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The Incredibles

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Postby termyt » Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:19 pm

I thought Syndrome was a lousy villain, to be honest. It really didn't detract from the movie for me, but he either needed to be more over-the-top-melodramatic or a lot more menacing. The greatest shame would have been being beat by an opponent with no style.

And they broke the cardinal rule of comics - don't kill the bad guy. Where would Batman be if the Joker actually died?

I loved the movie though - I don't want my picking of nits to detract from that simple fact. I would think it would fall colose to the "must see" category for people of our ilk.
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Postby ashfire » Fri Dec 31, 2004 7:37 pm

Being that Pixar as done sequels of Toy Story do you think the Incredibles could have a sequel being that it has done very well at the movies.
There can always be a new villian to fight.
I want to see what Jack Jack would do in his terrible twos.
How Violet would handle school and dating while helping her family with hero work.
Maybe we could get to see the grandparents. :cool:
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Postby Camuel » Sat Jan 01, 2005 2:10 pm

I think it is pretty much certain that there will be a sequel!! Love the movie. It hits on so many different levels which the best ones do. Recommended

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Postby Scribs » Sun Jan 02, 2005 6:11 am

I have my doubts concerning a sequal. Due to the fact that Pixar has split up with Disney, both have rights to the film. Therefor either could legaly make a sequal (I think). If pixar made one I am sure it would be great, but if disney did then it would probably be of the sameqality as some of disney's more recent swill (Lilo and Stich for example) I am hoping that if there is a sequal that it is done right.
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