Hello, everyone. My name is Joey. I'm so glad that I found this site. I stumbled upon it just out of curiousity. I went on a search engine and I was like, "I wonder if Christian anime even exists." So, I searched "Christian Anime", and I ended up here. I've been an anime fan since I was 10. That would make it 8 years. I've seen both the good and the bad sides of anime. But just recently I've been saved by the grace of God, maybe a year or so ago. And I've learned, as I've read the Word, that I can't compromise anything anymore for the world. That means everything I watch, think, read, everything; I have to do it for the Lord.
I then saw that much of the anime I had really conflicted with the moral standards said in the Word, which I now I try to abide by. So, I pretty much cleaned out my collection of anime, either selling it or throwing away, and decided that I would watch what I get from now on. Even the stuff I decide to keep, I still have to watch out.