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A Utena Thread

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A Utena Thread

Postby Joshua Christopher » Sat May 14, 2005 11:21 pm

I know this series can spark a lot of trouble, so let's keep it civil and debate-free. If you moddies feel the need to, then by all means lock this before anyone starts posting.

Anyway, let's not even mention the movie.

As for the TV series, a friend told me that the, *ahem*, "content" wasn't nearly as bad as the movie.

Would anyone suggest checking out the TV series? It looked rather interesting, and I am aware of some of the questionable content, though not totally.

Help with this will be greatly appreciated. In the end, whatever the Holy Spirit convicts me to do is what shall be.

Thanks in advance.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Sun May 15, 2005 7:57 am

I just finished rewatching the TV series a few weeks ago. I personally really enjoy it, it's definitly on my top ten list of anime. The music is AWESOME, the opening theme is one of my all time favorites. The characters are all really weird and quirky and the plot is trippy and full of symbolism. I'm still not sure if I completly understand it ^^. And yeah, it's not as bad as the movie, but there are still some things you might want to consider before watching.

The show still has sugestive imagery, but it does not blatantly throw Utena and Anthy together like the movie did, and I don't think the two of them are anymore than realy close friends in the series. However, Jury is homosexual and has feelings for her friend Shiori, but never acts on those feelings, and I think the story actully shows that Jury does not wish to feel this way about Shiori at all. I think that *minor spoiler* part of Jury's motivation for wanting to "revolutionize the world" is so she can free herself from her feelings for Shiori.

The characters Nanami and Kaori are very "obsessed" with their brothers, to the point were it might appear that they are in love with them. However, I didn't think they really are, although I could be interpreting their motives wrong. They are rather difficult to understand, like evrything else in the show ^^.

The last objectionable item I can think of is Akio Ohtori, who has the habit of seducing every girl who walks within a few feet of him, including his own sister. He sleeps with his sister and a couple other female characters. No detailed nudity is ever shown, almost everything is suggested. That might be the biggest obstacle for some people, but it must be noted that Akio is the villian and that none of the things he does are ever condoned. Part of Utena's eventual motivation is to free Anthy from the control of her brother.
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Postby Arnobius » Sun May 15, 2005 8:00 am

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Postby Mithrandir » Mon May 16, 2005 7:24 am

Hmm... Utena has caused contriversy in the past, but it's not explicitly on the DND list. As long as people keep things civil, I'll let this continue. Bear in mind, however, that there are already a few Utena threads on the board...
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Tue May 17, 2005 8:09 am

ive never seen the anime... but i started to read the manga... but then i kinda got wierded out. O.o

soooo.... i put it down. XD

alll i know is there is questionable matieral in this. XD

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