embraced by the light..

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embraced by the light..

Postby SquareEnixGamR » Fri May 13, 2005 5:31 am

here it goes-

well....i was born a catholic but we didnt really practice catholocism, because my dad was a protestant. when i was about 14 or 15, i went to a crowded public high school. i didnt have any christian friends whatsoever,which made sense, since i wasnt a christian at the time either. i got involved with a lot of bad things, like smoking and getting into fights,as well as not having any really ''good friends." one day after school, i just couldnt take it anymore. i tried to run away. i wasnt sure where i was gonna go but i wanted to run away from my problems. i did have one good christian friend, but she moved away and i hadnt talked to her in awhile. well one night, Charde called me and invited me to her youth group. i was hesitant at first becuase i thought that they would reject me because i wasnt a christian. i went anyway. i learned things about God i never knew, and wanted to cry after youth group because i resisted God earlier becuase i thought he was out to make my life miserable, but all of a sudden, i was introduced to a loving, forgivving God, which i never thought God was capable of being! the next day at school, something felt very strange. i didnt want to be there-i felt like leaving immediatly. it felt so wrong. later that day i talked to my mom about possibly switching schools, hopefully to a less intense environment. anyway..at the beggining of my sophmore year, my family got an email from my aunt's family, whom we hadn't talked to for about 6 years. they invited us over for dinner. they had totally changed! one thing was very different tho- they were christian. after dinner, my cousin and i went upstairs to her room and showed me her yearbook of her school, greater portland christian school. the class sizes were very small and they had Biblical classes and chapel services, right there at school. this interested me and i told her. i talked to my mom about it, and she agreed to let my cousin set me up with someone to visit the school. what i experienced there was amazing. not one person swore, people actually approached ME to introduce themselves, and the teachers were really nice. you could tell that they loved trully loved God. i was very pleased with my visit,so my mom decided to transfer me there! i knew what must be done. i finally realized that God knew i was in a situation that i needed Him for and he took me out of that situation and totally changed my life. if my old 'friends' from my last school were to speak to me, they would definitly be perplexed, thats for sure. i dont remember where i was but, i do remember dropping to my knees and thanking God so much for what he did and if he could ever forgive me, id give my life to Him. from that day on, ive remained a christian, never doubting my faith, but now growing as a woman of God.
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Postby Hephzibah » Fri May 13, 2005 5:50 am

That is completely awesome, in the truest sense of the word! Isn't God great?!
:hug: Thanks for sharing that SEG, its an inspiring testimony. Strewth, praise God!!!! No words can really express how wonderful it is :grin:
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon May 16, 2005 4:38 am

*sniff* if i could go to a school like that... that would be awesome!

glad to read that square!
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Postby Angel37 » Mon May 16, 2005 4:52 am

That is so awesome! praise God! Makes my heart go warm and fuzzy. ^_^!
<3 Angel
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