Episode III "Seen It" Thread ***SPOILERS***

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Episode III "Seen It" Thread ***SPOILERS***

Postby Nu-En-Jin » Thu May 19, 2005 12:42 am


This thread is intended for those who have already seen the film, to post their thoughts and discuss, and so on.
You have been warned, those of you either on the west coast, or who didn't go to a midnight show (like me!)

So, to start off with... <spoiler>Vader's "NOOOOOOOO!!!"... Lame?</spoiler>
I thought the movie rocked. Over the last few days, I've watched I and II, and now, in three days, I've seen all three prequels. I must say, the end of this made me nostalgic. I think we'll just continue on and watch IV tomorrow...
Overall, my first thoughts upon the credits rolling- "WOW, I'm glad that didn't stink".
Then, later, as certain moments popped back into memory, like <spoiler> Grievous with the four sabers, Mace's electroshock therapy, the whole opening sequence with Dooku and the space battle...</spoiler>, i began to say the unthinkable.... "WOW, that was really good!"
Amazingly, Lucas has pulled it off for the most part, tied up most of his dangling chads, and will invariably make off like a bandit at the box office... simply because I know I have to see it at least two or three more times...
And the dialogue... such a vast improvement over Ep. II...
Only slightly cringe-worthy in some parts. The kinship between Obi and Ani was handled so completely well in the first half of the film, too. I was looking for that, myself, just from the part at the beginning of ANH when Obi reminisces about how Anakin was "a good friend". That made me happy to see.
Anyway, it's late, so post your thoughts, folks, and for those of you spoiled slightly... I warned you, now go out and see the darn thing before you are ruined any more!!!
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Postby Stephen » Thu May 19, 2005 12:53 am

Hmm. Let me first be cruel. Since this thread is labled spoilers I won't use spoiler tags. I only was let down in a few parts. 1. Anakins fall. Yes he does it for love...but I wanted one more line...like "I am only doing this because I love her" Then let him have bloody violence and loose his soul...im fine with what happens...it just felt like one minute he is confused...next he is kissing Sidious' feet. But really...thats about all I had against the movie. I felt the acting was far superior to the last 2 films...and more akin to the originals (I still feel there was just as much "cheese" in the originals as the new films so yeah I liked all of them) The dualing in this film was nuts. Doku vs Anakin Obiwan vs Anakin Obiwan vs Grievous...I mean they did some serious sword fighting. The space battles also rocked. I know some people out there will still be blinded by nostelgia...but man...this new movie is good. Go with an open mind folks....I would give it 4/5. On the total movie list of the series...

4.Ep 2
5.New Hope
6.Phantom Menace
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Postby bigsleepj » Thu May 19, 2005 1:01 am

Here's my review - I wrote it for a Yahoo List but since this popped up I decided to include it here.

Howard Hawks, who directed a lot of great movies like The Big Sleep, Rio Bravo and That Girl Friday had a "formula" for judging a good movie. "Three good scenes, no bad ones". Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" have several good scenes and a few terrible ones filled with wooden acting and bad dialogue, and still defies this formula, making it the best of the three movies despite the trend of these movies being inferior to the originals. I enjoyed it very much and, visually, it is the best of all the movies - originals and new ones, and that takes some doing.

The majority of the movie's dialogue is the pinnacle on inanity and cornyness and this is the biggest flaw in the movie. The second is George Lucas' bad artistic decisions - several of the "battle" scenes involving clones and droids are there just to fill up the time and have no purpose other than to show off Industrial Light and Magic's computer generated images. Still bigger is the Padmé character whose
only purpose in the movie is to act out dialogue that is lower than the writing of soap-operas - her only role in the movie is to tie up the plot-threads and act confused. This is sad considering that she was one of the most interesting characters in "The Phantom Menace".

Another problem is compression - Lucas has too much story to tell and rushes from one scene to the other without barely establishing each. This movie should have seen an hour longer and better written to convery the idea.

Despite all this....Revenge of the Sith is still good, helped along by the visuals and the fairly better writing, but most of all the psychology of Annakin Skywalker and how Chancellor Palpatine manipulates him into believing that dark is good. These scenes are handled with such intelligence that in the end its thoroughly plausible that Annakin becomes Darth Vader. Hayden Christiansin looks like a thoroughly repulsive evil person in the end (although his voice and delivery of the lines could have been better). Like all good villains Darth Vader is essentially a tragic figure and he falls into that ironic position in a very sad fashion.

The other villain of the movie (for the first half at least) is General Grievous, a robot who has a biological nervous-system. He's a very flamboyant character who goes around with a cough like those frail women in costume / period dramas die off and yet is more than he seems. I would have loved to see more of him in the movie.

Ewan McGregor is a good Obi Wan and embodies the wisdom of Sir Alec Guiness in the original. And Yoda is impressive in his fight. As I said this movie could have been a whole lot better, but it still is very effective. And visually it is very well conceived - several action scenes and fights, despite being more frantic than the original, feels more like those from the originals than the previous two movies had. I believe, however, with less technology and less special effects at his command "Revenge of the Sith" would have been much better. As art-house filmmaker Robert Bresson pointed out - the more money he has at his disposal, the worse his movies are. In the first and best Star Wars Lucas had a very small budget to work with and created cinema history. With a bigger budget his movies seem less organized artistically despite their technical brilliance.
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Postby termyt » Thu May 19, 2005 1:26 am

I haven't seen it yet, but I do have a comment on the whole "Dark Side" of the force.

If I were a Jedi, I'd be a dark one. Not because I'm evil, just because I don't mute my emotions. I'd use them to help me. Note that the other side isn't called the "Light Side" or the "Right Side" - it's really more of a neutral side. The Jedi try to walk the middle and lash out at those who do not. In all likelihood, they would lash out at "good guys" who used their emotions to fuel the force as well.

I simply don't believe that some emotions are evil. In ep1, Yoda says fear leads to anger, anger to hate, and hate to suffering. I don't buy it. God hates and instructs us to do so as well. Therefore hatred has it's place. Misplaced hatred is a bad thing, but so is misplaced love.

One last question: Why is Force Lightning such a Dark Power? Because it hurts when you get hit by it? So what? I suppose cutting off an arm with a light saber is a better way to stop someone? And the Jedi Mind Trick isn't dark? Sure, mess with someone's mind, just don't hit them with a stun gun.

At this point, someone always tells me I'm over analyzing, so I'm done. Just some thoughts to ponder.
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Postby glitch1501 » Thu May 19, 2005 7:08 am

i saw it at the midnight showing! i loved it! my whole youthgroup went with lightsabers!
ill post some more when i can

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Postby Hitokiri » Thu May 19, 2005 9:32 am

I was very impressed with the movie. It is very reminiscent of episodes 4, 5, and 6. Sure the battle scenes, lightsaber battles, anakin on fire were so freakin awesome but the story is what touched me. The inner struggle of Anakin to remain loyal to the Jedi ways or to try and save Padme but possible loose himself in the process. I can't explain in words of the meotion I felt seeing Padme telling Anakin she's pregant, Anakin kneeling before Darth Sidious, the elimination of the Jedi (and the Younglings! ::sobs:: ), the final fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan, and the birth of Luke and Leia. It was like a dream...an epic dream.

I just finished episodes 4,5, and 6 a few months ago after agreeing to go see the Episode III at midnight. I thought I would do myself a favor and watch them (I have been meaning to for a while before that) and by seeing that...I came to appreciate this movie more becasue it links the old and the new together. I also liked how Darth Sidious named Anakin Darth Vader BEFORE he got burned. It was intresting.

The only beefs I had was the stupid iguana dog ::shoots iguana dog:: That thing was so freakin annoying. And yes, Darth Vador's "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" make me snicker. Though what do you expect the guy to say? Forget Padme and the kids? I think it's because it's something you'd never expect Darth Vader to say.

Inmy theator, there was a group of people (and one of my friends was one of them) who were fully costumed as the characters. My friend was Leia and her boyfriend was Han Solo. There was Luke, Darth Vader, a Storm Trooper, Obi-Wan, a Jedi, Boba Fett, and two that stole the theator...a guy dressed in C3PO and Chewbacca. They had reporters interviewing them for a long time...that and I was on t.v. for a second while sitting in the theator.
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Postby PrincessZelda » Thu May 19, 2005 10:35 am

I went to the midnight showing last night... And I thought it was pretty good.
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Postby Ashley » Thu May 19, 2005 11:52 am

Well all my friends went last night, but I had to wait til the earliest showing today. I just got back.

Oh man, I think by far this is the best movie in the series--all of them. It was beautiful to look at, but more than that...the storyline was so poignant. So tragic. In the back of my head, I ached when I heard him apologize to Obi-wan, or when he would hold Padme, because I *knew* what was coming. I knew he was going to turn. And that just made it all the harder to watch. I think what I liked about this one was you could see all the relationships coming together, you really felt bad for everyone...etc. It had a real emotional sense.

I think my favorite part of it all was seeing Anakin constantly flicker between good and evil. THIS was the Anakin I wanted to see. The struggling, tense, "I just want to do the right thing but I don't know how!" Anakin in love, not the whiney arrogant Jedi brat or the just plain annoying little kid.

I'm not really sure I have any complaints about things...except 1. seeing Anakin burst into flame made me want to vomit and 2. the "nooooooooo!" was a little cheesy. But isn't that what star wars is? Borderline cheesy? ^^;;

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Postby Stephen » Thu May 19, 2005 7:40 pm

Ashley wrote:the "nooooooooo!" was a little cheesy.

What did you want? Vader>lets go find some hot twilik girls Lord Sidious.
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Postby Ashley » Thu May 19, 2005 8:10 pm

Mock me you do. Unwise you are.

No seriously, I can think of a lot more dramatic ways to express grief--sinking to one's knees in agony, etc. etc. I just think they handled it less serious than Anakin would have taken it.
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Postby Arnobius » Thu May 19, 2005 8:16 pm

termyt wrote:I haven't seen it yet, but I do have a comment on the whole "Dark Side" of the force.

If I were a Jedi, I'd be a dark one. Not because I'm evil, just because I don't mute my emotions. I'd use them to help me. Note that the other side isn't called the "Light Side" or the "Right Side" - it's really more of a neutral side. The Jedi try to walk the middle and lash out at those who do not. In all likelihood, they would lash out at "good guys" who used their emotions to fuel the force as well.

I simply don't believe that some emotions are evil. In ep1, Yoda says fear leads to anger, anger to hate, and hate to suffering. I don't buy it. God hates and instructs us to do so as well. Therefore hatred has it's place. Misplaced hatred is a bad thing, but so is misplaced love.

One last question: Why is Force Lightning such a Dark Power? Because it hurts when you get hit by it? So what? I suppose cutting off an arm with a light saber is a better way to stop someone? And the Jedi Mind Trick isn't dark? Sure, mess with someone's mind, just don't hit them with a stun gun.

At this point, someone always tells me I'm over analyzing, so I'm done. Just some thoughts to ponder.

The Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense. Never 'Attack'. Of course one could argue that Ben's altering the minds of the stormtroopers or Luke's using the force against the Gammorean Guards was darkside
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Postby Stephen » Thu May 19, 2005 8:24 pm

I wish they had made Greivous like he was in the cartoon network thing. I mean in the movie he coughed...a lot...and never held sabers with his feet Caepoera style.
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Postby Yojimbo » Thu May 19, 2005 8:30 pm

Man I should be seeing it right now but my friend had to bale on me...not too happy about that right now. Oh well a company my mom works with rented out an entire theatre Saturday for their associates and such. Except it's at 9 AM....
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu May 19, 2005 8:31 pm

Here's what I wrote in my Livejournal today (slightly edited for language...eh hehehe ^_^; ). It's spoilerific!

" wrote:Let me start by saying that this movie was a VAST improvement upon the other two, especially in the department of visual effects. The effects in the first two were, you know, pretty good. But this movie blows them both out of the sky. The movie opens up with this...crazy, chaotic space battle. Ships EVERYWHERE. I found myself saying, "Wow. Cool." It was a great hook. Thumbs up.

Moving on to the characters and acting. The chemistry between Obi-Wan and Anakin this time was pretty believable. Much better than in Episode II. You could actually believe that they were master and apprentice. There were some awkward moments, but overall, a pretty good job was done.

Anakin and Padme, however, still left much to be desired. While some moments were tolerable, others just made me cringe. More than likely the fault of the iffy dialogue, but I'll get to that.

And now, Anakin Skywalker. It's safe to say that I don't have nearly as much hate for this character anymore after seeing this movie. He's still not a great guy, but we finally get to see what Obi-Wan was talking about when he said, "He was the best starpilot in the galaxy, and a cunning warrior." You could actually somewhat sympathize with him, unlike in Episode II, where I personally just wanted to wring his whiny neck.

Senator/Emperor/Sith Lord Palpatine was a bit awkward at times, sadly. For the most part he did okay, but at a couple of moments that were supposed to be powerful, I ended up laughing. The part where Mace Windu was fighting Palpatine, for some reason that was kind of an emotional moment. Especially when Palpatine was hit by his own Force lightning and was turned into the Palpatine we know from Return of the Jedi. That was just...disturbing. I also felt really sorry for Mace Windu for whatever reason. Never really liked the character too much, but seeing him get his arm hacked off by Anakin-- err, excuse me, DARTH VADER --and then seeing him get thrown out the window by Ol' Palpy, I was just like, "Oh man. That sucks."

Of course, Yoda got to kick some more butt. Some of the dialogue was a little...eh. But Yoda is awesome, and he shows it in this movie. That's all I have to say about that.

The big fight between Obi-Wan and Anakin/Vader was...not as cool as I'd hoped it would be. It was a little too unbelievable. I mean, surfing around on some lava while lightsaber fighting? I know they're Jedi here-- well, a Jedi and a Sith --but puh-leeze. Also, there's a part where Obi-Wan cuts off Anakin's other hand, but the scene was so busy that it was hard to tell what happened. "Did he just cut off his hand? What the heck happened? Oh, so he DID cut it off. Okay. Fun." And then when he cut off his legs and left him there to be burned alive...I wanted to smack Obi-Wan for that. If he was such a good friend, "like a brother", why didn't he just kill him and end the suffering? I guess maybe he WANTED him to suffer for his betrayal? Still, that's not right. I was disturbed by that.

Also, I find it...appropriate that Anakin pretty much killed his own wife. He freaking tried to Force choke her, for crying out loud.

What else, what else...oh yeah, I kinda liked how they threw in a little bit of Alderaan near the end. Although I can't help but see the parallels to Switzerland here. I mean, looking at the beautiful mountainous landscape, seeing "Switzerland" as a shooting location in the credits, and then considering that Alderaan was "peaceful and had no weapons", and also the Swiss-looking hairstyles Leia wore...yeah. A shining example of subtlety.

Also, this stuff Yoda said to Obi-Wan near the end. About how Qui-Gon had mastered immortality or some crap and that he would train Obi-Wan to do the same. Now that I think about it again, it makes more sense, but at the time I was just like, "What the heck is this crap?" What they were TRYING to convey was, Qui-Gon had figured out how to stick around after death using the Force like Obi-Wan does in the original trilogy. They messed it up by writing the dialogue poorly though, and it was like they threw that in at the last minute while writing the script. And if this was something that had to be taught, then why did Anakin appear at the end of Return of the Jedi? Who taught him how to do it, then? Gyaaah.

Well, the score was pretty fantastic. It really helped to enhance the experience of the film and you got to hear some old, familiar tunes again like the Imperial March, the Emperor's theme from Return of the Jedi, Luke's/Obi-Wan's theme (the one that plays in the throne room scene at the end of A New Hope), Yoda's theme, and Leia's theme. Nice touches there.

Overall, I'd say that Episode III is the movie George Lucas should have made in the first place with these prequels. He didn't need a whole 'nother trilogy. Just this one movie, with some improvements, would have been enough. It's not quite on par with the originals, but it was close enough and a fitting prelude to A New Hope. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, and the pros outweigh the cons. So, if you're a Star Wars fan or just want to be entertained for a couple of hours, this movie isn't a waste of your time or money.
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Postby Jeikobu » Thu May 19, 2005 8:54 pm

I saw it today. I think it actually surpassed my expectations. It is easily my favorite of the prequels, however I believe I still like the original trilogy best. Never the less this is the big movie event of the year and it will probably stand as my favorite American film of this year. It was definitely the most violent, serious, and depressing of the films. I can understand the PG-13 rating. I thought it did a great job tying in with the other films, and it made a great finish to the Star Wars saga. And although he didn't get much screen time in costume and all, it was really great seeing Darth Vader again (he's my all time favorite villain out of all fiction). I got really P.O.ed when Mace Windu got killed off, but I saw it coming. I guess I also really liked this film for its realistic portrayal of how one can be deceived and pulled down the wrong path and be totally consumed with evil to the point where he has lost all moral grounding and humanity. It really is a battle of good against evil. It's a good reminder to stay on the right path and not let yourself be sucked in to the wrong things, as they will destroy you, and others. It's great to finally see the Star Wars saga completed. I bet this film will wreak havoc at the box office.
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Postby Link Antilles » Thu May 19, 2005 9:01 pm

I just came back from the movie and I am currently listening to the soundtrack as I write this…..

Impressive. Most Impressive. The story finally feels complete and Episode I&II don't seem so bad anymore, because this is the story of Anakin. Sure, it can't fix the acting, but I finally got to see the new Star Wars movie I was hoping for.

Hehe, I got a serious kick out of R2D2 lighting up those droids. I knew he was a pyromaniac.

First impression I give the movie an 8.5. I didn't mind the Vader "NNNooo" thing. I was expecting worse. My real grumble is the movie was to short, rushing things.

But, before I say much more, I'm going to go watch the classic trilogy (saw one and two this morning) and then see the movie again tomorrow. I’ve got a great idea for a forum RPG, right now…. hehe.

My list...
1. Empire
2. Hope
3. Revenge
4. Jedi
5. Phantom
6. Clones
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Thu May 19, 2005 9:11 pm

Yeah, I though the "NOOOOO!" could have been done a little more convincingly. I don't think it helped that Vader sort of lurches around like Frankenstien in that scene (I don't know about anyone else, but I thought it was pretty obvious that Hayden Christensen was wearing boster boots to reach full Vadar height) As long as I'm on the gripe kick, I'll go ahead and get a few more out of the way:
1. I was kind of disapointed with Obi-Wan watching the recordings of the Temple raid. It just felt slaped together, especially bad after the briliance of the scenes before it (more on that in a bit)
2. Senator Organa seems to sort of pop up out of nowhere. I wish they'd built him up a little more in episodes I and II to get ready for this one.
3. I ws disapointed by General Grievous's scenes. After watching this invincible killing machine in the Clone Wars toons, he seems really unimpresive this time around (Two hands choped off in two minutes? What's up with that?)
4. I guess this is a little like termyt's comments, but I was annoyed by some of the inconsistencies about the Dark Side in this. One minute, Palpatine is telling Anakin that he should embrace a "larger view" of the force rather than being dogmatic about good and evil like the Jedi, and then another minute Obi-Wan is telling him that "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." It sounds like they're both condemming the same thing, even thought the context of the film makes it clear that they're not.

But enough gripping, here's the good stuff: This is probobly my favorite of all the Star Wars films now. This time around the story is not only well concieved (which Phantom Menace lacked) AND well exicuted (where Attack of the Clones stumbled). The acting's still not what it could have been, but it's still lightyears beyond the last two. And, of course, it's visually amazing as well. Since I make a list of the stuff I didn't like, I guess I'll add one of what I did as well:

1. Hayden Christensen does a great job of making the Anakin/Vader conflict believable. Yes, his quick submition to Palpatine isn't very realistic in theory, but Christensen's performance makes it work anyway.
2. Geek that I am, I loved the little references to the other films. Did anyone else see the Millennium Falcon's cameo?
3. For all the attention the dark and depressing second half of the film is getting, I really loved the humor in the first half. The whole sequence on Grievous's ship managed to be an absolute riot while still being compelling action.
4. Continuing that thought, gotta love all that action! Obviously, the pretty effects and big explosions are great, but what I live best is how it all flows together so naturally. I never once felt like a scene was there just to squeeze some more explosions it; it all served a purpose.
5. THE ATTACK ON THE TEMPLE AND THE ANNIHILATION OF THE JEDI. That entire sequence is absolutely astonishing, easilly the most powerful extended sequence of the series. The whole thing reminded me of the baptism/mass murder sequence at the end of The Godfather (which George Lucas did some uncredited work on, by the way). That man doesn't get nearly enough credit for his ability to edit scenes together for maximum impact.
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Postby Stephen » Thu May 19, 2005 9:36 pm

I missed the Falcons cameo, where and when was that in the film.
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Postby Ashley » Thu May 19, 2005 9:53 pm

Wow, no I missed the Falcon too!

I did catch a few other things--like Amidala's hair was more and more like Leia's, how Anakin's clothing resembled both Vader AND Luke's farming outfit (Owen's too), Bail Organa's ship looking so stinking like Leia's..hmm, what else...I noticed a lot of building up things.
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Postby Arnobius » Thu May 19, 2005 10:03 pm

Ashley wrote:Wow, no I missed the Falcon too!

I did catch a few other things--like Amidala's hair was more and more like Leia's, how Anakin's clothing resembled both Vader AND Luke's farming outfit (Owen's too), Bail Organa's ship looking so stinking like Leia's..hmm, what else...I noticed a lot of building up things.

I haven't seen it yet, but I noticed those from the poster and trailer. Also, modelling Ewan McGreggor to look more like Alec Guiness
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu May 19, 2005 11:24 pm

I think Bail Organa's ship is the same one as the ship in A New Hope, actually.
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Postby termyt » Fri May 20, 2005 2:18 am

I believe you'rw right - it was the Rebel Blockade Runner from episode IV.

Ashley wrote:Mock me you do. Unwise you are.

No seriously, I can think of a lot more dramatic ways to express grief--sinking to one's knees in agony, etc. etc. I just think they handled it less serious than Anakin would have taken it.

I may make a lot of the fanboys (andgirls) angry, but I thought all of the dialog in the movie was pretty bad. Anakin's and Padme's read like they were out of the reader's digest version of a harlequin romance. Very cliché.

I did like the movie, though. By far the best of the recent three, probably better than Return of the Jedi in my mind as well.. The characters and acting were much better than the first two – like the actors had gained some comfort in playing their roles. They seemed a lot more real – still a tad wooden (blame it on the director), but a much better performance by all.

The movie was a tad crowded, though. There was too much going on to develop a truly great story. This one will have to settle for “very good.â€
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Postby Sephiroth » Fri May 20, 2005 2:22 am

It Is the same ship, its commanded by the same captain antilles (no relation to wedge) who Bail Organa gave the droids to at the end.

Ep 3 was stunning, i was glad after the terrible ep 1 & the descent/mediocre ep2 that lucas managed to pull off ep 3 the way he did. You could actually sympathise with Anakin/Vader and see how he was slowly being warped whiletrying to dothe right thing, like turning Sideous over to Mace.. but in the end wanting to save padme too much and goes & hacks maces arm off. It ties up to the original 3 very well & it was great to see Sideous vs Mace & Yoda.
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Postby btboy500 » Fri May 20, 2005 3:35 am

I thought this was an excellent conclusion to the Star Wars saga, between the the compelling emotional story and fast paced action. Like others, I definitely thought that the "NOOOO!" scene could've been done better, and I didn't like some of the dialogue, but overall, the good parts far outway the minor bad ones. I can't wait for some kind of full Star Wars DVD set to be released.
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Postby btboy500 » Fri May 20, 2005 3:45 am

Shatterheart wrote:I wish they had made Greivous like he was in the cartoon network thing. I mean in the movie he coughed...a lot...and never held sabers with his feet Caepoera style.

I think he was coughing from what Mace did to him before he escaped with Palpatine in Clone Wars. I do agree that he was a lot better in Clone Wars, he was finished pretty quickly in Episode III.
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Postby Sesshoumaru » Fri May 20, 2005 7:38 am

Revenge of the Sith is quite simply, freaking awesome. Lucas has done it again. SOOOOO much better than I expected. It cleared one big thing up:

In Epi I nad II whenever the Jedis die they just die instead of becoming one with the Force like in Epi 4-6. Is this a contradiction?? nope I'll explain. At the end of the movie Yoda tells Obi-Wan someone discovered the secret to "immortality" he means Qui-Gon although dead can now communicate with him. This is because somehow, Qui-Gon quite literally learned to become one with the Force. He taught it to Obi-Wan and Yoda learned on his own. I think this is one reason fans felt dissappointed with the first two films.
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Postby glitch1501 » Fri May 20, 2005 8:39 am

Blitzkrieg1701 wrote:3. I ws disapointed by General Grievous's scenes. After watching this invincible killing machine in the Clone Wars toons, he seems really unimpresive this time around (Two hands choped off in two minutes? What's up with that?)

completely agree, he was so good in the clone wars

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Postby Nate » Fri May 20, 2005 10:13 am

Sesshoumaru wrote:In Epi I nad II whenever the Jedis die they just die instead of becoming one with the Force like in Epi 4-6. Is this a contradiction?? nope I'll explain. At the end of the movie Yoda tells Obi-Wan someone discovered the secret to "immortality" he means Qui-Gon although dead can now communicate with him. This is because somehow, Qui-Gon quite literally learned to become one with the Force. He taught it to Obi-Wan and Yoda learned on his own.

I don't think anyone's saying it's a contradiction. I think the disappointment from that scene stems from this:

First of all, it wasn't explained well. It was as if the writers threw that in at the last minute to "explain" why Obi Wan was still around after his death in the other three films. The dialogue didn't make much sense.

Second, they didn't SHOW it. Yeah, yeah, I know, they probably weren't able to get Liam Neeson to reprise the role, but it would've been nice if they'd shown a five-second cameo of a blue Qui Gonn.

Third, Yoda explained that it was a skill that had to be LEARNED. Hence why Yoda told Obi Wan that he had more training to do. Shiroi mentioned this a bit in her post. Yoda was a pretty big master already, and if you remember, Obi Wan was around with Yoda in the later movies, so Obi Wan could've taught Yoda how to do it. The point is, if you have to learn it, who taught Anakin? Because remember, Anakin was hanging around with Yoda and Obi Wan at the end of Jedi. Come to think of it, if Qui Gonn and Obi Wan were such good pals, why wasn't Qui Gonn at the celebration at the end of Jedi too?

It raised more questions than it answered, in my opinion. It isn't contradictory, it just...doesn't make much sense.

I liked the movie, even though the Grievous duel was disappointing. Also it WAS pretty cruel of Obi Wan to just let Anakin suffer like that, especially if they were brothers as he said, he should've given Anakin a quick, painless death.

R2 rocked, though. :D

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Fri May 20, 2005 10:35 am

Third, Yoda explained that it was a skill that had to be LEARNED. Hence why Yoda told Obi Wan that he had more training to do. Shiroi mentioned this a bit in her post. Yoda was a pretty big master already, and if you remember, Obi Wan was around with Yoda in the later movies, so Obi Wan could've taught Yoda how to do it. The point is, if you have to learn it, who taught Anakin? Because remember, Anakin was hanging around with Yoda and Obi Wan at the end of Jedi. Come to think of it, if Qui Gonn and Obi Wan were such good pals, why wasn't Qui Gonn at the celebration at the end of Jedi too?

I'm so glad I'm not the only one confused by this. I was trying to explain this to a friend of mine and she just didn't get what I was trying to tell her. "Maybe the dark side is just that powerful and Vader learned it on his own," she said. Bah. If that was the case they could have at least SAID that was the case. Point is, they didn't take enough freaking time to explain.
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Fri May 20, 2005 1:05 pm

I missed the Falcons cameo, where and when was that in the film.

After the crash landing, watch the long pan of the Senate builting. The Falcon flies up to it in the bottom right corner of the screen. It's not very prominent, but it's definately there.

A friend of mine just pinted out a really facinating tidbit that I totally missed. When Palpatine is telling Anakin the story about Darth What's-his-name The Wise, he says the guy had the power to use midichloriens (sp?) to manipulate life. Now, think back to Episode I, how did Qui-Gonn say that Anakin was born without a father? He was concieved by midichloriens... Put THAT in your fanboy/girl pipe and smoke it.

Also, while I did make fun of the "NOOOOOOOOOO!" scene, it's kind of hard to imagine another was of doing it. Remember, Vader is totally caught up in the Dark Side now. Quitet, crushing, introspective grief wouldn't really be in character, especially after watching him go nuts with rage the scene before.
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