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Aibou [take 2]

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Aibou [take 2]

Postby Aibou » Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:50 pm

I have another thread stored a lot of pages away.. so I thought of doing a new one ;)

*ahem* Hello! You probably didn't see me posting around much.. I did in the earlier days, but I left the boards for a couple of months ^^; Then I started to post around, but not so regulary as before

Real name: Laura S.
Age: 17 (18 in May 2005)
Gender: female
lives in: Netherlands (alias 'Holland', but I don't live in that province)

Spoken/written languages: Dutch, English, German and French
Languages able to understand: Indonesian(family), Maastrichts/Limburgs(dialect) and a bit Japanese (I will be taking this in college).

Status: 1. Single 2. Highschool examyear 3. Mangaka in training

Hobbies and Interests: christian manga, listening to music, surfing the net, animation, reading articles, sleeping, oriental languages, (day)dreaming, plotting, lurking

Dislikes: repetive complaining, overdiscussed topics, making layouts, heat, too many languages at the same time... and leek. XD
Likes: Good food, peace, quiet environments, sleep, anime & manga, detective stories, do something about my sites..

music: Fiction Junction, Yoko Kanno, Switchfoot, Maaya Sakamoto, United Live, Utada Hikaru, OST's

All time fave anime/manga: Fruits Basket, Wolf's Rain, Spirited Away, Metropolis, GUNDAM SEED, GUNDAM SEED DESTINY

Special (I pasted down from the old topic):
- I once went to Germany to go to church, but now the sisterchurch has been set up in my hometown =)
- I have yet to find a Dutch Christian anime fan like me to be not unique.
- I have a favorite verse/quote/motto: "And You will know the truth and the truth shall make you free!" It motivates me so much to draw/write. O_o
- I have a little brother of 13, who's already taller than me..... >_>
- I am a moderator of the Friendship and Counseling Forum! Feel free to join!
- I am now the webmaster of DODEKA.NL!
- My upcoming mangatrilogy will be named: The Open Book ~Heaven Bound~
- Blogging at:

Thanks for reading. Feel free to ask any questions :D
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Postby shooraijin » Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:30 pm

That's a very complete biography ^_^
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Postby oro! » Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:11 pm

So, when did you learn all of these languages? I mean, I am fourteen and have only come to understand minor conversational Spanish and some catch frases in a few other languages. I guess if I were living in these countries....
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Postby Aibou » Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:21 am

Well, I've only lived in one country, so here's the explanation:

native language: Dutch
The dialect spoken in the area: maastrichts/limburgs
I have to learn French, German and English at school :P
My mom and familymembers speak Indonesian.
and I learned a bit Japanese from anime :P
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Postby Ingemar » Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:23 pm

oro!girl7 wrote:So, when did you learn all of these languages? I mean, I am fourteen and have only come to understand minor conversational Spanish and some catch frases in a few other languages. I guess if I were living in these countries....

Such a thing is not uncommon in Europe. First of all, the continent is highly integrated... they all use the same currency for mercy's sake. Naturally, that would mean a lot of daily commerce and travel between French and Germans, English and French (odd because both the English and Germans are bitter historical enemies of France), Dutch and the rest of the low countries, Italy and Germany, etc. etc. I'm not sure if Turkey is a member nation yet, but that is beside the point. The point is, with so many languages mingling, it is simply useful to learn as many of them as possible. The EU has per capita more polyglots than any entity in the world.

They could always pick a lingua franca, but I'm sure the country whose language isn't chosen would resent that. Especially if the language chosen was English or French. ;) Or they could pick a language that no one speaks natively or at home. Like Latin. Hmm, do you think that Latin would resurface in this context and possibly become a native language, like Hebrew in Israel?

Furthermore, Aibou is clearly ethnically Indonesian (see her picture in the Post your Pic thread). Indonesia used to be Dutch East Indies, so naturally quite a few Indonesians emigrated to Netherlands to see what the "mother land" was like. Just like how there are many Indians and Blacks in England.
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Postby Aibou » Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:11 am

I go to a church with multiple languages, among the visitors.. German, English, Dutch, Indonesian, etc, etc.. it's sometimes really frustrating to switchf between the languages @_@

Furthermore, Aibou is clearly ethnically Indonesian (see her picture in the Post your Pic thread). Indonesia used to be Dutch East Indies, so naturally quite a few Indonesians emigrated to Netherlands to see what the "mother land" was like. Just like how there are many Indians and Blacks in England.

lol, that must have been an old pic.. that was really a long time ago ^^;
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Postby termyt » Fri Jan 14, 2005 5:32 am

SOme one from the Netherlands who doesn't like heat. Sounds like a good match. I imagine it gets pretty cold there.

Very impressive. I've always kind of wanted to speak more languages, but I really don't have much talent for it. Probably a result of being raised in the American Midwest. We're an arrogant lot, you know. We think everyone in the world should speak American (not English - we need to change the name of the language).

That's not to say that all of the languages you speak is the most impressive thing about you, of course, just that it's impressive to me.

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Postby Kokhiri Sojourn » Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:08 pm

Cool that you've been hanging around a bit. I like Spirited Away, and have grown to like Metropolis a good bit also - at first the drawing style kind of annoyed me (with the disproportionate legs and such) but really, it is a great movie. See ya around.
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Postby ally-san » Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:55 pm

so are you fully dutch?? im dutch- indo! :jump:
i hope to visit the netherlands one day with my mom cuz she hasnt been back since she was born there and left when she was 4.
dutch people rock! :rock: :rock:
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Postby Aibou » Wed Jan 26, 2005 2:43 am

I'm a Dutch Indo as well :D cool!
So where are you from?
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Postby Aibou » Wed Jan 26, 2005 2:44 am

I'm a Dutch Indo as well :D cool!
So where are you from?
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