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Urusei Yatsura and Kimagure Orange Road

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Urusei Yatsura and Kimagure Orange Road

Postby Rogie » Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:18 pm

I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the content in two classic anime shows: Urusei Yatsura and Kimagure Orange Road. I've been wanting to watch both series for a while, but I'm sort of uncomfortable reading THEM's content reviews sometimes, since they can overlook some objectionable content.

My biggest concern, of course, is nudity, as I believe these shows may lend themselves to a couple of quick takes. Also, does anyone like/hate these shows? They are indeed classics, so I've heard little negative about them.

Thanks, guys!
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:32 pm

I like KOR, although Rev Doc is the expert.

I've seen about 2/3 of Urusei Yatsura (I have a standing order with AnimEigo :sweat: ), and other than very infrequent brief topless flashes and some dodgy costumes, it has minimal sexual content (unless you count Ataru drooling over anything with two X chromosomes).

EDIT: I should add I've reviewed the first two UY movies, and I'm working on reviews for the other four, as well as the full series.
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Postby CDLviking » Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:36 pm

I saw KOR a while ago, so I might not remember everything. I don't remember any nudity in either the TV series, OVAs, or movies. There were however shots of women in their underwear. There are some fanservicey moments in it too. Two of the characters in particular are perverts, and always pressing for information on how far the main character has gone with the girls. In the OVAs they introduce a cousin who is supposed to be a lesbian. I didn't particularly like anything past the ending of the TV series.
[spoiler]There is some talk occasionally about whether or not anything sexual happens between characters. In the TV series it always turns out to be false, and I don't remember much of the OVAs, but in the last movie there is some sex, but you don't see anything.[/spoiler]
Personally, I would say watch the show and skip the OVAs and movies. The show wraps up everything at the end anyway, so you won't be missing anything.
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Postby Rogie » Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:10 am

Both sound like good shows to start watching then (not to mention taking a dent out of my wallet over a long period of time :sweat: ). And I guess I'll skip those KOR OVAs and movies.

And I had seen the UY movie reviews, but I was more interested in the TV series first. I'll be looking forward to your review, shoo!
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Postby shooraijin » Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:34 am

The movies are very similar in terms of content, fortunately.
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Postby Arnobius » Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:21 pm

I've seen 2/3 of UY TV, all the movies and OVA.

Nudity can be found in movie#3 and the OVA episode "Raging Sherbet"
I can recall brief (split second) nudity in about 3 or 4 episodes of the TV show-- mostly done for humor. Early on in the series, the female lead (Lum) tries to get the male lead (Ataru) into bed early on in the series (he won't).

Most of the crude sexual antics comes from the first 4 DVDs, and it cleans up a lot after that. What happens from TV#26-49, I can't say (#50, which I have as a JP import has some suggestive imagery in the Opening song).
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Postby VioletEyedCat » Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:19 pm

I've only read the manga for KOR, but that was pretty clean in my opinion. Like the anime, there were some shots of girls in underwear- but over all, I think it's probably in the fuzzy area between PG and PG-13. The story's so great- I think I'll have to go read it again now!

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Postby agasfas » Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:20 pm

Kimagure Orange Road is, in my personal opinion not bad. So far I've only seen Summer's Begining the movie, and a few eps and so far I haven't seen any nude scenes and the langauge is very tamed and mild. Although, there is suggestive dialogue... Also,
[spoiler]At the end of the movie "Summer's Begining," the 2 main characters Madoka and Kyosuke have sex. Personally, I think it's tastefully done. I don't remember if they were married at the time... if not, it's a given they have been dating for a few years. Also it's more of a poke about how nervous Kyosuke is. [/spoiler]

It's been a really long time since I've seen it so I may be a bit fuzzy on the details. OVerall, nothing over the top and I don't think it would really offend too many.
Though, personaly from what I've seen, I would highly recommend this series.... It's well played.

Urusei I can't really say, never seen it and I've also been curious about this title too. I've had my eye on it for a while. Though, I think there is breif nudity, nothing too severe
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