It's c-girl! Woo! Okay, um, how did you come to be such an awesome writer?
Hair and eye color?
How do you like your steak cooked?
When did you become saved? What denomination are you? Have you been baptized? If so, when?
Do you hate McDonald's as much as I do?
What's your favorite dessert?
What do you like on your pizza?
If you were on a desert island, and you had ample food, water, and shelter, what three other things would you want with you?
If God Himself decreed that you could only own ONE anime series, ONE video game, and THREE music CDs for the rest of your days, what ones of each would you pick?
Favorite band?
What does it mean to "rock" a vote? Can a vote be R&B'd? Singer-songwrited?
Thirteen colonies? That's bad luck. Who was the colony wizard who came up with that one?
The most important question of all:Coke or Pepsi?
Anyway, what kinda music you like?
christiangirl wrote: Um.... >"< Clear is definitly NOT a color. Just clear by itself that is. Like if you said. 'the water was a clear blue'. That would work, because you could see through the blue. Without any color added to clear, it would just be.....invisible! >^.^< I hope that helped answer your question.
kaemmerite wrote:Clear is a description of visiblity, not color. When most people say clear they in reality mean colorless. Clear fits in with other adjectives such as cloudy or opaque.
That Dude wrote:Clear is a color in paint. Well kinda...So what are your favorite mangas? The same as most the anime I believe?
oldphilosopher wrote:Ug. My body is telling me I shouldn't have eaten at "Kentucky Fried Panda" for lunch today. (But it's finger Ling Ling Good!!!!)
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