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Postby Towi Wakka » Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:53 am

I'm sure many of you have heard of it. Nadia The Secret of Blue Water is a great series. Recently I have been interested in purchasing it on DVD. Should I? I have only seen like three episodes so far. Is there anything I might not agree with. I really appreciate your input! :poke:
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Postby Ashley » Wed Oct 29, 2003 10:16 am

Is that the one based of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea? You know, the one everyone likes to claim disney ripped off?
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Postby Technomancer » Wed Oct 29, 2003 10:27 am

It has a submarine and the captain's name is Nemo. Beyond that there isn't a lot of resemblance. The series itself is okay. I don't think it's anything special, but that's just my opinion. There certainly isn't anything objectionable though, it's a pretty clean series (I've seen most of it).
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Postby Rev. Doc » Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:28 pm

I picked the series up here and there mostly through ebay auctions. However, I have only watched the first two volumes. From what I have seen it seems to be very enjoyable. I just need to sit down for the rest of it when I get the time.
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