heero yuy 95 wrote:Awesome. I've yet to see all of the gundam series, but I've seen wing(my favorite!)
seed(pretty awesome), the original(ties pretty close to wing as my second favorite, I just dig that retro 70s' appeal), and 0083(didn't like, just didn't appeal to me, also took God's name in vain too many times). I would like to check G Gundam, it looks pretty cool.
Zar wrote:Praise God for all things awesome. Life ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rogie_san wrote:Heero Yuy 95, I just want to let you know, before anyone else recommends 08th MS Team, that it does have full frontal female nudity (for an extended period of time), as well as nudity during the closing themes. For this reason alone, I have never watched that Gundam series in its entirety. Also, there's quite a bit of cursing in it, too. Since you noted in the F91 thread that you don't like nudity and other stuff like that, I thought I would definitely mention it, as quite a few people here recommend 08th MS Team without mentioning the nudity and cursing.
Otherwise, though, I'm a huge Gundam fan. The original series is my favorite (and their respective movies, too), but I also love 0080, 0083, Wing, Seed, and G-Gundam, too (now that I'm seeing it subbed, making it far less cheesy!). I'm currently watching Zeta Gundam, which is awesome. I have yet to watch F91 (although I did get it for Christmas). And Char's Counterattack is okay, but I think it's easier to understand if one has seen Zeta Gundam.
Felix wrote:And gungrave, XD I am sure you look quite the man-beast in a suit.
Neo3DGfx wrote:I am a huge fan of Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED DESTINY.
Yeshua-Knight wrote:char's counterattack is alright, a little rushed for my taste, it seemed too far from where the series ended so there was a lot that had taken place between the series and the movie that made things a lil' difficult to catch up on
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