Well, I finally got around to typing out a bio.
Name: Jonathan
Known online as: MasterDias
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Location: Texas(Let's hear it for the No. 1 state in the union:thumb: )
Hobbies: computer and video games, reading, listening to music(mainly video game music), and of course, anime.
Weaknesses: Procrastination, lousy time-management skills
Favorite school subjects: History and Science
Currant school status: High School Grad!!!:)
I have been Homeschooled all my school life.
Musical Instrament Played: Violin
Favorite type of pet: Dog
Favorite type of video game: RPG's
Favorite type of book: Right now I'm leaning toward fantasy and sci-fi
And that's all I can really think of now that would be of interest. Unless you really wanted to know my hair color.