia Organa, after all. If you remember correctly, Leia told Luke about her mother before Luke revealed he was her brother.
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Postby Arnobius » Sat May 21, 2005 11:42 am

Link Antilles wrote:Actually, I'm sure it was, at least that's always what I assumed. Her name was Leia Organa, after all. If you remember correctly, Leia told Luke about her mother before Luke revealed he was her brother.

It never felt that way to me. Back when I saw it in the theaters in 83, it seemed like they were implying Leia remembered her real mother-- unless you're assuming Leia's adopted mother dropped dead when Leia was a young child.

Leia barely remembered her: Beautiful but sad (I'm sure some dogmatist will dig up the exact quote)... I'm sure Lucas originally meant Leia's birth mother, not Mrs Organa-- otherwise the scene was a waste of time before Luke reveals the truth.

Back then, everyone I knew assumed that Obi Wan took Luke to Tatooine and Padme took Leia to Alderaan
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Postby Jeikobu » Sat May 21, 2005 12:16 pm

I prefer the movies in reverse chronological order.

1. Return of the Jedi
2. Empire Strikes Back
3. A New Hope
4. Revenge of the Sith
5. Attack of the Clones
6. Phantom Menace

Compared to the others, I almost find Phantom a bit disappointing. I like it, but it's easily my least favorite of the saga. The whole Duel of the Fates scene is easily the highlight of the movie. I love the music for that part. But alot of it just wasn't as gripping and memorable, and thanks to guys like Jar Jar Binks, it seemed too comical.
Clones doesn't even compete with Revenge, though I like it never the less. Things start to pick up and get more interesting, and being a romantic I enjoy the love story. Definitely a good film.
Revenge definitely competes with Hope for me, but I think the originals will always stand as my favorites, and in original format I might add. I want to slam Lucas for not having the original versions of the original trilogy released. This means I have to buy the VHS versions and make DVD copies. >_< But anyway, Revenge at first, will good, didn't grip me as much. I found at one point I kind of lost attention for a few moments. But as the film went it got more and more interesting, as by the second half I was glued. I expected a good movie but this exceeded my expectations. And man, it was so cool seeing Vader again, though it was a short scene. I loved the drama is his mask bneing lowered on and then the table being tilted up. And I'm really glad that James Earl Jones still did the voice. It isn't Darth Vader without him. I also loved seeing Yoda and Chewie. I was pretty mad though when Mace got killed, though I saw it coming. It just makes me want to watch Jedi again all the more, so I can see Darth hand Palpatine's butt to him. ;)
A New Hope, while my least favorite of the originals, is still a masterpiece and one of my favorite all time films. It's very memorable, and introduces you to the second arc of Star Wars. I could rant on alot about the original trilogy.
Empire Strikes Back is unforgettable for me, mostly because of Darth and Yoda. This is Yoda's first appearance (non-chronologically anyway), and though I loved the CG Yoda, I will always love the muppet Yoda most. There's a certain magic that the CG one can't capture. I love the scene where Yoda lifts the X Wing (I think that was the name, it's been a while) out of the swamp. So cool. Yoda can be hilarious, but also be awesome and really earn your respect. Then there's Darth. I love the part where the heroes walk into the room with the long table and Darth is at the other end and he stands and steals Han's gun as he tries to fire. Even better though is the now famous "I am your father" scene.
ROTJ is my favorite of the films, solely due to the last parts. This is the grand finale of the saga. It doesn't get any better than that. The Darth vs. Luke vs. Palpatine scene is my favorite part of the Star Wars saga hands down. It gives me goosebumps remembering it. The drama in movies has never been better. The music from Luke and Darth's finale showdown is enough in itself to make me want to buy the score. I just can't put the last parts of this film into words, except that they're incredible. My favorite part however is probably when Darth finally comes to his senses and saves Luke and hurls Palpatine to his death, sadly resulting in Vader's death. But it's all unforgettable. This is one of the my top all time films, no doubt.
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Postby JediSonic » Sat May 21, 2005 1:17 pm

The "NOOOO" bugged a me a little when I saw it come outta Vader. But then, you can picture James Earl Jones saying most of anakin's lines even slightly the same way Hayden Christensen says 'em!

Overall I thought it was a great movie... better than episodes I and II put together, I think :thumb: I dont want to make a "favorites" list though. They are all special. Except maybe episode I.

The thing w/ yoda talking about quigon at the end seemed kinda 'random' and unexpected. However, after I thought about it there is some important irony there. The whole reason Anakin wanted more power and ultimately turned evil was so he could keep people from dying. The real secret to immortality, though, seems to be accessible only to good people! Now that we get the "big secret" it makes more sense how in Episode IV Vader kinda steps on Obi's cloths in seeming disbeleif. I also remembered what Palpy said of Darth whats-his-name: "he could save others but not himself". As I heard him say those lines in the movie, I remembered that people said exactly the same thing about Christ.. for 3 days. Force theology is so weird.

Even at 57 years old, John Williams is clearly still a heck of a great composer! Even though much of the music in ep. III was kinda remixes of the old stuff, it was still good. There was a new "episode III theme" as I've dubbed it that plays near the climax and at the credits. IN-CREDIBLE. I also thought Duel of the Fates was used quite appropriately in the final fight scene too.
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Postby Ashley » Sat May 21, 2005 2:12 pm

On the Organa-Amidala debate:

Given the two options, I would have rather seen Padme take Leia with her to Alderaan, and then die there, perhaps planning the stirrings of the rebellion her daughter would fulfill. But hey, I just like Padme a whole freakin lot.

However, I think the new theory about Mrs. Organa dropping dead is a viable enough one. To me it's not that big of a deal. Although, I have to agree Luke got seriously shafted, and I love how Shatterheart said it: "Those two kids are black widows. Sorry Alderaan, you're being blown to smithereens. Sorry Owen and Beru, you're going to raided and burned by stormtroopers." O.o
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Postby Sesshoumaru » Sat May 21, 2005 2:29 pm

My favorites:
1. Revenge of the Sith
2. Return of the Jedi
3. Empire Strikes Back
4. A New Hope
5. Attack of the Clones ( the part where Anakin slays the Tuskan warriors had me in awe)
6. Phantom Menace
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Sat May 21, 2005 3:34 pm

I wish I could get 16.5 million in one night. Just for the Midnight showing, which I got to go to, tee hee. It was corney. THe parts betweem Padme and Anikin were, eh... Sidious was a little over the top. THe saber fighting fely more like gymnastics compared to the Duel of Fates in the Phantom Menace. Darth Vader seemed small because of ANikin';s actor and kinda careing. But then again, it's like twenty years between III and IV so that's perfectly understandable. When Padme went running out to meet Anikin, she was like 7 months pregnant. One does not go running like that even more so without holding your belly.

Seeing all the precoursers to the ships was cool. I oiked seeing an erly Imperial Shuttle and X Wings.

I can't wait to see it again.

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Postby Pent » Sat May 21, 2005 4:45 pm

O that was a great movie. I'm noticing the 2 movies alot of fans are considering to be the best sith and empire where the sadest movies. This was just a good movie for the drama especially. I was wondering what my dad was thinking well Darth Vadar was all charred and my little sister was watching. Very deserving of the pg-13 rating. The eternal life thing I think was an effort to explain the fact that Yoda and Obi-wan come back as blue ghosty things in 4-6. Mostly the acting seemed really good. And the parts they had to play you can imagine would be tuff as heck to act. You see everything coming in this movie and that is exactly why it is good. I saw the Millinum Falcon to. Now that I think about it Senitor Organa having c3po and r2d2s memories erased at the end seems very random. But it does fill in some plot holes. Man that was a good movie. It's to bad most people will not see the logic of Anikan being the "chosen one" and bringing balence to the force. He had to kill all the jedi. Now there is 2 jedi and 2 sith left. It's ballenced. Most people won't understand that though. They will just sit and ponder.
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Postby Arnobius » Sat May 21, 2005 4:53 pm

Ashley wrote:On the Organa-Amidala debate:

Given the two options, I would have rather seen Padme take Leia with her to Alderaan, and then die there, perhaps planning the stirrings of the rebellion her daughter would fulfill. But hey, I just like Padme a whole freakin lot.

However, I think the new theory about Mrs. Organa dropping dead is a viable enough one. To me it's not that big of a deal. Although, I have to agree Luke got seriously shafted, and I love how Shatterheart said it: "Those two kids are black widows. Sorry Alderaan, you're being blown to smithereens. Sorry Owen and Beru, you're going to raided and burned by stormtroopers." O.o

No they didn't, that was a domestic dispute! Didn't you see Troops? ;)

More seriously, my "Organa drops dead" theory was just meant to point out just how many holes there were in continuity, just like in Ep4, it was heavily implied that Owen and Anakin were related and Anakin left Tatooine while Owen stayed home, not wanting to get involved. It's like Lucas realized how many points he had to tie up and just did so...
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat May 21, 2005 4:57 pm

I liked and hated it... The many paralells and perpandiculars to Christianity were more than a bit offsetting... Especially that comment about manipulating the midichloreans (I'm not even going to bother trying to spell that one right) to make Anakin... And that whole "Only the Sith deal in absolutes" line...

What I liked about the movie:

Better acting than the second movie by Anakin... Yeah, I actually felt like he was almost a real person then. I was actually convinced by the acting... I mean, when the acting in Silent Hill 2, a cult classic VIDEO GAME, is better than a well known blockbuster movie, that's saying something... The acting was actually passable in this one.

I liked the way the cleaned up all those loose ends... A couple details didn't need to be "wrapped up", but it still ended up good.

I guess that's it, but the "wrapping up the loose ends" was a big one... That made the movie for me... I did like the darker feel to the movie, except for one part...

I can't believe no one has brought up the slaughter of the younglings (EDIT: oops, I guess it was mentioned, but still)... When Anakin pulls his light saber on those kids, I started crying... I mean, from the original trilogy, I felt bad for Vader at the end of it... Not from this one, even though he did it under orders... This was likely the most violent PG-13 movie I've ever seen... When he slaughters those kids, there were litting kids in the theater... I was like "Of course they're here! Star Wars has always been marketed to children!" I was a bit upset about that...

As a side note, when Phantom Menace came out, I did find myself a bit upset that an aspect of one of my stories (that of watching the hero become the villain by falling for the convincing of the arch-villain) was going to be the primary plot of the new trilogy, I know people are going to think I just got it from Star Wars... I really have to work on it to make sure it is original enough to get by. After all, there really isn't anything original under the sun.

BTW< only C3PO's memory was wiped. It had to be done. For the plot... To plug a hole.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Sat May 21, 2005 5:01 pm

It was funny. People being upset about the PG- 13 rating. What did you expect? It's supossed to be the darkest of the films. Besides the Yuonglings had to die because of the stroy anyway. That was so horrible. Those poor children. THe one boy who protecting, whom beleive was Organa... *Sob*
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