Anyway- just a hello to everyone. I go by VioletEyedCat, Daughter of Miho around here, and because there is not much I have to say I'll explain how I chose the name. (I personally love learning the inspiration of names and things, so I hope this is interesting for some of you) I've been VioletEyedCat for a while now- it stemmed from a combination of things. My friend and I would always write each other notes, and we would call ourselves CATs (crazy athletic teenager- yes, it is cheesy, but we wanted something that could be catty). I also liked the book Violet Eyes, which was about these two people trapped in a history time bubble to be observed by the government because they had been genetically enhanced. There was also another book called Alanna about a female knight (gasp!) who had a guardian cat who could talk to her- he had violet eyes. The daughter of Miho thing is a reference to Miho of Megatokyo fame. So there you go.
A few things to be warned of before you converse with me:
I love to swim- been swimming competitively since I was six
I'm applying for many different summer programs at Duke, Harvard, and a place called Telluride- please pray that they accept me, and that if they do- I find the money to go.
I'm almost positive that I want to be a professor when I grow up (if ever)
I talk way too much- shut me up if you see me blabbing on the forums
I love shoujo and shounen manga- I get most of it off the internet
I am a night-owl to the extreme
I love to sing- but I'm just good enough for a choir
I hate people who hold ignorant, uninformed opinions, even if they are similar to mine
I prefer to write essays on my computer rather than long hand
I love CAA because it seems like such a close-knit group of people who are truly kind and supporting of one another.
I'll add more when I think of them- for now, I just wish you all a wonderful evening, for I am going to bed.