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Postby sonichiro » Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:29 pm

ya, anyways i thought i might as well post some stuff on my self, like anyone wants to hear it but to bad! i was raised in a christian home(still am) and i knew allot of things about christianity from my mom(who is EXTREMELY on fire for God). i decided for myself that i was going to follow Christ about two years ago at this huge anual christian event called Aquire the Fire. the speaker was calling people to come down and accept God into their lives, and i wanted to go but i already was a 'christian'. i put quotes around that because i was a christian living for the wrong reasons, i wasn't living for God. i started praying that the speaker would invite people down who were already christians but wanted to reaffirm their faith for the reasons i just mentioned. and wouldnt you know it he did. then i was terrified to go down because i was with my youth group from my church, what would they think of me??? i started praying for someone i knew to go foward. as soon as i prayed that a friend of mine got out of her seet to start the long journey to the altar(we were in the nose bleed section). this time i knew i had to go. so i got out of my seet and walked out onto the stairs with her. but the stairs were full of people on their knees or laying face down that we could barely move. so i sat down and began to weep. i had never cried like this before, i began to sob and pray to God. i fealt warmth all over the back of my head, my neck and my back. i looked behind me and my youth leaders and some of my friends had their hands outstretched to me, praying for me and her. i looked at her and she was sobbing too. eventually we made it down the thousands of steps to the altar where people prayed for us and gave us Bibles. she put out her hand out and i grab on to it as if to say were entering to our new lives together. it was AMAZING! now i'm hungry for God and am going on a missions trip with my sister and other members of our youth group this summer to nicuragua! my mom is on a missions trip right now in africa, actually. i'm 5'9 and most people think i'm seventeen but im actually going to be turning 15 in a couple months. my hair is long on one side and short on the other in the front but the back of my head has all the same length hair. i don't date because i beleive its just a source of heart break at my age. dating is searching for a spouse, what fourteen year old needs to be searching for a spouse, i'm still a kid!!! i plan on teaching english as a second language and go on mission trips allot! i also plan to have my own manga series called Chasing Ashes. i love the Lord and have a heart for people. i get nervous around people i don't know tho, and i start to panick and i suddenly become aware of my hands. i never know what to do with them, should i put them in my pockest should i crack my knuckles....i know it sounds weird but its true. so if youve read this whole thing your my new best friend, you deserve a hero cookie!
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Postby oro! » Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:06 pm

Thank you for sharing your testimony! I think that would be very good to a lost person, if you know what I mean. God can and will and always has made miracles.
Yay! So, what does this hero cookie taste like?
OH, what country is your mom in in Africa? I happen to have known some people in a few countries there.
Did you cut your hair that way on purpose?:lol:
What anime and manga do you like? what kinda music are you in to?(if at all)
"I've learned when you throw mud at others, not only do you get your hands dirty, but you also lose a lot of ground." Ravi Zacharias
"Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig." Aleksander Solzhenitzen (so call me on it)
"Zeal without knowledge can lead to chaos." - Bob Rohm
"Why don't we love his truth as much as we seem to love his love?"- Cross Movement, in their song "Check us Out"
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Postby sonichiro » Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:39 pm

yes i do know what you meen about that lost person comment! ^__^
my mom's in south africa(i didn't know there was a country called south africa before she went. kind of an unorigional name huh??? jk) she's in a really remote part, tho. there arent any phones or computers so she has to make trips to another missionaries house every so often to call us. yes i did cutt my hair like that on purpose ^__^ lol. i LOVE praise in worship music! i don't want to sound like the sheltered little christan boy here but thats basically all i listen to other than pilate. i love pilate!!! if you like worship music buy hillsong the next generation united!!! do it, go now!!lol. um i don't really like any anime/manga. there is allot of art that i love, but when it comes to the story lines there isnt much. i wish there was a christian anime or manga, i would love that! thats actually how i found this site, by searching for christian anime on google! my mom called me from africa and told me theres tons of manga for sale at a marcket near the house(i'm guessing shes in a house she could be in a hut i don't know!)
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Postby oro! » Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:00 pm

Um, have you ever studied a thing I call World Geography? JK Not all can remember so many things, least of all that!
Yes, most of Africa is villages, but don't stereotype, now! JK
What is pilate?
I see. There are a whole lot of cool webmangas that are Christian. OH, if you like action,AND if you ever read any manga/anime Rurouni Kenshin is good.
No fair! I bet it is cheaper there!
Worship music is always good. I jsut happen to like worship music in the form of rock or other... I might check it out anyway. Worship is always uplifting. YOu can tell after you've listened to a lot of secular music especially.
I love South Africa! Um, if you could find out some time where she is, could you inform the public, or something?
"I've learned when you throw mud at others, not only do you get your hands dirty, but you also lose a lot of ground." Ravi Zacharias
"Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig." Aleksander Solzhenitzen (so call me on it)
"Zeal without knowledge can lead to chaos." - Bob Rohm
"Why don't we love his truth as much as we seem to love his love?"- Cross Movement, in their song "Check us Out"
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Postby Little T-chan » Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:29 am

THAT'S SOOOO COOL!!!!!!!!!! Good for you Sonichiro!!!!! <3
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Postby sonichiro » Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:39 pm

sure i'll "inform the public" lol. i saw rurouni kenshin at a bookstore and was going to buy it but wasnt sure if i'd like it, i'll check it out if you say its good!! how can you not know who pilate is!! its the best band! some songs they have videos for are melt into the walls, overrated and into your hide out(if you watch music stations on tv) and thankyou, t-chan!! ^__^ ttyl.
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Postby oro! » Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:33 pm

Eh...I only watch Country Music Television, and then only once in a while. There used to be a Christian station with music videos on it, but not anymore with me.
Yeah, RuroKen is the best!!! I am personally hooked on it, so I hope you like it.
"I've learned when you throw mud at others, not only do you get your hands dirty, but you also lose a lot of ground." Ravi Zacharias
"Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig." Aleksander Solzhenitzen (so call me on it)
"Zeal without knowledge can lead to chaos." - Bob Rohm
"Why don't we love his truth as much as we seem to love his love?"- Cross Movement, in their song "Check us Out"
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Postby sonichiro » Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:47 pm

-- if white was black and black was white, what of shades of grey?
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Postby christianfriend » Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:00 pm

wow! I thought that was realy interesting Sonichiro! Im happy your so involved with God!! Good for you!
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Postby sonichiro » Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:25 pm

k, hi! my mom just flew in today and we just came home an hour ago. she flew into johanisburg south africa and then went to malawi from there. she stayed in a house with guards and guard dogs so she was perfectly safe. she helped a team preach in a prison and said that EVERY man in there droppe dto their knees and surendered their hearts to God. she said that they came at a good time too because some were ill and about to die. there is so much more that happened too but this is all i can remmeber for now!
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:45 pm

ver nice ^_^ my youth group is going on a missions trip too later, to poland
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Postby oro! » Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:07 pm

Praise the Lord! It's good she was safe and by doing kingdom work people came to know Jesus! Thanks for telling us.
"I've learned when you throw mud at others, not only do you get your hands dirty, but you also lose a lot of ground." Ravi Zacharias
"Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig." Aleksander Solzhenitzen (so call me on it)
"Zeal without knowledge can lead to chaos." - Bob Rohm
"Why don't we love his truth as much as we seem to love his love?"- Cross Movement, in their song "Check us Out"
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Postby sonichiro » Mon Jan 17, 2005 3:20 pm

^__^ your welcome! and mr. sp, thats so kewl! poland is awsome!!
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