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Christian view of Hellsing

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Postby Steeltemplar » Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:19 am

I'm a huge fan of Hellsing. The way I see it, the Christians are the good guys and that generally works in my book. I'm not looking to this anime/manga for my theology, nor should anyone. It's just a work of fiction. There are no vampires in reality to begin with.
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Postby K. Ayato » Wed Apr 06, 2005 11:07 am

A figment of imagination.
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Postby enishi » Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:56 pm

i loved hellsing. it was one of the best vampire animes ive seen, and had one of the best battle scences when alucard and incogneato took to the sky to do battle. quite epic.

i put anime in the same boat as watching regular movies: if your offended by different types of content, dont watch it. steeltemplar is dead on, we really shoudlnt look for theology in movies or manga. japan, while totally sweet, is most definately not a christian nation, so I take that into consideration when i see animes/movies.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:02 pm

Personally, I avoid it like the plague. I have never seen the anime or the manga but it looks pretty occult. I prefer to keep away from series where the "hero" glorifies Satan by wearing pentagrams. Yeah, blood and violence don't really bug me too much, but Satanic imagry does. Just my two cents.
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Postby Sesshoumaru » Thu Apr 14, 2005 4:53 pm

heero yuy 95 wrote:Personally, I avoid it like the plague. I have never seen the anime or the manga but it looks pretty occult. I prefer to keep away from series where the "hero" glorifies Satan by wearing pentagrams. Yeah, blood and violence don't really bug me too much, but Satanic imagry does. Just my two cents.

Geez, he doesn't "glorify" Satan. The pentagrams are a way to show his coven and loyalty to the Hellsing family. :eyeroll:
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Postby Stephen » Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:42 pm

People who have not seen it really should not judge it. Like everything, its personal conviction. If you can watch it and not be bothered, awesome. Don't force it on others who might be offended by it...but theres nothing wrong with watching it if you don't feel convicted. I myself loved it, own it, and watch it from time to time.
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Postby Hitokiri » Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:08 pm

On the topic of pentagrams, I found this intresting. I might do more research on this:

a site about pentagrams wrote:The Pentagram As A Christian Symbol

Up until medieval times, the five points of the pentagram represented the five wounds of Christ on the Cross. It was a symbol of Christ the Saviour. This is in stark contrast to today where the pentagram is criticized by modern Fundamentalist Christians, as being a symbol of evil.

The church eventually chose the cross as a more significant symbol for Christianity, and the use of the pentagram as a Christian symbol gradually ceased.

One fact that conviently missed out that the Occultist chose the pentagram and integrated it into thier belief and symbloic meanings.
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Postby CDLviking » Tue Apr 19, 2005 12:14 pm

Hitokiri wrote:The Pentagram As A Christian Symbol

Up until medieval times, the five points of the pentagram represented the five wounds of Christ on the Cross. It was a symbol of Christ the Saviour. This is in stark contrast to today where the pentagram is criticized by modern Fundamentalist Christians, as being a symbol of evil.

The church eventually chose the cross as a more significant symbol for Christianity, and the use of the pentagram as a Christian symbol gradually ceased.

Satanic pentagrams are actually upside down in mockery of Christ. I didn't look too closely at the ones in the show, but seeing as how he kills vampires with them, they are probably supposed to be the Christian variety.
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Postby Crossdive » Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:19 pm

I am fully against Helsing, whenever I look at it I get a very bad feeling, I will sooner tap-dance on hot coals than approve of this show. This is one of the very few anime I would call blasphemous, Alucard recites a prayer before killing, there is a heap of abuse of the cross symbol and use of the pentegram. As with most vampire things, this is full of occultic themes and twisted morals. I am against vampires as is, but this is one of the worst, the whole concept of blood-sucking bothers me enough, for multiple reasons, one of the biggest being that it is something Satan worshipers sometimes do. Everyone can have there own opinion, but think about it, if you are sitting in a room watching this anime, God is in that room with you, whether you see Him or not, He is omnipresent, do you think He would approve of you watching something with so many things He is against? Or think about it this way, is it worth it to watch something like this if it could influence you or your descernment of good vs. evil? Do you think it is OK to do if this is potentially a threat to your current walk with God, or your oppartunities to grow in your walk with Him and strengthen in Him? Do what you feel is truely right, but, my advice goes to everyone, which is that this is simply NOT good for Christians, or for that matter, the rest of the world, and is NOT worth it, NOTHING is worth it if it is against God, He is the only thing that ultimately matters. You won't be needing anime or anything else in Heaven, so focus on your walk with God as priority 1, entertainment should have to be put through an examination by your Christian standards before you give it a green light. ;)
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Postby Sesshoumaru » Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:30 pm

Actually Alucard never prays. He just walks in shoots the vamp and is out. I wouldn't really call it blasphemous persay, I mean yeah there's occultic stuff like when [SPOILER] Incognito summons Seto to fuse with his body so he can beat Alucard[/SPOILER] but then [SPOILER] Integra takes the final seal off of Alucard's powers and his full power is released and he does battle with Incognito and it is then revealed Alucard is indeed Count Dracula[/SPOILER] but the anime is really good. It has everything I like, tons of violence, cool characters and guns.
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Postby Jeikobu » Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:09 pm

Well the review here says he recites a "prayer".
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Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:33 pm

I don't know who decided to dredge this up again but we're going no where fast; eventually things are going to degrade into "watch this and go to hell" fights. So it's getting locked before it's drug up again.
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