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Need help with borders on website!

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Need help with borders on website!

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:14 pm

I'm currently working on a website for my novel and I'm in the very basics at the moment. All I have is the general placement of some of the things.
I've had a little experience with Dreamweaver, but not much. I have included a picture of my website so far. I'm going to add an image on the left and obviously do a better heading and place the button links more centrely in the red area.

(In Dreamweaver) I was wondering how do you create a border of the same colour (as where the text is) so the words don't bump up against the box? (as is shown)
I'm also contemplating whether I should have a thin white border around the boxes with text or not. The welcome page boxes will be dynamic so they can be changed, especially important for the updated section.

Any help or tips would be great! And no this is not the final product yet. There is still a bit of work and this is only the index page. I'll be getting this page all good before making it a template and going from there.

In advance, thankyou!

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Postby inkhana » Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:55 pm

Well, I've never used Dreamweaver, but here's something you might check - usually a value like that is part of the table (that is a table, right? Not a div layer?), "cell padding" or...something like that...^^;; Been a while since I tried it. You might see if DW has a setting for this.

Hope this helps...^^;;

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Postby Shipuh » Sun Feb 13, 2005 9:43 am

div layers. div layers. DIV LAYERS!

(div layers are my friend)

i dont use dream weaver, so i have no clue on how you would go about doing that...but making a 1px white border around the boxes would look really nice.

as for as adding images...DIV LAYERS! XD (i guess if you wanted to do it in a more "professional" manner you could use tables...but div layers is an easy little cheat.)

<div style="position: absolute; top:NUMBER; left:NUMBER; width:NUMBER height:NUMBER" id="NAME">

change whatever is in caps. also, you can get rid of some of the variables like width and height and absolute positioning if need be. i hardly ever use "height".
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:33 pm

Thanks. I've never heard of div layers before! Yes, a thin white border would be nice but I need to know how to add a little space around the text. Or is this what div layers do? Can I write this in the HTML code part of Dreamweaver or not? I need MyrrLynn's help, anyone know where she is?
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Postby Shipuh » Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:36 pm

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Thanks. I've never heard of div layers before! Yes, a thin white border would be nice but I need to know how to add a little space around the text. Or is this what div layers do? Can I write this in the HTML code part of Dreamweaver or not? I need MyrrLynn's help, anyone know where she is?

if you are more specific on what you want to do, i can type the html code here. ^^;
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:49 am

Shipuh, this is what I want to do: (minus the yellow arrow and white handwriting)


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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:51 am

Dodgy forum problems... Sorry.
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Postby LorentzForce » Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:14 am

The two attributes you are after are 'border' and 'padding'. Set them up in your table tags accordingly.

Code: Select all
<table border="#000000" padding="5px">

Use div layers if possible, I figured out that tables are a pain to manage and make the coding look ugly in the end. helped me tonnes, so it should help you too.

[edit] I'll betting the above field entries are wrong, such that it's only "5", not "5px". But give it a try anyway, experimentation is the best way to learn anything.
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Postby Shipuh » Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:15 pm

what i usually do for things like that. (yes you can make a border with tables...but thats annoying) i usually make an image with an outline to start off with. (im such a lazeh cheat!) then div layer it onto the background image. i have never had any trouble with that. ^^;

lorentz force's suggestion is very nice, and you might want to consider that. ^^;
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