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Last Exile

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Postby Rev. Doc » Wed Feb 16, 2005 7:21 am

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:(How come it didn't have the Guild 'ninja star shaped' ships in the town like it has in the intro?) Also how is Mullin still alive at the end? I thought we saw him die?

The scene in the intro is taken from early in the series right after Claus and Lavie are given care of Al. They have just returned home and the guild star ships come into town looking for Al. In regard to Mullin:

[spoiler]You never really see Mullin die, it's just assumed. The last we see of him he is wounded when the young lady (can't remember her name right off hand) is speaking with him. She then appears emerging and weeping. However, at the end we do see Mullin and her (and if I'm not mistaken their children) so evidently he indeed had not died of his wounds. Now because of the speculation that Mullin had died, I have heard it explained that Last Exile had somehow done something to regenerate the lives of the people. However, if that were the case then would not Alex Row also be alive. We clearly see his grave at the end. Also Dio would also be present with his friends if he were living. I don't know if any of you got the pack of post cards with the last volume. There is one card where the gang is hanging out laundry and there is the figure and shadow of Dio walking towards them.[/spoiler]
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Postby chewster777 » Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:13 am

olorc wrote:I tend to agree that it's not Dio but the Mechanic. At the same time I don't think that as Christians we should be affraid to watch something that has a homosexual in it. How are we supposed to be in the world but not of the world if the world will conform us with something as weak as a half hearted gay man in a cartoon from Japan? Also, if we are going to bring up the sin of homosexuality we should also talk about the fan service in almost all anime and also the frequent blood and gore. It says we are to dwell on things that are good. If you, chewy, feel that movies should not be watched because of this type of content...possibly you should consider how strict a standard you're really setting.

Ugh sorry for the delayed response. I'm still trying to figure this site out.
In response to this, that guy hugged the main character, blew a kiss to him, I mean come on, this is not what I call entertainment. But yes fan service is everywhere you go, but I don't agree with it either. It puts thoughts in your head and can lead to imaginations that aren't wholesome. As I Christian I want to think on things that are good and true. Not all anime does that for me. The anime I choose to watch, because of what it contains is limited, yet I feel at ease, because I really wouldn't have the time to watch all that is out there anyway. Some anime can have lasting negative effects, so just pick and choose is what I say.

The point is that by watching/buying shows with this kind of content in it shows the businesses that we support it, even if we honestly don't. If people would stop watching american shows like "Will and Grace" because of it's contents, then they would find something else to replace it with because of a lack of ratings.
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Postby Ren_sama » Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:23 pm

I doubt Dio was gay.
He didn't love Luciola, if that's who you all are referring to. Luciola was basically given to Dio as a slave, but Dio thought of him as a friend. He even says that they're friends in the episode, 'Castling Luciola'.
He goes insane in the end, because he realized Luciola, his only friend, was dead.

Of course, those yaoi fans don't know the meaning of friendship, and every little conversation between the two they somehow twist into a love relationship...v.v

Anyway, I ADORE the anime. Great show! ^^ Personally, Dio's my favorite chracter. Creepy, but so innocent and kind. ^^
Anyone know if the anime is out on boxset?
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Postby Gypsy » Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:46 pm

Ren_sama wrote:Of course, those yaoi fans don't know the meaning of friendship, and every little conversation between the two they somehow twist into a love relationship...v.v

Scary, isn't it? -_-

chewster777 wrote:As I Christian I want to think on things that are good and true. Not all anime does that for me. The anime I choose to watch, because of what it contains is limited, yet I feel at ease, because I really wouldn't have the time to watch all that is out there anyway. Some anime can have lasting negative effects, so just pick and choose is what I say.

And that is exactly why we have reviews from a Christian perspective here. We give the low-down on a series, and then it's the viewer's choice to watch or not watch the title. If they know what they're getting into, then our job is done.
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Postby chewster777 » Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:15 pm

Gypsy wrote:And that is exactly why we have reviews from a Christian perspective here. We give the low-down on a series, and then it's the viewer's choice to watch or not watch the title. If they know what they're getting into, then our job is done.

Yeah, I really appreciate the reviews. Even if a certain series is not covered, I can still find out some things at I appreciate the info.
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Postby Ren_sama » Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:11 pm

Gypsy wrote:Scary, isn't it? -_-

That it is. :waah!:

But y'know, everyone has different things they like in an anime/manga. Some people can tollerate a little yaoi, other some fanservice...I can't stand much of either, but yea. I would jsut try watching at least one episode of an anime before determining whether to continue watching it or not...
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Postby Gypsy » Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:29 am

Yes, themanime is usually a very good source for anime reviews. Not as good as ours, but then again, I'm a little biased. ;)

Ok, sorry for the rabbit trail - back to Last Exile discussions. :sweat:
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Postby plutogrl03 » Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:16 pm

Ren_sama wrote:Anyone know if the anime is out on boxset?

Yeah, there's a boxset out. Amazon's selling it for $146. You might be able to find it cheaper elsewhere but my research has come up empty so far.
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Postby Ren_sama » Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:04 pm

plutogrl03 wrote:Yeah, there's a boxset out. Amazon's selling it for $146. You might be able to find it cheaper elsewhere but my research has come up empty so far.

OMG! Oh! up
Thanks for the heads up!
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Postby plutogrl03 » Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:23 pm

I'm glad I could be of service and what's nice is that the boxset comes with a mousepad and a figurine of that little girl with the buns on her head (it's late. I can't remember her name right now).
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri Feb 25, 2005 2:17 am

Alvis. I didn't get any figurine or mousepad, but then again I had to buy the volumes seperately as the boxset isn't available in Australia.
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Postby Mangafanatic » Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:35 am

Did anybody else have a little trouble grasping the geography in Last Exile? It was the last episode befroe I figured out that Disseth(sp?) and Anotaray(sp?) where on opposite sides of the Grand Stream. :lol:

Also [spoiler]did Mullin die or not!? I thought he had, but then that guy at the end on the farm looked just like him. Ack, confusion. . .[/spoiler]
Every year in Uganda, innumerable children simply. . . disappear. These children all stolen under the cover of darkness from their homes and impressed into the guerilla armies of the LRA [Lord's Resistance Army]. In the deserts of Uganda, they are forced to witness the mindless slaughter of other children until they themselves can do nothing but kill. Kill. These children, generally ranging from ages 5-12, are brainwashed into murdering in the name of the resistance and into stealing other children from their beds to suffer the same fate.

Because of this genocide of innocence, hundred and hundreds of children live every night sleeping in public places miles from their homes, because they know that if the do not-- they will disappear. They will become just another number in this genocide to which the international community has chosen to turn a blind eye. They will become, in affect, invisible-- Invisible Children.

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Postby Kenshin17 » Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:15 am

I pretty much did what I do when I read a space battle in a star wars novel. I only grasp a little but I just sit back and enjoy the story. As long as you know the outcome your fine ;)

In answer to you question
[SPOILER] I don't think he died. I took it as, he married the one girl soldier. [/SPOILER]
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Postby Alice » Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:46 am

How do you post a spoiler? I'd like to do so.
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Postby CDLviking » Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:43 pm

[spoiler ] take out the spaces in the tags [/spoiler ]
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Postby Alice » Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:21 pm

[spoiler] well, I watched the show and like it, but I kind of think Dio might have had gay leanings (my mom always got confused and called him a girl :/, but that's not the reason), just that he really seemed enamored with Claus. Like someone else said, maybe he's just very uninhibited (and he was definitely just friends with his cohort), but there was one scene in the episode where everyone gave him a surprise party on the ship. One of the slightly slimy crewmen gave him a magazine which I think was a dirty or girly magazine, and he said, "It's the thought that counts, right?" Meaning, I thought, that they all kind of knew he didn't really like girls, but they didn't have anything else to give him. Hey, they could have been wrong, but that was my impression. [/spoiler]
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Postby Doubleshadow » Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:26 pm

I caught that too, but since nobody else had siad anything I've been wondering if I'm misinterpreting something.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Apr 28, 2005 5:59 pm

Goodness. Platonic love people.
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Postby Alice » Thu Apr 28, 2005 6:22 pm

Doubleshadow wrote:I caught that too, but since nobody else had siad anything I've been wondering if I'm misinterpreting something.

Yeah. But I'm not planning to try to find the episode and watch it again to be sure. I don't feel like arguing about it. :)

By the way, thanks CDLviking for telling me how to do spoilers! :dance:
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Postby Scribs » Tue May 03, 2005 7:25 pm

Ha, I didn't notice that when I watched that episode (and I watched it twice). This only goes to show that you miss details when you use a poor sub.
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