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Grrrr... hentai problems

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Grrrr... hentai problems

Postby heero yuy 95 » Sun Jan 16, 2005 12:59 am

Okay, I know this has been posted a bunch, but I just had to tell someone. I have trouble with hentai. I got into it right as last summer began. Porn doesn't really give me a problem, but I find hentai so darn enticing. I looked at it just about every night for a while, but after some praying and Bible reading, it went down to about once or twice every few weeks. In other words I would look at it now snd then. But I felt I had to stop completely. Through prayer and God's grace I felt I have overcome it. Maybe.. it seems that every time I say I've quit. I go right back to looking at the stupid stuff the next week. But this is kinda' different. I haven;t seen it for about a month now. I feel really good about it but I am still being hounded by lustful desires. I feel like I'm going into withdrawl(like with smoking or drinking, but with hentai). The urges seem to be getting stronger and stronger. I sually pray and listen to music, which really helps. But they still come. As a matter of fact, I got dangerously close just a little bit ago. Right as I was about to click "google search" I felt the Holy Spirit telling me to stop. so I did. But the urges keep coming and I am starting to feel overwhelmed. Please pray for me.
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Postby CreatureArt » Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:26 am

Heero I commend and encourage you in the boldness and courage it has taken to confess your struggle and ask for help.

Lord, I pray that you would help Heero in his battle against Hentai. I pray that you would send angels to guard and protect him, and that you would strengthen him to do what is right. I also pray that you "would not lead him to temptation, but deliver him from evil - for YOURS is the Kingdom, the power and the glory." I pray that you would thwart the enemies attacks.

I thank you that Heero desires to do right. I thank you that you have been helping him thus far. I pray that you would continue to help him, to pull him out of this trap with your strong and gentle arms. Lord, in our own strength we can do nothing. I pray that you would come in and take over this battle. For with you, it is already won. Please come into this situation with your power and your love.

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Postby TrigunX89 » Sun Jan 16, 2005 3:57 am

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Postby Heart of Sword » Sun Jan 16, 2005 8:02 am

Set your home page as ;)

My dad struggled with that a while ago and made that his that whenever he opened the internet, he was basically reminded "God is watching." :lol:
Heart of Sword's Rhapsody

Money, get away
Get a good job with good pay and you're okay
And all and all you're just another brick in the wall
Shoutin’ in the street gonna take on the world some day
But Bismallah will not let me go
Because I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

Tommy used to work on the docks
Union's been on strike
Bright eyes burning like fire
And exposing every weakness
However carefully hidden by the kids

Who will love a little Sparrow
Who's traveled far and cries for rest
Spare him his life from this monstrosity

I've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all
And if the band youre in starts playing different tunes
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you!

[Pink Floyd fan listening to Queen and hugging trees which is also known as taking care of God's creation with a pair of headphones on listening to Nightwish as loud as possible while writing a novel on a computer in the middle of a field filled with Wolves.]

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Postby Mave » Sun Jan 16, 2005 8:05 am

Based on personal experience, the battle became more intense once I made the decision to discipline my mind. For 3 days, my mind suffered bombardments of lustful thoughts (guess Satan didn't like what I was planning).

But after much endurance, freedom and victory was at hand. God led me to win the battle and is still with me in the battlefield on a daily basis. What God has done for me, so will He for you.

I'll pray for you and many others who are constantly battling this and for victory over it.

Just an extra note, everytime you have a lustful thought (no matter how small or fleeting it is), switch your mind to something else un-related. For me, I immediately think of stories I've been writing in my mind and focus on that. It helps that moment of weakness to pass quickly.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:29 pm

Thanks everyone, and Mave, I usually do think about something different. It does help. Like, I'll watch Robotech or Gundam Wing or work on my comic or play Final Fantasy and it'll get me totally preoccupied. But you still can't good old fashioned Bible and prayer time.
Another tactic I use, I always cheer for the good guys so whenever I get a lustful thouhgt, I just think resisting it as doing the noble thing as they would. It sounds kinda' childish, but it works. Despite all this, lustful thoughts keep coming. So please continue to prayer for me. Thanks. BTW: I'll also pray for for those of you who struggle with this.
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Postby ZiP » Sun Jan 16, 2005 4:37 pm

I've had problems a a lot like yours, but I prayed to God to show me the way of escape he's promised, and he did,
I've been busy lately and mine mind's been taken off these things, and I discovered how happy I was without them, and that I didn't want them anymore!
I'l pray for you, and I suggest you do the same!
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Postby Hitokiri » Sun Jan 16, 2005 6:18 pm

I was heavly affected an dup until this summer..was affected by porn. Not so much as hanti but porn. But I do understand what you're going through. Trust in God and offer your sin to God and rely on him. I realized that even though I would try to not watch porn, my strategy never worked so I relied on God and he helped me conquer it.

Talk to your parents, set a lock on suggestive content on your computer, or take a break from it and spend some days in prayer with God.

I will be praying for you ^_^
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Postby Syreth » Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:06 pm

Sir, I would also like to commend you for stepping out in faith to ask for prayer in your life about this. I'll definately be praying for you. Something I guess I've been discovering is that many times actions are an overflow of what's in your heart. This is Biblically true, since in James, we are told to show our faith by our deeds. Also, out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. Jesus said that if you commit adultery in your heart, then it's the same as doing the actual act. I guess the tricky matter is to change what's in your heart, and I will definately be praying for you about that. Only God can do it, and will if you invite Him to.

God, our hearts are wicked and the sin nature can be overwhelming. I pray that Your Spirit would be alive in us all and that we would put to death the deeds of the flesh. I pray for my brother here, and I pray for myself as well, that You would change us all into the people who You want us to be.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:58 pm

Thanks once again. BTW, my parents still don't know. And to be completely honest, I don't plan on telling them about it for the time being. I planned to just get off of it before they found out, and it seemed to have worked. I knew that if I kept looking at it, sooner or later I would get caught. For some reason I'm kinda' horrified what they would think. But I think I may have beaten it for good. This is the longest I have gone without looking at it since I started. If this keeps up, I will prob. tell them about it after I haven't seen it in a long time. Thanks again.
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Postby Hitokiri » Sun Jan 16, 2005 8:21 pm

Regardless, depending on how good of a relationship you and your parents have, admitting your problem to them is a huge step foward. By admitting to my parents of my problem, it almost did a entire 180 on my problem.

To be truthfully honest, getting caught and possibly getting disciplined is the best medicine for the problem.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Sun Jan 16, 2005 8:59 pm

Regardless, depending on how good of a relationship you and your parents have, admitting your problem to them is a huge step foward. By admitting to my parents of my problem, it almost did a entire 180 on my problem.

To be truthfully honest, getting caught and possibly getting disciplined is the
best medicine for the problem.

I'll keep that in mind. I have wonderful parents and I love 'em to death. But I'm still not too crazy about telling, or at least for the time being. Ya' think I should talk out with a youth pastor? My church has a great one. :)
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:12 pm

Tell your parents. More than likely they'll ban you from the computer, though it would be a good thing.
This one was sucked into the world of hentai, and I was scared. Of what, I know not. I said to myself "What are you doing? You know dXXX well you're tearing yourself apart! You're letting God, your parents and yourself down! You're a child of the KING!" Tell your parents before they find out. It's far worse to have them find out. I felt like a coward for not telling them. That is why I hate pornography with a passion. It's an evil trap. It's better to never touch a computer again than to see that perverseness. And always remember that GOD is reading over your shoulder and knows what your looking at. And remember God's the one who can punish you right there in the computer chair.
Tell your parents right away. It's to important to wait another moment.
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Stop What You Are Doing!!!

Postby c.t.,girl » Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:34 pm

<<edit>> (it was just to nice of what i was saying you need to face facts and tell)

you are doing exactly what i did!!! don't do it!! i almost killed myself because of this!!! seriously!! i still have scabs!!! the cuts haven't totally healed!! you gotta tell yer folks! i know it sucks but you gotta!! i still need to! i'm in the same bout dude! this was the reason for all that crap happening to me! that's why i felt like i'd go to hell! i know i won't cuz i'm getting help...but i still need to tell my folks!!! there's no two ways about it!! i've basically looked at it since i was like...6. yah i know i'm sick. then like 2yrs ago i got caught and blamed it on parents believed me!! now i know i have to tell them...and like you i'm to ashamed and i love them a lot...but if i tell them that means i truly love them...but i dont' know how to tell them. just stop doing this!! i dont' want you to go through what i went through! it basically hell!
[color="DarkOrange"]"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things... hey... the good things don't always soften the bad things; but vice-versa the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant." -11th Doctor

"The advice I like to give young artists, or really anybody who’ll listen to me, is not to wait around for inspiration. Inspiration is for amateurs; the rest of us just show up and get to work. If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightning to strike you in the brain, you are not going to make an awful lot of work. All the best ideas come out of the process; they come out of the work itself. Things occur to you. If you’re sitting around trying to dream up a great art idea, you can sit there a long time before anything happens. But if you just get to work, something will occur to you and something else will occur to you and something else that you reject will push you in another direction. Inspiration is absolutely unnecessary and somehow deceptive. You feel like you need this great idea before you can get down to work, and I find that’s almost never the case." - Chuck Close[/color]
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Postby CreatureArt » Mon Jan 17, 2005 12:51 am

I hope this will help you. It's an extract from my notes taken from a sermon last Sunday.

"We want to do something about our filthiness before we come to God, thinking it will please God, but it doesn't. We just need to get ourselves, just as we are, into the throne-room; laying it down on the dross for the Holy Spirit to work."

I suppose it relates to us not being able to do things in our strength, and the fact that Jesus died for us while still sinners. GOD DOESN'T LOVE YOU ANY LESS FOR THE FACT THAT YOU'RE IN SIN, NO MATTER WHAT SIN IT IS. He died for you knowing intimately every bad thing you've done and will do; all the wickness you are capable of - and he LOVED YOU and FORGAVE YOU even before you knew him or his sacrifice.

So it doesn't matter that you hate yourself or feel so deep in sin. God loves you anyway, and just wants you to come to him. Lean on his shoulder, just rest in his presence. Know that he loves you so much - and nothing, not even the worst, most black and slimy sin, can stop him from loving you or even reduce his love.

I hope that it will touch and comfort you as it did me. God bless and take care.
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Postby TrigunX89 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:45 am

I'm going to come forward and say that I struggle with this too. I haven't told anyone. I'll be asking God to give us all the strength and the will to get over this. I don't think I will tell my parents for the time being. I really don't know what the best thing to do is. Maybe just get rid of anything that would tempt me... I dunno. I'll be praying for everyone.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:32 am

I'm going to come forward and say that I struggle with this too. I haven't told anyone. I'll be asking God to give us all the strength and the will to get over this. I don't think I will tell my parents for the time being. I really don't know what the best thing to do is. Maybe just get rid of anything that would tempt me... I dunno. I'll be praying for everyone[quote]

Hey man, I'll be praying. Even though I quit, I'm still tempted to look at it. It takes prayer and perseverence. And remember, when you haven't seen it for a week or so, don't tell yourself, "hey, that was easy, I could go forever without looking". Now don't get me wrong, you need confidence in yourself, but if you're overconfident and underestimate its tempting power, you'll get sucked right back in. I made this mistake too many times. Instead praise God that you've gone that far, and continue to ask for his guidance. Hope this helps, I'll be praying.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:49 am

i've basically looked at it since i was like...6. yah i know i'm sick.[quote]

No, you're not sick. The only thing sick here is that perverts put crud like this on the internet so people like you and I will come across(pob. on accident) and get hooked. You're just going through the same problem that I was. I'll never forget the day I got hooked. I was on and I typed in "anime" for the search. Instaed getting anime, I got a ton of hentai merchandise. I cliked on a manga and let's just say that it's front cover was very hentai-ish. I felt like I had to see more and thats that. I praise God that you want to genuinely quit. And you're not sick.
Just keep that in mind. I'll be praying.
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Postby Spike20032 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:53 am

I will give you some advise my sensai gave me when I had some habits I wanted to break. Only you can give yourself the will power to overcome this obsticle. As lng as you remain strong and never stray from your goals, then you will accomplish what you set out to do. Best of luck and I will pray for you.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:33 pm

Once again thanks to everyone. I feel like I have truly overcome this. Oh yeah, I have another confession. I like to draw anime characers, and am constantly improving my skills. Sometimes I'll see an anime char. and be like "oh wow! he/she looks so cool" than I would proceed to draw it. Unnnghhh... I even did this with hentai. I am sooo appalled at the fact that I would take a talent that God had given me and just pervert it. Fortunately, I stopped doing this even before I stopped looking at it. I totally shredded them and have no regrets. But I am still disgusted that I would ever stoop so low. And some of my hentai drawings were some of the best works I had ever drawn. UUUNNNGGGHHH YUck.
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Postby TrigunX89 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 2:45 pm

I'm glad you are doing better, Heero yuy. I hate to say that I've done that in the past. My prayers are with you. I haven't looked in a while, but it's still difficult. I'll continue to pray for you all, and try my best to avoid temptation. And thanks to everyone, for all the prayer/encouragement/advice. Just know you're not alone in this.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:44 pm

I'm glad you are doing better, Heero yuy. I hate to say that I've done that in the past. My prayers are with you. I haven't looked in a while, but it's still difficult. I'll continue to pray for you all, and try my best to avoid temptation. And thanks to everyone, for all the prayer/encouragement/advice. Just know you're not alone in this.

I'm glad to hear you haven't looked in a while. Keep up the good work! You'll be in my prayers. If you're on the computer and get the urge, just turn on some music, this is what I do sometimes and you'll totally forget. Than again, it might be best to just get off the computer. Anyway, keep up the good work.
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Postby TrigunX89 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:50 pm

Thanks, I'll remember that. :)
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:05 pm

Oh yeah, trigunx87, if you have any further problems or anything like that, feel free to pm me. This also goes for all of you.
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Postby Rogie » Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:35 pm

I hope things will continue to go well for both of you, heero and trigunx89. I will pray! :thumb:
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Tue Jan 18, 2005 5:33 pm

Thanks everyone! I still haven't looked at it! I'm on a roll!
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Postby CreatureArt » Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:05 pm

You rock, Heero. All the best. I'm glad you feel like it is being overcome :) and I also think it is awesome that you are offering help to others. There's a verse that says something about God having comforted us/ helped us through things so that we can help others. Awesome. God bless you heaps. :thumb:

I can sympathise with the drawing. A while ago (not long enough, but before I joined CAA) I was drawing some pretty ocultic pictures. I felt convicted and finally stopped, but some of them were my best artwork and it was hard, very hard to delete the picture files and burn/ throw out the good ones. I also felt disgusted that I had used something God had given me to enjoy and use for His will in such a way.

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Postby heero yuy 95 » Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:28 pm

Ican sympathise with the drawing. A while ago (not long enough, but before I joined CAA) I was drawing some pretty ocultic pictures. I felt convicted and finally stopped, but some of them were my best artwork and it was hard, very hard to delete the picture files and burn/ throw out the good ones. I also felt disgusted that I had used something God had given me to enjoy and use for His will in such a way.

Good call in getting rid of them. I know sometimes it's hard to let go, but it's for the better. I'm way glad I got rid if my hentai drawings. It was also kind of a waste of paper, too.
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Postby CreatureArt » Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:28 pm

Agreed - its worth more getting rid of them. Then you get a clean start, and can pursue better subjects and methods of drawing.

The cool thing is, designing my cartoon characters has given me so much more joy than that ever could. I agree - bad subject drawings are a waste paper. :) . Hey - have you posted any art on CAA? I'd love to see it.

All the best. I'm still keeping you in my prayers and think you're awesome. God bless you heaps.
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Postby Fireproof » Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:07 pm

Sorry to gravedig, but please prey for me too. I haven't gotten in too deep yet, but I want to nip this problem in the bud. >.<
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